

Tree-Ripe Mango Fruit: Physicochemical Characterization, Antioxidant Properties and Sensory Profile of Six Mediterranean-Grown Cultivars

Giuseppe GianguzziCarla GentileAgata MazzagliaGiuseppe SortinoVittorio FarinaEristanna Palazzolo


0106 biological sciencesVitaminFlavourTitratable acid01 natural scienceslcsh:Agriculturechemistry.chemical_compoundSettore BIO/10 - Biochimicasensory profileCultivarphysicochemical analysesVitamin CChemistryFleshfruit qualitylcsh:SMangifera indicaphysicochemical analysefood and beverages04 agricultural and veterinary sciencesAscorbic acidSettore AGR/03 - Arboricoltura Generale E Coltivazioni ArboreeHorticulturePolyphenol<i>Mangifera indica</i>040103 agronomy & agriculture0401 agriculture forestry and fisheriesAgronomy and Crop Science010606 plant biology & botany


Some of the key components that contribute to the acceptance of high-quality fresh mangoes by consumers are its flavour, odour, texture and chemical constituents that depend mainly on level of maturity. In the European market, the demand for tree-ripened fruit has increased in recent decades. Nevertheless, the qualitative response and the marketable characteristics of tree-ripened mango fruit grown in the Mediterranean area are not yet studied. Tree-ripened fruits of cv Keitt, Glenn, Osteen, Maya, Kensington Pride and Tommy Atkins were submitted to analytical (fruit weight, transversal diameter, longitudinal diameter, flesh firmness, total soluble solid content, titratable acidity, seed weight, peel weight, percentage of flesh and fibre, ash content, fat content, carbohydrate content, riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Mn and Zn contents, ascorbic acid and vitamin A) and sensory evaluations. Significant differences were observed for sensory and physicochemical characteristics in a cultivar-dependent manner. The mango Keitt, in addition to its interesting physicochemical traits, content of protein and vitamin, has a higher sensory appeal. Glenn fruit showed more suitable weight, flesh firmness, soluble solids, vitamin content, total antioxidant activity and total polyphenolics content
