

Ageing employees and human resource management – evidence of gender-sensitivity?

Sirpa KoponenHanna SalminenIiris Aaltio


Cultural StudiesOrganizational Behavior and Human Resource ManagementemployeeApplied psychologysukupuolihenkilöstöjohtaminenManagementGender StudiesAge and genderAgeingHuman resource managementtyöntekijätIntegrative literature reviewhenkilöstöhallintoSociologyGender sensitivityikäPractical implications


Purpose – The purpose of this study is to identify the different research strands concerning studies related to human resource management (HRM) and ageing employees. More specifically, the paper analyses how age and gender are understood and conceptualized in these studies. Design/methodology/approach – An integrative literature review concerning ageing employees and HRM with special reference to gender is the approach taken in this paper. Findings – Recent studies relating to HRM and ageing employees were categorized and analysed. The paper concludes that there is a need for a more holistic understanding of the concept of age in studies related to ageing employees and HRM and also argues that the intersection of age and gender is under-researched in the field of HRM. Practical implications – Based on literature review the paper outlined directions for how gender-neutral age management studies may be extended. A pluralist understanding of age and gender would help to understand the different needs and expectations that ageing employees may have in terms of HR practices and policies. Institutional practices and legislation can promote equality, but organizational contexts, both internal and external, should be scanned in order to recognize possible ageist or age-blind practices. Ageing women in particular have the burden of being recognized in terms of chronological stereotyped changes that might damage their work and career. Originality/value – Research on ageing employees and HRM with special reference to gender is limited and therefore an integrative literature review is needed.
