Measurement of the decay η′→π0π0η at MAMI
P. AdlarsonF. AfzalZ. AhmedC. S. AkondiJ. R. M. AnnandH. J. ArendsR. BeckN. BorisovA. BraghieriW. J. BriscoeF. CividiniC. CollicottS. CostanzaA. DenigE. J. DownieM. DieterleM. I. Ferretti BondyS. GardnerS. GarniD. I. GlazierD. GlowaW. GradlG. GurevichD. J. HamiltonD. HornidgeG. M. HuberA. KäserV. L. KashevarovS. KayI. KeshelashviliR. KondratievM. KorolijaB. KruscheA. LazarevJ. LinturiK. LivingstonI. J. D. MacgregorD. M. ManleyP. P. MartelJ. C. McgeorgeD. G. MiddletonR. MiskimenA. MushkarenkovA. NeganovA. NeiserM. OberleM. OstrickP. OttP. B. OtteB. OussenaD. PaudyalP. PedroniA. PolonskiS. PrakhovA. RajabiG. RonT. RostomyanA. SartyC. SfientiV. SokhoyanK. SpiekerO. SteffenI. I. StrakovskyT. StrubI. SupekA. ThielM. ThielL. TiatorA. ThomasM. UnverzagtY. A. UsovS. WagnerD. P. WattsD. WerthmüllerJ. WettigL. WitthauerM. WolfesR. L. WorkmanL. A. Zanasubject
An experimental study of the η′→π0π0η→6γ decay has been conducted with the best up-to-date statistical accuracy, by measuring η′ mesons produced in the γp→η′p reaction with the A2 tagged-photon facility at the Mainz Microtron, MAMI. The results obtained for the standard parametrization of the η′→π0π0η matrix element are consistent with the most recent results for η′→ππη decays, but have smaller uncertainties. The available statistics and experimental resolution allowed, for the first time, an observation of a structure below the π+π− mass threshold, the magnitude and sign of which, checked within the framework of the nonrelativistic effective-field theory, demonstrated good agreement with the cusp that was predicted based on the ππ scattering length combination, a0−a2, extracted from K→3π decays.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2018-07-03 | Physical Review |