

La prestación de maternidad en los supuestos de gestación subrogada

Eduardo Enrique Taléns Visconti


Social security:CIENCIAS JURÍDICAS [UNESCO]familiafamilyprestación de maternidadthe Spanish Supreme Court has responded to this issue in the sense of recognizing the right to the provision for maternity benefit to the father or mother ?in fact?as a technique of assisted reproduction prohibited by Spanish lawtrascend of the Civil Law. Specificallyin certain casesgestación por sustituciónhumanitiesEduardo Enrique Surrogate pregnancyinterés superior del menorUNESCO::CIENCIAS JURÍDICASgestation by substitutionmaternity benefitefecttivelydevelop own parental powers. Seguridad socialbest interest of the child. 438 453raises a number of legal questions than2386-4567 22661 Actualidad jurídica iberoamericana 502169 2018 9 6653335 La prestación de maternidad en los supuestos de gestación subrogada Taléns Viscontiit has been discussed about de possibility that de person or persons consigner in the gestation contract substitution have access to the provision for maternity benefit. Recentlyhealth care economics and organizations


Surrogate pregnancy, as a technique of assisted reproduction prohibited by Spanish law, raises a number of legal questions than, in certain cases, trascend of the Civil Law. Specifically, it has been discussed about de possibility that de person or persons consigner in the gestation contract substitution have access to the provision for maternity benefit. Recently, the Spanish Supreme Court has responded to this issue in the sense of recognizing the right to the provision for maternity benefit to the father or mother ?in fact?, efecttively, develop own parental powers.
