

Transnationalisation and Nordic higher education - Tensions and possibilities in educational policy

Arja HaapakorpiTaina Saarinen


laadunvarmistustransnational and nationalinternationalization of higher educationkorkeakoulupolitiikkanetworked policyNordic higher educationmarketizationEnglish as medium of instruction


The recent developments in Nordic higher education policy are closely linked with global tendencies, which are in turn reacted to at national and local levels. The financial crisis, massification of higher education, and the attachment to transnational, mainly European policies have set the background for new tendencies in education governance. New governance patterns are the outcome of transnational pressures, which are domesticated at the national level. Thus, these transnational tendencies are (re‐)constructed for different transnational, national and local purposes. This thematic issue analyses how the Nordic countries have reacted to these tendencies, tensions and possibilities. nonPeerReviewed
