

Producing high-strength liquor from mesophilic batch acidification of chicken manure.

Olaf LuschnigChristoph BürgerThomas GüntherChristian AbendrothErik Wünsche


Environmental EngineeringWaste managementChemistryHydrogen-Ion ConcentrationPulp and paper industryFatty Acids VolatilePollutionManureManureAnaerobic digestionBioreactorsTap waterBiogasWaste ManagementBiofuelBiofuelsAnimalsChicken manureAnaerobic exerciseChickensMethaneMesophile


This report describes the results from anaerobic batch acidification of chicken manure as a mono-substrate studied under mesophilic conditions. The manure was diluted with tap water to prevent methane formation during acidification and to improve mixing conditions by reducing fluid viscosity; no anaerobic digester sludge has been added as an inoculum. Highest acidification rates were measured at concentrations of 10 gVS L−1 and 20 gVS L−1; the pH value remained high (pH 6.9–7.9) throughout the test duration and unexpected fast methane formation was observed in every single batch. At substrate concentrations of 10 gVS L−1 there was a remarkable methane formation representing a value of 82% of the respective biochemical methane potential of chicken manure. Increasing substrate concentrations did not supress methane formation but impaired acid production. Consequently, the liquor cannot be stored over longer periods but should immediately be used in a digestion process.
