

On john maynard keynes's anti-semitism once again: A documentary note

Luca Fiorito


Arts and Humanities (all)Richard f. kahn2001History and Philosophy of ScienceJohn m. keyneAnti-semitismBertrand russell


This note presents new archival evidence about John Maynard Keynes' attitudes toward Jews. The relevant material is composed of two letters sent by Robert G. Wertheimer to Bertrand Russell and Richard F. Kahn along with their replies. Between 1963 and 1964, Wertheimer - An Austrian-born Jewish immigrant then professor of economics at Babson College - wrote to Russell and Kahn asking for their personal reminiscences concerning Keynes' anti-Semitic utterances. In their brief but still significant responses, both Russell and Kahn firmly denied any hint of anti-Semitism in Keynes, thereby providing significant first-hand testimonies from two of his closest acquaintances.
