"Table 126" of "A measurement of soft-drop jet observables in $pp$ collisions with the ATLAS detector at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV"
Atlas Collaborationsubject
13000.0substructureAstrophysics::High Energy Astrophysical PhenomenaP P --> JET JETHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentSoft dropRgdescription
Data from Fig 17c. The extracted quark-distribution from the unfolded charged-particle $R_g$ distribution for anti-kt R=0.8 jets with 600 < $p_T$ < 800 GeV, after the soft drop algorithm is applied for $\beta$ = 2, in data. All uncertainties described in the text are shown on the data. The distributions are normalized to the integrated cross section, $\sigma$.
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2021-01-01 |