"Table 3" of "Measurements of the electron and muon inclusive cross-sections in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector"
Atlas Collaborationsubject
P P --> MU+ XInclusiveSingle Differential Cross SectionP P --> MU- XProton-Proton Scattering7000.0High Energy Physics::ExperimentDSIG/DPTNuclear ExperimentTransverse Momentum DependenceMuon productiondescription
Inclusive muon cross section after subtraction of W,Z, Drell-Yan and top background for |eta| < 2.5 and pT > 4 GeV: (stat) statistical error, (sys) systematic error. The first systematic error is the intrinsic error of the measurement, the second the error due to the luminosity, the third is due to the subtraction of the background and is dominated by the error on the W, Z inclusive cross sections.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2011-01-01 |