

3D motion of flexible ferromagnetic filaments under rotating magnetic field

Abdelqader ZabenGuntars KitenbergsAndrejs Cēbers


Flexible filamentRotating fieldMagnetic filamentFerromagnetic particles


This repository contains experimental data and numerical results related to the publication: A. Zaben, G. Kitenbergs, A. Cēbers (2020), 3D motion of flexible ferromagnetic filaments under rotating magnetic field. Soft Matter,   https://doi.org/10.1039/D0SM00403K   / https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.03737. Figs_data.xlsx contains the data presented in the figures. Experimental_Data.rar contains experimental images used to obtain the results for Fig. 3 and 9. The files are named with the operating frequency, field strength and filament length. Numerical.rar contains numerical results used in Fig.6, 8 and 9. The files are named with Cm values. The results are in .dat files named with Cm values followed by wt (wend_cm_wt). The first column is for time(t) followed by x,y,z values of filament tips.   
