

Foraging behavior of two egg parasitoids exploiting chemical cues from the stink bug Piezodorus guildinii (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae)

María Fernanda CingolaniMaría C. BarakatGerardo Gustavo LiljesthrömStefano Colazza




Abstract: Several parasitoids attacking the same host may lead to competition. Adult parasitoids’ abilities to find, parasitize and defend hosts determine resource’s retention potential. In soybean, two egg parasitoid species, Telenomus podisi and Trissolcus urichi (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae), compete on the egg masses of Piezodorus guildinii (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) one of the major pest of this crop. We evaluated parasitoid’s abilities to exploit hosts’ footprints; and parasitoid’s behavior when competing for the same host. Both arena residence time and retention time were similar for T. podisi and T. urichi on male or female host footprints. In its turn, T. urichi reentered the area contaminated with P. guildinii more times and staid longer in it than T. podisi. Furthermore, when competing for the same egg mass, each parasitoid species won (was in possession of the host by the end of the experiment) half of the replicates, and the number of times each wasp species contacted host in the first place was similar, without affecting replicate outcome (who ultimately won). Both species started agonistic and non-agonistic encounters. This study provides information about the potential interspecific competition between these parasitoids, which contributes to evaluate the compatibility of multiple natural enemies’ biological control programs for stink bugs.
