

"Variable bin $m_{Z\ell}$ for SRFR " of "Search for trilepton resonances from chargino and neutralino pair production in $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV $pp$ collisions with the ATLAS detector"

Atlas Collaboration


ElectroweakDN/D$m_{Z\ell}$Proton-Proton ScatteringP P --> CHARGINO- CHARGINO+ XP P --> CHARGINO+ NEUTRALINO1 XSUSYSupersymmetryP P --> CHARGINO+ CHARGINO- X13000P P --> CHARGINO- NEUTRALINO1 X


The observed data and post-fit SM background expectation as a function of $m_{Z\ell}$ in SRFR. The $m_{Z\ell}$ binning is the same as used in the fit and the yield is normalized to the bin width, with the last bin normalized using a width of 200 GeV. the "Other" category mostly consists of $tWZ$, $t\bar{t}W$, and $tZ$ processes. The hatched bands indicate the combined theoretical, experimental, and MC statistical uncertainties. The bottom panel shows the significance of the differences between the observed data and expected yields, computed following the profile likelihood method described in ref.[arxiv: physics/0702156]
