

Oxygen isotope composition of North American bobcat (Lynx rufus) and puma (Puma concolor) bone phosphate: implications for provenance and climate reconstruction

Stephanie J. PietschThomas Tütken




Feline carnivores are threatened by illegal wildlife trade. Tracing the provenance of unknown felid tissues via stable isotope analysis could provide important information in wildlife crime investigations. The oxygen isotope composition of mammalian skeletal phosphate (δ18Op) is widely applied to trace the origin of animal remains and to reconstruct migratory patterns in palaeontological, archaeological, ecological and wildlife forensic applications. Teeth and bones of terrestrial mammals form at constant body temperature in isotope equilibrium with body water, which is predominantly controlled by ingested meteoric water (δ18Ow) that varies systematically with latitude, altitude and climate. Here we analysed δ18Op of 106 North American puma and bobcat bones of known geographic origin to establish the first δ18Op−δ18Ow regression for feline carnivores: δ18Op = 0.40(±0.04) * δ18Ow + 20.10(±0.40) (R2 = 0.46, n = 106). This was compared with those from their respective prey species (deer and rabbit), a canid carnivore (fox) and other placental mammals. Effects of species, sex and relative humidity on the feline δ18Op−δ18Ow correlation were analysed and additional intra-individual tissue comparisons (hair δ18Oh vs. bone δ18Op) were performed for some bobcat individuals. Bobcats and pumas exhibited only a moderate δ18Op−δ18Ow correlation, which differed from canid carnivores and other placental mammals. However, feline δ18Op values revealed a moderate relation with δ18Ow, which lacks for the δ18Oh of hair from the same bobcat individuals. This indicates a difference in oxygen isotope routing from body water to bioapatite and hair. Most herbivores and omnivores track δ18Ow in their bioapatite δ18Op values much better, whereas δ18Op and especially δ18Oh values of feline carnivores are less precise proxies for meteoric water δ18Ow values and thus for provenance determination in wildlife forensics and palaeoclimate reconstructions. Oxygen isotope fingerprinting of bobcat and puma is biased by factors related to their diet, behaviour and metabolism that need to be better understood.
