"Stau SRee efficiency" of "Search for displaced leptons in $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV $pp$ collisions with the ATLAS detector"
Atlas Collaborationsubject
ElectroweakProton-Proton ScatteringSUSYHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentP P --> SLEPTON SLEPTONSupersymmetry13000R-parity violatingdescription
Efficiency for $\tilde{\tau}$ of various masses and lifetimes in SR-$e\mu$. Efficiency is defined as the number of selected reconstruced events divided by the acceptance. To be accepted, events are required to have at least 2 truth leptons with $p_\text{T} > 65$ GeV, |$\eta$| $<$ 2.5 (2.47) for muons (electrons), $|d_{0}| > 3$ mm, and $\Delta R_{\ell\ell} > 0.2$. Events are also required to fall into one of the acceptance regions of the triggers used. At generator level, events must have one of the following: one electron with $p_\text{T} >$ 160 GeV, 2 electrons each with $p_\text{T} >$ 60 GeV, or 1 muon with $p_\text{T} >$ 60 GeV and $|\eta| < 1.07$. To be selected, events must satisfy all signal region requirements.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2021-01-01 |