

Visions of the agents involved in the design, dissemination and use of digital educational materials in Spanish educational portals

José Peirats ChacónRaúl Eirín NemiñaJesús Rodríguez Rodriguez




ABSTRACT This article collects results of a broader study dedicated to the analysis of the visions of the agents and actors involved in the design, diffusion and use of the digital educational materials present in Spanish educational portals that offer services and educational resources. It is part of an R + D + i project, called “Digital School”, dedicated to the analysis of the production and use of digital didactic contents in schools. The main purpose of the article is to present the results of the visions of teachers, students and families about the digital materials present in the institutional portals of Galicia and Valencia, offering suggestions for their improvement. After a bibliographic review of the research scope considered on digital didactic materials and institutional portals, we expose the research methodology. Then we synthesized the results of the analysis and, finally, we presented the discussion and conclusions of the analysis carried out.
