

La mafia sui Nebrodi e le frodi europee nel settore agro-zootecnico: l'attività di contrasto alla luce dei recenti interventi legislativi

G. MinìV Militello


abuse of public funding in agriculture - Monti Nebrodi - criminal organisations of Mafia-type


The book is the research thesis of Gabriele Minì for the grants that the Falcone Foundation and the Sicilian Regional Assembly award annually to young graduates of Sicilian universities. It deals with the abuse of public funding of agriculture in the Monti Nebrodi area of Sicily (province of Messina).After an accurate indication of the mechanisms for obtaining European funding to support agricultural and zootechnical activities, the book describes the forms of illegal exploitation of this by mafia organisations. The analysis also refers to case studies and describes the most significant events in this field. In particular, it highlights the importance of administrative prevention tools that must accompany the criminal law provisions.
