

Aprendizaje cooperativo y mapas conceptuales como metodología dedicada a la integración universitaria.

María Elena Cobas Cobiella


aprendizaje cooperativointegraciónUNESCO::CIENCIAS JURÍDICAS Y DERECHOmapas conceptuales


El trabajo que aquí se presenta forma es uno de los resultados del proyecto: " Aprendizaje cooperativo. Los Mapas conceptuales como metodología docente activa dentro del Nuevo Espacio de Educación Superior Europeo, CONSOLIDA-PID, UV-SFPIE_PID-1639515", bajo la dirección de la profesora María Elena Cobas Cobiella, profesor Titular de Derecho Civil de la Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Valencia. En la obra aparecen los trabajos de los estudiantes de grado y de master de distintas universidades nacionales e internacionales que han participado en la elaboración de sus mapas conceptuales. The work presented here is one of the results of the project: "Cooperative learning. Conceptual maps as an active teaching methodology within the New European Higher Education Area, CONSOLIDA-PID, UV-SFPIE_PID-1639515", under the direction of Professor María Elena Cobas Cobiella, Professor of Civil Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Valencia. The works of undergraduate and master's students from different national and international universities who have participated in the elaboration of their conceptual maps appear in this piece. The work presented here is one of the results of the project: "Cooperative learning. Conceptual maps as an active teaching methodology within the New European Higher Education Area, CONSOLIDA-PID, UV-SFPIE_PID-1639515", under the direction of Professor María Elena Cobas Cobiella, Professor of Civil Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Valencia. The works of undergraduate and master's students from different national and international universities who have participated in the elaboration of their conceptual maps appear in this piece.
