

Progetto di Strutture in acciaio per le nuove costruzioni e per gli interventi di consolidamento. IV Edizione

Nunzio Scibilia


steel structures stability bolting and welding seismic behaviour european code refurbishment.


The book is a state of the art summary of recent development in the behavior, analysis and design of steel and composite structures. The book provides advanced students, researchers al professionals in civil and structural engineering with the basic principles upon which the modern codes are based. In the first part, the materials, the actions and the sectional behavior are analyzed on the base of the limit state theory. Then the connections (bolted and welded)and the stability effects are examined. In this way is possible speak about seismic performance, retrofitting an refurbishment of existing buildings, referring to the italian rules, to the european codes EC3, EC4 and to the AISC rules.
