Application of the entropy model to high-curved turbulent flows
Termini D.Moramarco T.subject
flow velocity discharge monitoring entropydescription
The entropy-based approach allows the estimation of the mean flow velocity in open channel flow by using the maximum flow velocity. The entropy model allows to correlate the mean velocity, um, and the maximum velocity, umax by means of a linear relationship, um, = Φ (M) umax, which depends on the entropy parameter, M, characteristic of the fluvial section ([1]). The present work also focuses on high-curved channels where the secondary motion, which is also induced by the channel’s curvature, evolves along the bend. The study is motivated by the fact that meandering bends have radii of curvature continuously variable in stream-wise direction so that convective flow accelerations occur and the entity of secondary motion changes from cross-section to cross-section. The results have shown that the entropic model allows to adequately estimate the velocity-dip and the variation of secondary motion along the bend.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2018-01-01 |