

Challenge Types in Gaming : Validation of Videogame Challenge Inventory (CHA)

Jukka VahloVeli-matti Karhulahti


confirmatory factor analysisscale validationchallengefactor analysisplayer preferencessurveyexploratory


Challenge is a key motivation for videogame play. But what kind of challenge types videogames include, and which of them players prefer? This article answers the above questions by developing and validating Videogame Challenge Inventory (CHA), a psychometrically sound measurement for investigating players’ challenge preferences in videogames. Based on a comprehensive review of literature, we developed a 38-item version of CHA that was included in a social media user survey (N=813). An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) revealed a latent structure of five challenge types: Physical, Analytical, Socioemotional, Insight, and Foresight. CHA was amended in another EFA with USA-based survey data (N=536). The second EFA suggested a four-factor structure very similar to the first EFA. A confirmatory factor analysis was executed after an item screening process with a 12-item version of CHA via UK-based survey data (N=1,463). The 12-CHA had an acceptable fit to the data, and the model passed construct, convergent, and discriminant validity tests. Finally, the usefulness of the validated 12-CHA is shown by connecting the discovered challenges and their preferences to known videogame play motivations and to habits of playing specific videogame genres. peerReviewed
