

Survey on mobile phone purchases, February 2013

Juha KarvanenLasse Luoma


mobile phoneconsumerbrandmarketing


The mobile phone data were collected in February 2013 together with the National Consumer Net Shopping Study conducted by market research company Tietoykkönen Oy. The target group was 15--79 years old mobile phone owners in Finland. The data collection method was telephone interviews by using a computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) system. The sample source was targeting service Fonecta Finder B2C, which contains all publicly available phone numbers in Finland. Random sampling was made by setting quotas in respondents’ gender, age and region in the major region level excluding Åland autonomic region. The sample size was 536 completed interviews. All 536 survey respondents had a mobile phone. The respondents answered the following questions (originally in Finnish): What is the brand of your mobile phone? When did you purchase your mobile phone? (year and month; if the month was not recalled the season was asked) What was the brand of your previous mobile phone? When did you purchase your previous mobile phone? (year and month; if the month was not recalled the season was asked) Which brand would be the most interesting for you if you were to buy a mobile phone now? Is your mobile phone a smart phone, a feature phone with an internet connection or a phone without an internet connection? In addition, the respondents where asked for their gender, age group (six categories: 15--24, 25--34, 35--44, 45--55, 55--64 and 65--79 years), geographical region (Helsinki-Uusimaa, Southern Finland, Western Finland, Northern & Eastern Finland) and income of the household (five categories: 30,000 euros or less, 30,001--50,000 euros, 50,001--70,000 euros, over 70,000 euros and no answer). Citation: Cannot be used without citation to J. Karvanen, A. Rantanen, L. Luoma, Survey data and Bayesian analysis: a cost-efficient way to estimate customer equity. Quantitative Marketing and Economics, DOI:10.1007/s11129-014-9148-4, 2014. (preprint available at http://arxiv.org/pdf/1304.5380)
