Maantieteelliset piirteet ja iäkkäiden henkilöiden liikkuminen ulkona (GEOage)
Erja PortegijsKirsi Keskinensubject
lähiötgeographic informationpeople with mobility limitationspaikkatiedothealth enhancing physical activityneighbourhood unitsikääntyminenosallistujatageingepidemiologyepidemiologiaparticipantsliikuntaesteisetterveysliikuntadescription
This dataset is part of the “Geographic characteristics, outdoor mobility and physical activity of older people” (GEOage) project, in which freely available geographic information characterizing the environment is linked to participant data of the “Life-space mobility in old age” (LISPE) cohort comprising 75–90-years-old community-dwelling people living in Jyväskylä and Muurame in Central Finland (n=848). The GEOage dataset contains variables of environmental characteristics of participants' environment within 500 or 1000 m from home. The dataset comprises variables related to characteristics of nature (hilliness, nature and green areas, waterside areas) and built environment (land use, neighbourhood type, outdoor mobility supportive infrastructure, services). More detailed information on the participant sample, environmental variables, and the GIS datasets used to construct the variables can be found in the attached file. Linkage with participant data e.g. on health, function and activity is possible through linkage with the LISPE Master project dataset.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2021-01-01 |