

Zeno's Achilles\Tortoise Race and Reconsiderations of Some Mathematical Paradigms

Shadmi, Doron


Q ScienceQ01 Interdisciplinary sciences (General)


An original observation of Zeno's Achilles\Tortoise Race Paradox is introduced. It leads to novel understanding of the foundations of mathematical science, especially by observing Nonlocality and Locality as its fundamental building-blocks. Locality is precisely its own formula, thus this formula cannot be used as a solution for anything else but its own unique case. Nonlocality is a formula that can be used as a solution for more than one case. Locality on its own is total isolation. Non-locality on its own is total connectivity. No total realm is researchable. A researchable realm only exists if Non-locality and Locality are not total. Under Nonlocality\ Locality Linkage we get a universe where Non-locality is its common law; this is expressed by many Localities that are gathered by the common law, but can never be Nonlocal,as is the common law. Non-locality\Locality Linkage can be perceived as "The Tree of Knowledge", which is the one organic and ever complex (and therefore non-entropic) realm that enables one, and only one simple law (Non-locality), to be the common knowledge of many Local expressions of it (we show that Leibniz Chaitin Complexity [11] Challenge is the organic incompleteness of Non-locality\Locality Linkage).
