showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Idea de una Academia Mathematica, dirigida al ... Señor Don Felipe Infante de España ...
Sig. A14 Signat per Juan Corachan i altres 17 matemàtics La port. i totes les p. orlades. - Reclams. - Capital grav. i altres ornaments tip
Falla dels dos estrems en la Plasa de Caixers : añ 1887.
Compendio histórico de la vida y virtudes del B. Juan de Ribera, Obispo de Badajoz, Arzobispo de Valencia ...
Reliquias custodiadas en el Real Colegio de Corpus Christi Grav. xil. a la p. [4]: retrat enmarcat de "El beato Juan de Ribera Patriarca de Antioquia, Arzobispo y Virrey de Valencia."La pàg. amb orla tip. i altres ornaments Port. amb grav. xil. - Fris Sign.: [ ]2, A-K4, [ ]4 Alguna nota a peu de pàg. separada del text per filet. - Filets
Gozos a San Rafael Arcangel, venerado en la Parroquial de San Miguel Arcangel de Valencia.
Corren exemplars quasi iguals, amb petites variacions ortogràfiques i en la disposició del text de l'oració llatina final El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat de "S. Rafael Arcangel", flanquejat per gerros amb flors El text del goig a tres col., separades per filets
Acta y relacion de entrega de las 21 obras que el Dr. D. Luis Gascó y Albert, Catedrático que fué de la Facultad de Ciencias de esta Universidad, leg…
Ms 1. Catàleg 2. Acta del lliurament
Gustavo Wasa : drama original en cuatro jornadas, y en verso
Gozos al glorioso Patriarca San Cayetano Tiene, fundador de los Clerigos Reglares.
Al text es cita: "... Esta VIlla de Requena, que os rinde culto y loores..." El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat de "San Cayetano", flanquejat per gerros amb flors Text del goig a tres col., separades per filets
Matematica e internazionalità nel carteggio fra Guccia e Cremona e nei Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico
Dall’esame del carteggio si evince la presenza di alcuni temi sopra gli altri: la descrizione della carriera scientifica e dei collegamenti internazionali di Guccia con relazioni dettagliate sui viaggi all’estero; i riferimenti al Circolo Matematico di Palermo, sin dalla prima fase della sua costituzione, e le acute valutazioni dell’ambito matematico europeo compiute da Guccia per garantire lo sviluppo internazionale del Circolo e dei Rendiconti.
Introduzione agli studi culturali latinoamericani: evoluzioni, limiti, prospettive.
cosa sono gli studi culturali latinoamericani? Si tratta di una delle tante declinazioni del più vasto campo di studi dei cultural studies o, piuttosto, siamo dinanzi ad un campo di studi dotato di una sua specificità ed autenticità addirittura antecedenti a quello dei padri anglo-americani? Fino a che punto è lecito considerarli figli dei, branca dei, estensione dei ben più noti e riconosciuti, nonché legittimati, cultural studies? Dal punto di vista epistemico, rappresentano una novità per se o sono riconducibili ad una tradizione particolare del pensiero critico locale? In che relazione stanno gli studi culturali latinoamericani con i corrispettivi euro-americano-centrici studi di indagi…
On the asymptotics for $ast$-Capelli identities
Let Fbe the free associative algebra with involution ∗ over a field of characteristic zero. If L and M are two natural numbers let Γ∗_M+1,L+1 denote theT∗-idealofFgenerated by the∗-capellipolynomialsCap+M+1,Cap−L+1 alternanting on M+1 symmetric variables and L+1skew variables,respectively.It is well known that, if F is an algebraic closed field, every finite dimensional ∗-simple algebra is isomorphic to one of the following algebras (see [4], [2]):· (Mk(F),t) with the transpose involution; · (M2m(F),s) with the symplectic involution; · (Mk(F)⊕Mk(F)op,∗) with the exchange involution. The aim of this talk is to show a relation among the asymptotics of the∗-codimensions of the finite dimensional ∗…
Bio-polymeric Ionic Liquid Gels for the Desulfurization of Fuel
Monitoring of the effects of added carbon by citrus hydrolates waste in a soil.
The hydrolates are the waste to be disposed of are a product of the industrial extraction process of the essential oils through cold pressing of the citrus peels. However, due to the presence of water soluble compounds (sugars, polyphenols, acids), hydrolates could be reused instead of being, due to the high economic burden, a problem in the disposal of the same, charged to the company. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of citrus hydrolate when directly applied as irrigation water on soil. Was monitored soil chemical and biochemical property, in particularly effect of the high carbon addition on microbial biomass, activity and structure community and effect on carbon soil sto…
Fixed point results for Gm-Meir-Keeler contractive and G-(α,ψ)-Meir-Keeler contractive mappings
Probabilistic techniques for bridging the semantic gap in schema alignment
Connecting pieces of informations from heterogeneous sources sharing the same domain is an open challenge in Semantic Web, Big Data and business communities. The main problem in this research area is to bridge the expressiveness gap between relational databases and ontologies. In general, an ontology is more expressive and captures more semantic information behind data than a relational database does. On the other side, databases are the most common used persistent storage system and they grant benefits such as security and data integrity but they need to be managed by expert users. The problem is quite significant above all when enterprise or corporate ontologies are used to share infomation…
The emergence of multi-drug resistant (MDR) bacterial strains is an urgent problem derived from the widespread and uncontrolled use of antibiotics. Therefore, new arrays of lead compounds exerting antimicrobial activity are necessary to contrast the spreading of MDR pathogens. Between 1980 and 2003, the interest in scientific research programs aimed to the new drug discovery by large pharmaceutical companies progressively decreased due to increasing costs in the respect of i) the low discovery rate of new leads, ii) the small amounts of product recovery needing process optimization and, finally, iii) regulatory obstacles associated with long-lasting pre-clinical and clinical trials for ther…
Il tema di questo lavoro di ricerca svolto tra gli anni 2014-2016 riguarda una sperimentazione sul ruolo di approcci all'apprendimento basati su processi di investigazione scientifica, nella formazione dei docenti di Scuola Primaria e dell'Infanzia. Tali approcci didattici sono noti nella letteratura specializzata con il nome di Inquiry Based Science Education (IBSE). La sperimentazione è stata condotta con gli studenti del corso di laurea in Scienze della Formazione Primaria dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo, corso di laurea abilitante per l’insegnamento nella scuola dell’infanzia e primaria. Inquiry Based Science Education, pre-service primary school teacher education.
Nos D. Fr. Joaquin Company ... Arzobispo de Valencia ... A todos nuestros Diocesanos ... Desde que empezó la causa que tan heróycamente sostenemos, j…
Com a tít. el començament del text Sign.: [ ]4
In Evangelium "Missus est", sive De laudibus Beatae Mariae Virginis liber.
Sense sig. tip. i sense pag. ni fol L. gòt. - 2 col. - 36 lín. - Esp. p. inic. - Filigr.: creu. - Inic. i calderons en roig i blau
Llibret de la falla del carrer de la Pau en l'añ 1895, titulá : En les barraquetes.
Dades preses de la coberta
Gozos al querubico Padre Santo Domingo de Guzman venerado en su Heremitorio, y Termino de la Villa de Vallibona, Reyno de Valencia, y Obispado de Tor…
El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat del sant, flanquejat per gerros amb flors Text del goig a tres col., separades per filets
Don Gaspar Guerau de Arellano, Presbytero, Canonigo de la Santa Iglesia Metropolitana de la Ciudad de Valencia, y Embaxador de aquel Reyno ... pide, …
Tít. pres del principi del text Sign.: [ ]2
Exposición sucinta y sencilla de la provincia del Nuevo México
Sig. [A]-E 4, F 6 Notas a peu de p
Sense sig. ni fol Capitals il. en roig, blau i violeta. - Encapçalaments en roig Lletra rom. i gr. - 37 Lín. - Min. p. inic. - Reclams. - Filigr.: balança en cercle
Gozos del portentoso monarca anacoreta San Onofre, Patron de la Villa de Alchemesí, venerado en su hermita.
El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat del sant, flanquejat per gerros amb flors Text del goig a tres col. separades per filets
Prospecto de suscripcion a la obra intitulada Memorias políticas y económicas sobre los frutos, fábricas, comercio y minas de España, con inclusion d…
Text a 1 col. - Reclams Sign.: [ ]2
Desengaño que ofrece la experiencia : mentiras vistas y verdades acreditadas.
Precedeix al tít.: ✠ Caplletra ornada Text a 1 col. - Reclams Sign.: [ ]6
Index seminum quae Hortus Botanicus Universitatis Valentinae pro mutua commutatione offert, 1898
Sense port
Médico en el lugar y la sordera, El
Precedeix al tít., en l'angle esquerre: Núm. 91 Grav. xil. a port Bandes, filets Text a 2 col Sign.: A4
Ms. il·luminat Títol obtingut de la rúbrica (f. 4r) Col·lació: Vitel·la, f. i (pergamí actual) + 108 (manca el f. 2, que correspon al f. de guarda original; en blanc f. 106v-108; els f. 107 i 108 són els f. de guarda originals) + i (pergamí actual) ; foliació moderna a llapis ; reclams horitzontals cada deu fulls Composició: Escrit a línea tirada a 29 línies Escriptura: Humanística antiqua. Notes marginals de la mateixa mà en negre o roig, Decoració: En el full 3v frontispici de tipus arquitectònic, formada per dues columnes que sostenen un fris sobre el qual hi ha un arc de mig punt. En el seu interior el títol de l'obra. En el full següent orla amb adorns florals, aus, cabirols, i embleme…
Gran falla en la plasa de Sen Gil : añ 1890.
Dades preses de la coberta
Tratado philophi-poetico escotico : compuesto en seguidillas
Vinyeta a port Fris, caplletres ornades, asteriscos, bandes Text a 1 col. - Reclams Sign.: ❡7, A-H8
Numerical assessment of the thermal-hydraulic performances of the ITER Blanket cooling system
This thesis has covered the main research activities carried out during the candidate Ph.D. course of the XXXI Cycle on “Energia e Tecnologie dell’Informazione - curriculum Fisica Tecnica e Ingegneria Nucleare” (Energy and Information Technologies - Applied Physics and Nuclear Engineering curriculum), held at the University of Palermo, in the time frame that goes from the end of 2015 to the end of 2018. In particular, it focusses on the activities carried out at the DEIM in cooperation with the ITER Organisation on the “Hydraulic Analysis of Blanket Cooling System” and it has aimed to investigate the thermal-hydraulic behaviour of the ITER blanket cooling system under nominal steady-state c…
The role of chemical cues in the host finding behaviour of Trissolcus basalis from a Conservation Biological Control perspective
In assessing successful biological control programs by parasitoids, the knowledge of important traits, such as the host finding capability, i.e. the ability to find host and food resources, play the key role. Moreover, parasitoids in their natural environment parasitoids deal with a variable mixtures of natural cues. Some chemical cues are used by the wasps to locate their hosts, some ones drive wasps to feeding resources. The parasitoid response to these cues can fluctuate according to biotic factors and abiotic condition. This dissertation focus in details on the role of two important tools, such as selective flowering plants as food resources to add within a crop area and the traces left…