showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Informe juridico por Don Pedro Boil de Arenòs, Marques de Boil, Baron de Borriol y dueño del Lugar de Alfafar, con Don Sancho Fernandez de Miranda, M…

A la part superior de la port.: Jesus, Maria, y Joseph, San Joaquin y Santa Ana Signat al final: Dr. Joseph Ignacio Alfonso Port. amb orla tip. i grav. xil. de la Mare de Déu de Desemparats davant del tít Caplletra ornada, filets Sign.: [ ]1, A-K2 Text a 1 col. - Notes a peu de p. - Postil·les. - Reclams

Judicis Herències i successions Comunitat valenciana S.XVIII Obres anteriors al 1800Alfafar (Comunitat Valenciana) Judicis litigis etc. S.XVIII Obres anteriors al 1800

Dolorosos sentimientos de las benditas almas del Purgatorio.

El full orlat. Grav. xil. al·lusiu al Purgatori, situat entre les paraules del tít. i flanquejat per testos amb flors. Text a dues col., separades per banda.

Purgatori Goigs.

La Cronologia Ecclesiastica del reuer. P. F. Onofrio Panvinio Veronese, Frate Eremitano di Santo Agostino : dall'Imperio di C. Giulio Cesare ... sino…

Sig. a8, A-M8. - En: Historia di Battista Platina Cremonese, delle vite de i Sommi Pontefici... vltima impressione. Reclams. - Totes les pag. orlades

Església Catòlica Cronologia S.I-S.XVI Obres anteriors al 1800

Illustria monimenta M. T. Ciceronis De diuina natura [et] diuinatione

Oratio Petri Marsi in diuum Stephanum ; Oratio Petri Marsi in diuum Augu ; Oratio Petri Marsi in funere Pomponii Port. orlada a dos tintes, vermella i negra, en tipus gòt. - El comentari a De diuinatione Liber primus amb port. pròpia, de característiques semblants a la port. principal. - Errors de fol

Bíblia. Llibres històrics. Llatí. Seleccions

Ms. il·luminat Títol donat pel catalogador Col·lació: Vitel·la, f. ii (paper) i (pergamí actual) + 175 (en blanc els f. 134v, 148) + ii (paper) i (pergamí actual) ; numeració moderna a llapis Composició: Text de la Bíblia i dels comentaris en dues o tres columnes, amb nombre de línies variable i alguns fulls a línea tirada. Pautat amb mina de plom Escriptura: Gòtica textual cal·ligràfica Decoració: Caplletres miniades amb motius antropomòrfics i vegetals. Calderons, titolets i majúscules alternant tintes de color blau i vermell Enquadernació: Restaurada, plateresca, pell verda sobre fusta, amb ferros freds. En la coberta anterior, amb ferros daurats, l'escut d'armes del duc de Calàbria entr…

Bíblia. EsdresBíblia. CròniquesBíblia. JuditBíblia. TobitBíblia. Ester

Carta del patriota Tiberio Graco a sus conciudadanos.

Soler Onofre

Privacy, Sicurezza e Libertà nell’era della sorveglianza di massa e dell’emergenza terrorismo

PrivacySorveglianza elettronicaSettore IUS/08 - Diritto CostituzionaleSicurezzaDatagateData RetentionTerrorismoBilanciamento

Architetti e Ingegneri del Banco di Sicilia tra Ottocento e Novecento

I cambiamenti che interessano il mondo dell’architettura nel passaggio tra l'800 e il '900 coinvolgono anche il Banco di Sicilia che parteciperà attivamente alla ricerca di nuovi linguaggi e alla configurazione di nuove realtà urbane, a partire dalla prima metà del Novecento fino al programma di ricostruzione del secondo dopoguerra. L’attività legata all’edilizia e alla realizzazione delle proprie architetture spinge l’Istituto a formare un vero e proprio albo di tecnici di fiducia in cui si ritrovano importanti nomi di architetti e ingegneri che soprattutto nei primi trent’anni del ‘900 vengono chiamati a ricoprire ruoli più o meno prestigiosi. Gli estremi cronologici del periodo esaminato…

architetti e ingegneri del Banco di Sicilia Banco di Sicilia architettura Ottocento architettura Novecento sedi del Banco di Sicilia Francesco Paolo Palazzotto Antonio Zanca Giuseppe Capitò Salvatore Caronia Roberti Carlo Polli Alessandro Limongelli Vincenzo Vinci Vincenzo Pantano Vittorio ZiinoSettore ICAR/18 - Storia Dell'Architettura

Non-stoichiometric dicationic organic salts form supramolecular gels

dicationic organic salts ionogels ionic liquidsSettore CHIM/06 - Chimica Organica

Metabolic responses of microbial community in soil amended with fresh leaves and leaf extracts from eucalyptus spp.

Field observations reveal that often large areas of soil surface beneath Eucalyptus occidentalis Endl. are completely bare or with scant vegetation. Moreover, previous studies have showed that other species of Eucalyptus, such as Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn, may be effective in suppressing seed germination and weed growth. Such effects have been ascribed to the large number of secondary metabolites within Eucalyptus leaves. Due to their inhibition activity against weeds, leaf extracts might be used for an integrated weed management context, in accordance with the Directive 2009/128/EC. Several studies exist about the effects of Eucalyptus leaf extracts on weeds, whereas they are lacking o…

SoilEucalyptus spp.Microbial community

Studio delle proprietà di ionogel formati da sali organici dicationici

ionogel sali organici self-assemblySettore CHIM/06 - Chimica Organica

Piezoresistive Sensors from Bithiophene-fulleropyrrolidine Bisadducts Thin-Films

The phenomenon of piezoresistivity in materials is based on the separation of conductive domains triggered by mechanical strains, resulting in a variation of the electrical resistance.1 This property is at the core of sensors for wearable electronics, e-skins, human motion detectors and machine learning devices.2 Fundamental requirements include lightness, good transparency, high flexibility and sensitivity to tiny deformations. However, the fabrication of a system integrating all these features is challenging. Herein, we show a semitransparent piezoresistive sensor realized by an electropolymerized bithiophene‐fulleropyrrolidine bisadduct onto ITO/PET3 (see Figure 1a). The good outcome of …


Synthesis and biological evaluation of the antioxidant properties of new analogues of natural products with piperidine based structure and evaluation…

triazoleBetalainsOrganic synthesisIndicaxanthinsigma receptorKORsSettore CHIM/08 - Chimica Farmaceutica

Resistance to space simulating conditions and sporicidal treatments of spores from bacilli of extreme environments origins: implication for Astrobiol…

Microorganisms able to tolerate environmental extremes, or extremophiles, are ideal candidates to extend our knowledge on the limitations for terrestrial life, including sporicidal treatments, and on their ability to survive under conditions mimicking space environments. The spore resistance of bacilli isolated from extreme environments, cold (Antarctic soils) and hot (shallow hydrothermal vents of Eolian Islands, Italy), was evaluated towards environmental stressors (wet- and dry-heat, low and high pH values), sporicidal treatments and stresses simulating space-environments (UV-C and X-rays irradiations, desiccations by low pressure, exposition to oxidizing agents and low pressure plasma),…

Settore BIO/07 - EcologiaBacillus Spores Astrobiology Extremophiles Radiation Resistance

Ambienti, culture, patrimoni. Politiche e pratiche di tutela - Abstract

The complexity and instability of the current historical situation that characterizes the social and political life of our country, as well as the rapid socio-cultural transformations imposed by globalization, lead us to believe that an articulated and frequent confrontation between social sciences and public administration managers and bureaucratic systems is increasingly necessary and useful to respond to the new needs in the field of territorial and landscape planning. The critical issues regarding the management, enhancement and safeguarding of protected areas (be they environmental, landscape or archaeological) have inevitably been overshadowed and in some cases aggravated by the arriv…

environment culture heritage national parks enhancement safeguarding sustainability governanceSettore M-DEA/01 - Discipline Demoetnoantropologiche

Valutazione del profilo di rilascio e dell'attività biologica di sostanze attive veicolate mediante sistemi particellari a matrice lipidica

sostanze naturali.MADSettore CHIM/09 - Farmaceutico Tecnologico ApplicativoSLNNLCnanoparticelle lipidiche

PIVKAII Utility in Diagnosis and Post-therapeutic Monitoring of Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Background: Protein induced by vitamin K absence (PIVKA-II), also known as des-gamma-carboxyprothrombin, has been described in relation to HCC being released in association with vitamin K deficiency in the presence of HCC. Serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is the traditional biomarker for HCC detection and follow up but it doesn’t have high sensitivity and specificity. Therefore, there is great interest in identifying new more powerful biomarkers. Materials and methods: One hundred and fourteen subjects were divided into four groups: Group 1 included 58 patients (38M, 20 F) with HCC, mean age 73.5; Group 2 included 38 patients (28M, 10F) with liver cirrhosis (LC), mean age 63.7; Group 3 include…

serum markerPIVKA IIHCC

Bosquejo del magestuoso aparato ... con que la Proto Congregacion de los indignos esclavos del Santissimo Sacramento ha celebrado la octava, y demas …

Sig. A-E4, F2 Text a línia tirada i dues col. - Reclams. - Capital grav. i altres ornaments tip

Festivitats religioses Madrid 1651 Obres anteriors al 1800Poesia religiosa castellana S. XVII Obres anteriors al 1800Eucaristia Poesia Obres anteriors al 1800


In this thesis, different challenges for various applications of a wireless PD detection instrument are discussed and relevant solutions are proposed. The main purpose is to assess the applicability of such technology both in current HV and MV power systems as well as in future applications for smart grids. The main challenges for these types of diagnostic systems are the following: • voltage synchronization of Phase Resolved PD pattern; • PD recognition under non-sinusoidal voltage waveforms; • PD recognition under sinusoidal voltage superimposed harmonics; • PD recognition in laboratory and in real world situations under noise and other source of disturbance. Thanks to the collaboration w…

Settore ING-IND/33 - Sistemi Elettrici Per L'Energiapartial dischargeMV/HV power systemwireless PD instrumentpartial discharge; wireless PD instrument; MV/HV power system

Metastatic colon cancer exosomes spread malignant properties in tumor microenvironment affecting the behavior of both tumor and endothelial cells

I tumori sono caratterizzati da eterogeneità intratumorale e questo rende difficile lo sviluppo di nuovi trattamenti. Diversi studi indicano gli esosomi come importanti componenti che agiscono sulla eterogeneità tumorale. In questo contesto, il nostro scopo è di capire se gli esosomi derivanti da cellule ad alto potenziale metastatico possono influenzare il comportamento delle cellule tumorali meno aggressive e le proprietà dell’endotelio, promuovendo la disseminazione delle cellule tumorali. La nostra strategia sperimentale è basata sull’uso di un modello isogenico. Abbiamo usato cellule di carcinoma del colon, SW620 e SW480, isolate rispettivamente dal tumore primario e dal sito di metast…

Settore BIO/13 - Biologia Applicataexosomes


photobioreactormicroalgaeLVRPASettore ING-IND/25 - Impianti Chimiciphotobioreactor; microalgae; airlift; LVRPA;airlift

Percezione aptica e schema corporeo in soggetti con obesità grave

Settore BIO/09 - FisiologiaPercezione aptica Schema corporeo Obesità EEG Theta power Working memory Analisi delle Componenti indipendenti

Rappresentazione e prassi nello spazio pubblico. I dispositivi artistici nel contesto politico e sociale

Public Art Public Sphere Participatory Art Locative Art Dialogical Art Relational Aesthetics Social Turn Arte collaborativa Place-specific Deriva Gioco Difficult Heritage Cultura mafiosa Progetto Ulissi

Działalność III sektora na rzecz aktywizacji ruchowej osób z niepełnosprawnościami

Trzecim sektorem określa się zwykle organizacje pozarządowe, które działają w interesie publicznym i stanowią uzupełnienie sektora państwowego i prywatnego. W ostatnich latach liczba tego typu organizacji stale rośnie, a analizując ich działalność można zauważyć, że ponad połowa z nich prowadzi aktywność związaną ze sportem, turystyką, rekreacją i hobby. Działalność organizacji III sektora ma ogromne znaczenie, jeśli chodzi o aktywizację osób niepełnosprawnych. Zapełnia lukę, której nie jest w stanie zaspokoić państwo ani rynek. W artykule objaśnia się rolę, jaką w życiu osób z niepełnosprawnościami odgrywa aktywność oraz przybliża się działalność wybranych organizacji pozarządowych umożliw…

III sektorniepełnosprawnośćturystyka osób z niepełnosprawnościamisport osób z niepełnosprawnościami

The Dialogue Science and Religion: Elements of Matter and Form

The article deals with interpretations of Christian dogmas and myths, also expounding the psycho-emotional interpretation of the selective result of apocalypse. The author also outlines the criteria of verity and value of Christian dogmas in nowadays society and science. In the article it is tried to find out the cause of specific content of myths. Zinātnes un reliģijas dialogs: formas un satura elementi. Rakstā apskatīti kristietības dogmu jeb mītu zinātniskās interpretācijas mēģinājumi, tai skaitā apokalipses selektīvo rezultātu psihoemocionālā interpretācija. Ieskicēti kristietības dogmu (mītu) patiesības un vērtības kritēriji mūsdienu sabiedrībā un zinātnē. Mēģināts noskaidrot mītu spec…

Q Science (General)B Philosophy (General)BL Religion

Self-organisation, semantics and anthropic principle in a unified context.

Balstoties uz atsevišķiem filozofiskajiem un reliģiskiem pamatpriekšstatiem, fiziku, nelineāru sarežģītu sistēmu dinamiku un pašorganizācjas koncepciju, kā arī psiholoģiju autors mēģina izveidot hierarhisku modeli, kurā semantiskā apziņa veidojas integrācijas ceļā un ir tikai viens no sarežģītu sistēmu pašorganizācijas hierarhijas koka līmeņiem. Semantikas un pašorganizācijas koncepcijas kopsakarībā tiek analizēti jautājumi par to kāpēc ar vienkāršo var izzināt sarežģīto, kas vispār padara par iespējamu izzināt dabu. Tas ir par duālismu, ka bez sarežģītā nav vienkāršais un bez vienkāršā nav sarežģītais. Būtībā tas ir arī jautājums par antropo principu, kas licis brīnīties un sajūsmināties g…

Q01 Interdisciplinary sciences (General)Q02 Synergetics

Warum ist es nicht so einfach für einen heutigen Physiker, durch und durch Christ zu sein?

Eine kurze Beschreibung des Verhältnisses von Physik, Philosophie und Theologie lautet: Die Physik vernachlässigt oder umgeht den natürlichen Realismus, Ursprung allen Philosophierens. Der natürliche Realismus wird wiederum durch die jüdisch-christliche Offenbarung gestützt. Daher vernachlässigt oder umgeht die Physik die Theologie. Diese Beziehung zwischen Physik und Theologie wird häufig als Hintergrund für die Ausübung eines starken Drucks auf die Theologie verwendet. Die Verteidigung der Theologie sollte damit beginnen, auf bestimmte Mängel der Physik hinzuweisen und eine philosophische Kontrolle dieser Mängel zu formulieren. mit wird die Physik statt der Theologie zur "Baustelle". Nur …

BT Doctrinal TheologyBD Speculative PhilosophyQC00 Physics (General)

Expositio super regulam beati Augustini

Ms. il·luminat Títol obtingut a partir de la rúbrica del f. 3r Col·lació: Vitel·la, f. i (pergamí actual) + 38 (f. 1-2, 37v, 38 en blanc) + i (pergamí actual) ; reclams cada horitzontals cada deu fulls Composició: Escrit a línia tirada a 29 línies (f. 4r) Escriptura: Gòtica textual cal·ligràfica Decoració: En el f. 3r orla amb motius fitomòrfics i besants. Caplletra incial decorada amb colors i pa d'or. Al marge inferior escut d'armes Enquadernació: Mudèjar, pell marró sobre fusta amb frerros freds. Llaceries cordades i bellotes. Cantells daurats. Restaurada en la dècada de 1970. Hi manquen els fermalls originals Origen: Escrit a Espanya a la segona meitat del segle XV Signatura anterior: 9…

Dominicans ReglesRegles monàstiquesAgustí sant bisbe d'Hipona 354-430. Regula

Gozos a la doctora de la pureza Santa Clara de Monte Falco, virgen, del Orden de S. Agustin.

El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat de la santa, flanquejat per gerros amb flors El text del goig a tres col. separades per bandes

Clara de Montefalco Santa (O.S.A.) 1268-1308 Goigs lemac

Historia, ó pintura del caracter, costumbres y talento de las mugeres en los diferentes siglos ...

Sign.: [calderón]4, 2[calderón]8, A-N8, O2

Dones Història Obres anteriors al 1800

Lumen caeli, sive expositio instrumenti astronomici a se excogitati

Sig. A8, B7 Ll. rom. - 2 tam. - 36 lín. - Inic. grav. - Esp. p. inic. - Grav. - Filigr.: copa ?

Astronomia Obres anteriors al 1800

Gozos al Santisimo Salvador, venerado en la Villa de Onda.

El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat del Salvador d'Onda, flanquejat per gerros amb flors Text del goig a tres col. separades per filets

Jesucrist GoigsDevocions populars Comunitat Valenciana Onda

Sacristanes burlados, Los

Text a 1 col. - Reclams Sign.: A4

Teatre castellà 1500-1700 Segle d'Or Fonts

Prospecto que publica el Doctor D. Joaquín Sanchis [sic] Albella, ..., relativo a la enseñanza de Gramática Latina y castellana.

Llatí GramàticaCastellà GramàticaCastellà Gramàtica comparada LLatíLlatí Gramàtica comparada Castellà

Gozos a N. Señora de Belen, venerada en la Parroquial Iglesia de Mislata

El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat de la Mare de Déu, flanquejat per figures d'angels Text del goig a tres col. separades per filets

Devocions populars Comunitat Valenciana Mislata (Mare de Déu de Betlem Goigs

Dialogo di M. Lodouico Dolce della institution della done : Secondo li tre stati, che cadono nella vita humana.


Prosa italiana Obres anteriors al 1800Dones Obres anteriors al 1800