showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Aunque este obsequio es pequeño ... que el Rey viva, que reyne, triunfe, y venza.

Poema dedicat a Felip V per la ciutat de València amb motiu de la batalla de Villaviciosa Com a tít. el primer i l'últim vers

Villaviciosa batalla de Poesia Obres anteriors al 1800Felip V rei d'Espanya 1683-1746 Poesia Obres anteriors al 1800

Copia de la Real Carta, que su Magestad ... ha imbiado à la ... Ciudad de Valencia, en respuesta de las que esta, y su Consejo General le escrivieron…

Sobre: "la noticia de averse arrimado la Armada enemiga à la Ciudad de Denia..." Sign.: [ ]2 Reclams Cristus sobre el tít

Guerra de Successió 1702-1714 Obres anteriors al 1800

La independencia : comedia en cuatro actos

A la port.: Representada en el teatro del Príncipe A la port. Ornament tip. amb les inicials S.D Frisos tip Anteport Text a 1 col A la contraport. Esta comedia es propiedad de la Sociedad de escritores dramáticos,

Teatre castellà S. XIX Fonts

Gozos, a la gloriosa virgen y Martir, Santa Lucia Patrona, y Advogada de la Villa de Ybi.

El full orlat Il·lustració enmarcada de la Santa, situada entre les paraules del tít. i flanquejada per ornaments tip Text del goig a dues col., separades per banda

Llúcia Santa Goigs lemacDevocions populars Comunitat Valenciana Ibi

Señor. El Reyno de Valencia se presenta à los Reales pies de V. Mag. tan vivamente afligido, tan desgraciadamente infeliz, que para llegar à ellos, i…

Súplica demanant indult sobre el fet citat al text: "... Que, en el desordenado estrepito de el fatal dia 16. de Deziembre 1705 se hallaron esta Ciudad, Reyno, Diputacion, y demàs Comunes, con la mas lastimosa afliccion que han visto los siglos..." Com a tít. el començament del text Sign.: *4 Reclams Cristus a la part superior de la 1ª pàg

Guerra de Successió 1702-1714 Obres anteriors al 1800

Libri Quator De Antiquitatibus Lusitaniae

Sig. [creu grega]4, A-R8, [creu grega]-4[creu grega]2, A-C8, [signe]10. - Inclou: Vita L. Andreae Resendii / Autore Iacobo Menoetio Vasconcello i Vita Iacobi Moenetii Vasconcelli / ab ipso conscripta Capitals grav., filets, frisos

Vasconcelos Diogo Mendes de Obres anteriors al 1800Resende André de (O.P.) 1498-1573 Obres anteriors al 1800

Gozos a nuestra Señora de la Cabeza, venerada en la Ermita de San Roque del Lugar de Burjasot.

El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat de la Mare de Déu, flanquejat per gerros amb flors Text del goig a tres col. separades per filets

Nuestra Señora de la Cabeza GoigsDevocions populars Comunitat Valenciana BurjassotErmita de Sant Roc (Burjassot)Mare de Déu Goigs

Gozos a la devotissima imagen de nuestra Señora del Milagro : Venerada en el ... Convento de Religiosas Franciscas, de la Primitiva Regla de Santa Cl…

El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat de la imatge, flanquejat per gerros amb flors Text del goig a tres col. separades per filets

Devocions populars Comunitat Valenciana CocentainaMare de Déu del Miracle GoigsConvent de les Clarisses (Cocentaina)

Electrostatics regulate Epigallocatechin-Gallate effects on Bovine Serum Albumin aggregation

Protein aggregation processes are complex phenomena often involved in the etiology of several pathologies. It is now assessed that all proteins, in suitable conditions, may undergo supramolecular assembly. Aggregation pathways are known to be controlled by solution conditions which regulate protein-protein and protein-solvent interactions affecting binding mechanisms, morphology and inherent toxicity of the aggregate species. In this context, the presence of small molecules was indicated as a promising method to modulate protein-protein interactions reducing pathogenic aggregation. In the light of the idea that common mechanisms regulate anti-aggregogenic properties of small molecules, we h…

BSA Isoelectric point electrostatic interaction protein charge.Settore FIS/07 - Fisica Applicata(Beni Culturali Ambientali Biol.e Medicin)


PhytocompoundSettore BIO/10 - Biochimicacancer autophagy apoptosis.


Settore ING-IND/22 - Scienza E Tecnologia Dei Materialiscraps valorizationgreen composites3D printing

New Fixed Points Theorems

Fixed point

Gli obblighi di comportamento degli operatori finanziari nei contratti di credito ai consumatori relativi a beni immobili residenziali

Gli obblighi di comportamento degli operatori finanziari nei contratti di credito ai consumatori relativi a beni immobili residenzialiSettore IUS/01 - Diritto Privato

Fisiopatologia dei disturbi comportamentali della Malattia di Parkinson

Parkinson ICD fisiopatologiaSettore MED/26 - Neurologia

Unità e diversità nella marcatura differenziale dell'oggetto diretto in rumeno e in siciliano Studio Comparativo

Questa ricerca si propone di analizzare il fenomeno della marcatura differenziale dell'oggetto (d'ora in avanti MDO - Bossong 1985) descrivendone caratteristiche, funzioni, somiglianze e differenze: nel siciliano, e i suoi dialetti e nel romeno. La tesi mira a realizzare uno studio comparativo, essenzialmente esplicativo di un fenomeno presente in molte lingue (secondo Bossong più di 300) e che ancora oggi continua a essere oggetto di numerosi studi, per lo più tipologici (Bossong 1985, 1991, Comrie 1989, Croft 1988, Aissen 2003, Iemmolo 2010). La MDO, nota anche come accusativo preposizionale nella linguistica romanza (Niculescu 1959, 1965, Rohlfs 1984), è una variazione nella codifica deg…

marcatura differenziale dell'oggetto diretto differential object marchino accusati preposizionaleSettore L-LIN/01 - Glottologia E Linguistica

Bohm’s Implicate Order, Wheeler’s Participatory Universe, Stapp’s Mindful Universe, Zurek’s Quantum Darwinism and the Buddhist Mind-Only Ground Consc…

According to quantum physicist Erich Joos the following three issues are the outstanding quantum conundrums of deep significance: 1. The meaning of the wavefunction; 2. The exact nature of the mechanism of the collapse; 3. The connection between the quantum and classical realm. In this paper I shall attempt to elucidate a possible approach to these central issues by drawing parallels between David Bohm’s notion of the implicate order, John Wheeler’s vision of the ‘Participatory Universe’, Henry Stapp’s account of the Heisenberg-von Neumann quantum ‘ontology’, Wojciech Zurek’s ‘Quantum Darwinism’ proposal and the Buddhist Mind-Only (Yogachara–Chittamatra) concept of the alayavijnana, the gro…

B Philosophy (General)QC01 Quantum mechanicsPhysics::History of PhysicsBL Religion

Starptautiskā kristīgās meditācijas kopiena: bibliskās paradigmas transformācija (fenomenoloģiskā eksplikācija); The World Community for Christian Me…

In the situation of crisis of contemporary Western spirituality various revitalistic movements emerge inside Roman-Catholic and Protestant Churches. The article is dedicated to such a movement called The World Community for Christian Meditation. The movement has become rather popular all over Europe from the beginnings of 90ies. Christian meditation came to Latvia about four years ago provoking a great resonance in the academic and church circles. Although the founders of the community apply for the return to the sources of Christian comtemplative tradition, they perform a profound transformation of Christian doctrine and practice according to Hindu and Buddhist patterns.

BR Christianity

Lista de los libros que han pertenecido a la Universidad en virtud del legado hecho a la misma por el Pavordre D. Vicente Villacampa en su ultimo tes…


Villacampa Vicente Donacions i llegatsUniversitat de València. Biblioteca Històrica Inventaris

Elementos de gramática castellana : con algunas nociones de retórica, poética y literatura española

Castellà Gramàtica

Hechos de Don Garcia Hurtado de Mendoza Quarto Marques de Cañete ...

Esc. xil. de Francisco de Rojas i Sandoval, Duc de Lerma. Errates tip. a la pàg.: de 248 passa a 245. Sign.: *2, ¶6, A-Z4, Aa-Ss4.

Hurtado de Mendoza Gracia Biografia Obres anteriors al 1800.

Guía completa de las líneas de autobuses de la provincia de Valencia y servicios a Madrid, Albacete, Alicante, Castellón y Cuenca

Índex Coberta signada per "Vercher"

Línies d'autobusos Comunitat Valenciana València (Província)

Programa borrical de El Rayo para la Gran Feria de Valencia en el desgraciado año de 1903.

En portada: "Suplemento al número 9 de El Rayo"

Fira de Juliol (València) 1903 lemac

Gozos de la gloriosa Santa Ana, madre de la Madre de Dios.

El full orlat. Grav. xil. enmarcat de Santa Anna amb la Mare de Déu, flanquejat per gerros amb flors. El text del goig a dues col. separades per banda.

Anna Santa Goigs.

Verdadera relacion : en que se descrivē las plausibles fiestas, festejos y regocojos con que la muy noble y muy leal ciudad de Sevilla recibiò à sus …

Grav. xil. d'Espanya entre el tít Text a 2 col. - Reclams Sign.: [ ]2

Festivals Andalusia Sevilla s. XVIII Obres anteriors al 1800Felip V rei d'Espanya 1683-1746 Homenatges Obres anteriors al 1800

Problemas utópicos : cuadratura del círculo, movimiento continuo, la esencia única


Dendographias sive Historiae Naturalis de arboribus et fruticibus tam nostri quam peregrini orbis libri decem : figuris aeneis adornati

Sign.: [ ]4, ):(, A-Z4, Aa-Zz4, Aaa-Qqq4, Rrr6 Grav. clac. a les f. de láam Una antep. grav.: "Matthaeus Merian. inuenit. Melchior Kèusell sculps" Dues antep Port. a dues tintes

Ciáencies naturals

Nos D. Fr. Joaquin Company ... Arzobispo de Valencia ... A todos nuestros Curas Párrocos, y demas Diocesanos ... Las hostilidades cometidas por los I…

Com a tít. el començament del text Sign.: [ ]6

Cartes pastorals València (Arxidiòcesi) 1805

Vida prosaica : comedia en un acto, imitación de la que escribió en francés Mr. Octave Feuillet con el título de Le village

Teatre castellà S. XIX Fonts

Falla del carrer de Sen Chil : relasió y explicasió

Dades preses de la coberta

Falles (Folklore) Comunitat Valenciana València

Falla dels carrers de Grasia y En Sans : en el añ 1904.

Dades preses de la coberta

Falles (Folklore) Comunitat Valenciana València

El nascimiento y primeras Empressas del Conde Orlando

Sig. [A]-Ss8 El nom de l'autor als Preliminars Escut reial grav. a la port. - Al començament de cada cant orles i grav. xil Reclams. - Errates de fol

Poesia èpica italiana S.XVI Obres anteriors al 1800

La virtud al uso y mística á la moda : destierro de la hipocresía en frase de eshortacion á ella, embolismo moral

Sign.:1-5(8), 6(4) Filets

Ètica Obres anteriors al 1800

Gritos, y lamentos de las Almas del Purgatorio, que se cantan por la Ilustre Congregacion del Santísimo Christo del Buen-Acierto, en la Parroquial Ig…

El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat de "El SS. Christo del Buen Acierto", flanquejat per altres grav. al·lusius al Purgatori El text del goig a tres col. separades per filets

Església parroquial de Sant Martí (València)Purgatori GoigsDevocions populars Comunitat Valenciana

A new heuristic algorithm for the analysis of NMRD dispersion curves

Regression analysis of the NMRD dispersion curves obtained by the FFC-NMR relaxometric technique involves several conceptual and practical issues, which must be carefully addressed in order to gain reliable information on the system studied. Indeed, particular caution is needed when the FFC technique is applied to the investigation of complex systems such as polymeric matrixes, porous materials, food samples, and so on. In these cases, and in general whenever a rigorous approach based on a suitable physical modelization of the system is not available, data analysis must be performed by means of a “model–free” approach. Moving forward from previous literature, in the present communication we…

CyclodextrinsSettore AGR/13 - Chimica AgrariaSettore CHIM/06 - Chimica OrganicaRelaxometryHeuristic AlgorithmFFC-NMRSettore CHIM/02 - Chimica Fisica

A macroecological projection for the future of the Mediterranean marine space management in a Ecosystemic Community Strategy context

Over the past few decades we have witnessed rapid ecological changes that have occurred in the world's oceans and that have mainly affected the resilience and resistance of ecosystems and the vulnerability of communities living in these ecosystems. The real challenge will be to identify and select techniques and approaches based on a macroscopic vision in order to reduce the effect of global warming, the impact of human activities and their consequences on the marine environment. These interactions can generate effects that influence the functioning of oceanic and coastal ecosystems and, consequently, goods and services, such as fishing and aquaculture production. In fact, these activities …

Settore BIO/07 - Ecologiamanagement Community Strategy Mediterranean MSFD


Background: The prevalence of respiratory diseases increased during last centuries and the rapid rise in the prevalence of such diseases cannot be explained by genetic factors. Analyses on general population samples investigated at interval of some years can permit to better comprehend these increases and the associated risk factors, adding new evidences on this important item taking into account the real life setting. Aims: to assess real life temporal changes in respiratory diseases/symptoms (asthma, allergic rhinitis - AR - and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - COPD) and associated risk factors in general population samples investigated during a period of 30 years. Methods: a gener…

population-based datasmoking habitsrespiratory symptoms/diseaseenvironmental risk factor