showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
S’imprégner de la démarche réflexive pour favoriser la transformation des pratiques pédagogiques dans l’enseignement supérieur
Il existe actuellement une tendance générale de l’enseignement supérieur vers les pratiques réflexives et la professionnalisation, dont le Portfolio d’Apprentissage et d'Évaluation fait partie (Petit et al., 2018). La réforme des IUTs de 2021 a imposé, entre autres, à tous les IUTs de France de s’engager dans une démarche de déploiement de la méthode portfolio. Son pilotage implique l’appropriation de la démarche et la collaboration de différents acteurs et services pour accompagner les étudiants et les enseignants à transformer leurs pratiques respectives (Lalle et Bonnafous, 2019). Sur la base du modèle du praticien réflexif (Schön, 1983; Slepcevic-Zach et Stock, 2018) et en mobilisant l’…
Pedro Almodóvar : Tout sur ma mère
Estudio de los mecanismos básicos y el diagnóstico del daño microvascular tras un infarto agudo de miocardio. Exploración de nuevas oportunidades ter…
El infarto agudo de miocardio (IAM) constituye una de las principales causas de morbilidad y mortalidad en las sociedades occidentales. A pesar de que se han hecho grandes avances en el tratamiento gracias a la reperfusión coronaria por métodos percutáneos, entre el 30-50% de los pacientes presentan un daño severo en la microcirculación conocido como obstrucción microvascular (OMV). Este fenómeno ejerce efectos negativos en cuanto a la estructura y pronóstico de los pacientes con IAM con elevación del segmento ST (IAMEST). Por ello, el principal objetivo de la presente Tesis Doctoral es avanzar en el entendimiento de los mecanismos y el diagnóstico del daño microvascular tras un IAMEST así …
Mesure de la perception chez l’humain par étiquetage fréquentiel en EEG
Reconstruction of idealized phase-space topology of four-wave mixing observed in nonlinear fiber
We validate a new testbed revealing the phase-space topology of ideal four-wave mixing processes. An approach based on iterated initial conditions in a short fiber is compared with experimental datasets processed by a neural network.
Oltre lo storytelling. Arte e pubblicità
With the advent of the Internet a profound change in advertising language carne up, accompanied by a profound mutation in formats. Alongside the well-known commercials have arisen what we may call superspots, films lasting severa! minutes that while echoing the advertising language of shorter forms - rapid editing, compact narration, high level of allusiveness, considerable demand for interpretive cooperation - articulate more complex discourses. lt is precisely such superior complexity that is at the heart of the analysis conducted in this paper, which considers the commerciai The One that I Wantdirected by Baz Luhrman for Chanel, from which the centrality of the concept of storytelling as…
Additional file 1 of Knowledge, safety, and teamwork: a qualitative study on the experiences of anaesthesiologists and nurse anaesthetists working in…
Additional file 1. Examples from the analysis process when generating themes.
Uso de la Realidad Virtual en Educación: un análisis bibliométrico
Virtual Reality includes different technologies through which a user can experience a virtual world created in 3 dimensions by computer. Although its adoption has been slow, since the devices required to access virtual reality were expensive, there have been experiences in education since the 1990s. The present study carries out a bibliometric study in which 1074 articles related to the use of virtual reality in education from 1990 to the beginning of 2021 have been analyzed. It has been studied, from a quantitative point of view, the evolution of the annual scientific production, collaboration and production of authors, nationalities and sources of the articles. An analysis of citations, c…
Investigation on magnesium hydroxide recovery from real bitterns
Šeilas Dileinijas personības un lugas “Medus garša” iepazīšana reālisma literatūras kontekstā 11.klasē
Diplomdarba temats ir “Šeilas Dilenijas personības un lugas “Medus garša” iepazīšana reālisma literatūras kontekstā 11. klasē”. Tā mērķis ir izstrādāt literatūras stundu mācību materiālu, kas veicinātu skolēnu interesi un iesaisti mācību procesā. Diplomdarbā ir ievads, 7 nodaļas ar apakšnodaļām, secinājumi un pielikumi. Pirmajā nodaļā analizēti izglītības jomu reglamentējošie dokumenti. Otrajā nodaļā raksturots reālisma literatūras virziens. Trešajā nodaļā apskatīta Šeilas Dileinijas personība un lugas “Medus garša” tapšanas aspekti. Ceturtajā nodaļā raksturota dramaturģijas žanra specifika un tās apguves iespējas vidusskolā. Piektajā nodaļā aprakstīta skolotājas gatavošanās darbam klasē, a…
Mūsdienu sociālo problēmu attainojums Kameronas Geretas romānā „Off the Record”
Šajā darbā aplūkotas mūsdienu sociālās problēmas, kas saistītas ir seksuālo vardarbību un seksismu, un atspoguļotas Kameronas Geretas 2021. gadā sarakstītajā romānā "Off the Record". Romāna pamatā ir #MeToo - kustība pret seksuālo vardarbību un uzmākšanos, kurā no vardarbības cietušās personas bezbailīgi dalās savā pieredzē, izmantojot sociālās platformas. Pētījumā tiek analizēts šo problēmu atainojums #MeToo kustības kontekstā. Dati apkopoti izmantojot romānu un #MeToo sociālās kustības gadījuma izpēti. Šajā darbā izmantota stāstījuma analīze, kurā pierādījumi no literatūras tiek izmantota kā primārie dati. Pētījumā izmantota kvalitatīvā pētījumu metode, kurā autors veicis dziļo lasīšanu u…
Generation of travelling sine-Gordon breathers in noisy long Josephson junctions
The generation of travelling sine-Gordon breathers is achieved through the nonlinear supratransmission effect in a magnetically driven long Josephson junction, in the presence of losses, a current bias, and a thermal noise source. We demonstrate how to exclusively induce breather modes by means of controlled magnetic pulses. A nonmonotonic behavior of the breather-only generation probability is observed as a function of the noise intensity. An experimental protocol providing evidence of the Josephson breather's existence is proposed.
Nostalgia, rimpianto e memoria nell’ultimo Cicerone: una lettura del Brutus
This paper aims at pointing out the lexical and metaphorical representations of desiderium in Cicero’s Brutus. The Modern criticism of nostalgia in ancient Rome concern love and exile elegy, while this paper deals with the emotional process in Cicero’s work: it starts with a phase of perception, represented by the absence ensuing from Hortensius’ death, resulting in two different outcomes. The first one is the affect-laden response, the dolor, seen as a reaction of the whole of community, since Hortensius represents here the “voice of oratory”, lost as a consequence of Caesar’s autocracy; the other one is the intellectual response, the use of private and public memory, a reference to the pa…
Tommaso Stanislao Velasti e il filellenismo di fine Settecento
The work of the Greek Jesuit originally from Scio, Tommaso Stanislao Velasti, constitutes a compendium of the philhellenic ideology which, starting from the second half of the eighteenth century, influenced the irredentist processes which in 1821 led Greece to proclaim its independence from the Sublime Porte. In his research path, Velasti was lucky enough to come across the works of Albanian intellectuals from Sicily, at whose Palermo seminar he was able to dwell in the crucial years of his ideological turning point. The study of some fundamental documents that emerged from the archive of the Seminary founded by Fr. Giorgio Guzzetta highlighted the filiation of fundamental ideas of identity…
La centrale elettrica Alessandro Volta. Conoscenza, recupero compatibile e pratiche di rigenerazione di un tassello di Patrimonio industriale a Paler…
Palermo annovera un esempio di archeologia industriale lungo il waterfront davvero emblematico nell'ottica del riuso adattivo, delle buone pratiche di recupero compatibile e di rigenerazione dello spazio urbano: si tratta della Centrale elettrica Alessandro Volta, costruita dalla Schuckert & Co. di Norimberga nel 1899. Informazioni documentarie-archivistico-iconografiche reperite, nonché la permanenza pressoché immutata di alcuni corpi di fabbrica originari, consentono di attivare una ricerca applicata e progetto, ispirati ai suggerimenti della committente, agli indirizzi progettuali dell'Autorità portuale per la riqualificazione del waterfront, alle stringenti priorità europee in termi…
Questo lavoro analizza il ruolo, l’organizzazione e le competenze del Comitato europeo delle Regioni alla luce dell’evoluzione normativa che ha contraddistinto l’organismo considerato il “guardiano della sussidiarietà europea” nel rapporto con i cittadini ed i territori. In particolare si approfondiscono le possibili traiettorie di riforma nella prospettiva della Conferenza sul futuro dell’Europa. This essay illustrates the role, organization and competences of the European Committee of the Regions in the light of the discipline of the European legal system. Specific consideration is given to the function of “guardian of European subsidiarity” than the Lisbon Treaty, but even more so in rel…
Latvijas sociāldemokrātisko partiju nostādnes: partiju "Saskaņa" un "Progresīvie" salīdzinājums un analīze
Maģistra darba “Latvijas sociāldemokrātisko partiju nostādnes: partiju “Saskaņa” un “Progresīvie” salīdzinājums un analīze” uzstādījums ir veikt pētījumu par Latvijā divu populārāko sociāldemokrātisko partiju ideoloģijām. Šī maģistra darba mērķis ir noskaidrot un izzināt divu vienā politiskajā sistēmā funkcionējošu politisko partiju piekopto sociāldemokrātijas tradīciju. Tāpēc tiek uzdots pētījuma jautājums “kādā mērā atšķiras partiju “Saskaņas” un “Progresīvie” ideoloģiskās nostādnes?”. Ar vārdu “tradīcija” tiek domātas partiju ideoloģiskās nostādnes un to piederība kādam no sociāldemokrātijas veidiem. Pētījuma empīrisko daļu caurstrāvo centieni noskaidrot, kādam sociāldemokrātijas veidam …
This volume questions the community both as an increasingly emerging educational need in the post-modern societies, and as a human and universal vocation. To clarify the current oblivion of the sense of a community ethic, that especially distinguishes the new generations, educational practices and pedagogical theories are reconstructed that, throughout history, have favored a community tone. Finally, the gaze is turned to those educational challenges that today it is not possible to ignore in view of the formation of a community citizenship: individualism, materialism, virtual realities, multiculturalism. These are some tendencies that orient young people towards lonely lifestyles and that …
L’educazione nella storia
This Chapter reviews the numerous practices and customs that man has used, from prehistoric times to today, to educate the younger generations. The author presents the results of a historical investigation that reconstructs the complex forms of education over the centuries, taking place within particular space-time coordinates.
L'A. commenta le relazioni dei tre relatori, offrendo spunti di analisi critica al dibattito.
Komercdarbību veidi un to analīze.
Bakalaura darba tēma ir komercdarbību veidi un to analīze. Mūsdienās Latvijas iedzīvotāji ir ieinteresēti dibināt savus uzņēmumus, lai nopelnītu. Kā rezultātā nonāk pie komercdarbību izvēles. Bakalaura darba mērķis izpētīt pieejamos statistiskos datus par reģistrēto uzņēmumu skaitu katrā no komercdarbībām, kā arī veikt priekšlikumus, kurš no komercdarbības veidiem Latvijā ir vispiemērotākais un kurā nozarē ir visizdevīgāk dibināt uzņēmumu. Darba rezultātā tika apskatīti komercdarbības veidi, kā IK, PS, KS, SIA, tai skaitā mazkapitāla SIA un AS. Tā kā tika noskaidrots, ka SIA ir visizvēlētākais komercdarbības veids Latvijā, tad arī pētījuma daļā tika izpētīts SIA. Tika veikta aptaujāšana, la…
Multicomponent relativistic dissipative fluid dynamics from the Boltzmann equation
We derive multicomponent relativistic second-order dissipative fluid dynamics from the Boltzmann equations for a reactive mixture of $N_{\text{spec}}$ particle species with $N_q$ intrinsic quantum numbers (e.g. electric charge, baryon number, and strangeness) using the method of moments. We obtain the continuity equations for multiple conserved charges as well as the conservation equations for the total energy and momentum in the single-fluid approximation. These $4+N_q$ conservation laws are closed by deriving the second-order equations of motion for the dissipative quantities in the $(10+4N_q)$-moment approximation. The resulting fluid-dynamical equations are formally similar to those of …
Bidirectional associations between cognitive functions and walking performance among middle-aged women
Objective: This study investigated whether (1) cognitive functions change after the transition from the perimenopausal to the postmenopausal stage, (2) cognitive functions and walking are associated in middle-aged women, and (3) cognitive functions assessed in perimenopause are associated with walking after reaching the postmenopause or vice versa. Methods: In total, 342 women, categorized as early (n = 158) or late perimenopausal (n = 184), were included in the study and followed up until postmenopausal. Psychomotor speed, executive functions related to set-shifting and updating, working memory, and visual memory were assessed. Walking was assessed with walking speed, walking distance, and…
Broadband Terahertz Signal Processing and Multiplexing with Four-wire Waveguides
We demonstrate a new waveguide geometry, namely a four-wire waveguide, which acts as a terahertz polarization-division multiplexer and a novel platform to realize versatile signal-processing functionalities into independent channels over a broadband terahertz frequency range.
L’ambito derogatorio dell’autonomia individuale
L'A. ripercorre le tappe dell'evoluzione della flessibilità del lavoro a partire dal c.d. Pacchetto Treu, prendendo spunto dalle idee di Massimo D'Antona sull'inderogabilità. The essay shows the steps of the flexibility in the political frame from Pacchetto Treu until today; the paper is based on the ideas of Massimo D'Antona.
Avere interessi e passioni: tempo libero, svago e sport
Per coltivare passioni e interessi abbiamo bisogno di diverse risorse essenziali: in primo luogo il tempo. In secondo luogo - il più delle volte - il denaro. In terzo luogo, e a seconda del tipo di attività che costituiscono le nostre passioni, gli spazi in cui svolgerle. In quarto luogo, anche in questo caso a seconda del tipo, le persone con cui svolgerle. Alcuni autori considerano questi come vincoli strutturali (structural contraints) interconnessi fra loro, come per esempio i vincoli ambientali, sociali ecc che diventano barriere in entrata per gli individui e i gruppi sociali per lo svolgimento o l'accesso alle attività del tempo libero.
Konstrukcijas verbs + prievārds, to semantika latviešu valodā
Maģistra darba “Konstrukcijas verbs + prievārds, to semantika latviešu valodā” mērķis ir pētīt bezpriedēkļa un priedēkļa verba saikni ar prievārdiem un adverbiem, kas nozīmes ziņā atbilst priedēklim, pētīt šo konstrukciju lietojumu, savstarpējās attieksmes un semantiku. Līdz šim latviešu valodniecībā verbālas konstrukcijas, kur tiek lietots nozīmes ziņā tuvs priedēklis, prievārds un apstākļa vārds pētītas maz. Darba gaitā tika izmantota aprakstošā, salīdzinošā, distributīvā, transformatīvā un anketēšanas metode. Darbā analizēto piemēru avots ir interneta rakstu valoda – mikroblogošanas vietne “Twitter”, interneta komentāri, “Latviešu valodas tīmekļa korpuss” (Tīmeklis2020) u. c. avoti, kur …
Toivon ja tuhon näkymiä : luontosuhde ja ympäristötietoisuus kolmen ekoelokuvan vastaanotossa
Shared Mental Models: National Representative Coaches’ Thinking on Importance, Characteristics, and Development
The aims of the study were to explore how national representative handball coaches reflect on the cognitive properties of the team and how these attributes are developed through team practice. A theoretical (shared mental models) thematic analysis was conducted, and five coaches with extensive experience from the national team and elite clubs participated. The data were analyzed with regard to three overarching topics: importance, characteristics, and development of shared mental models. The interviews revealed that measures intended to influence a shared mental model permeate team practice and underpin the assumption of opponent-specific shared mental models. Alignment between briefings an…
Espectro clínico y genético de las neuropatías hereditarias motoras distales en la Comunidad Valenciana
Las neuropatías hereditarias motoras distales (NHMd) son enfermedades neuromusculares de origen genético que se caracterizan por una degeneración de la parte motora de los nervios periféricos. Se engloban dentro de un grupo más amplio de neuropatías hereditarias llamadas neuropatías tipo Charcot- Marie-Tooth (CMT). Son enfermedades que afectan a gente joven y producen una discapacidad importante. Actualmente no disponemos de tratamiento que modifique el curso de las NHMd, por lo que los esfuerzos en investigación en este grupo de enfermedades son muy importantes. El diagnóstico y el estudio de la historia natural de las diferentes formas de NHMd es complicado porque son enfermedades poco fr…
Jakiego "Sokratesa" nie wystawili Lenartowiczowi aktorzy warszawscy w 1884 roku?
„Poemat dramatyczny” Teofila Lenartowicza Sędziowie ateńscy (1895), wydany dopiero po śmierci autora, nie tylko powstawał przez kilka lat, lecz także był prawdopodobnie kilka razy pisany od nowa pod różnymi tytułami ( Sokrates). Z niektórych jego wersji zachowały się drukowane fragmenty, inne pozostały w rękopisach. Jedną z redakcji wcześniejszych, nietożsamą z tekstem wydanym na podstawie ostatniego autografu, była wersja przygotowana dla teatru w 1884 roku. Powody rezygnacji z wystawienia nie są dokładnie znane. Egzemplarz odebrany z teatru zachował się w stanie mocno niekompletnym (obejmuje tylko jeden z pięciu aktów), ale tekst dramatu w nim zapisany pokrywa się z innym odpisem, na…
Problemātiska sociālo tīklu lietošana un apmierinātība ar attiecībām pieaugušajiem
Šī pētījuma mērķis bija izpētīt saistības starp problemātisku sociālo tīklu lietošanu un apmierinātību ar attiecībām pieaugušajiem. Pētījumā piedalījās 77 pieaugušie vecumā no 18- 44 gadiem, kuri romantiskajās attiecībās ir vismaz 1 gadu. Sociālo tīklu atkarības skala (/SNS/-Social Networking Addiction Scale, Shahnawaz & Rehman, 2020) tika izmantota problemātiskas sociālo tīklu lietošanas mērīšanai, un Apmierinātības ar attiecībām aptauja (/IMS/- Index of Marital Satisfaction, Hudson, 1982) tika izmantota apmierinātības ar attiecībām mērīšanai. Pētījumā netika konstatēta statistiski nozīmīga saistība starp problemātisku sociālo tīklu lietošanu un apmierinātību ar attiecībām, taču tika konst…
« Mervyn Peake : ‘Alice, Tenniel et moi’ »
Notice sur l'illustrateur anglais Mervyn Peake pour le catalogue SurréAlice (vol. 2, Illustr’alice) de l’exposition Illustr’Alice au Musée Tomi Ungerer en collaboration avec le Musée d’Art Moderne et Contemporain de Strasbourg. Dir. Fabrice Flahutez, Barbara Forest et Thérèse Willer. Strasbourg : Musées de la Ville de Strasbourg, 2022. 46-49.
Radošās darbības veicināšana darbā ar tekstilu pirmsskolas izglītības 3. posmā
Kvalifikācijas darba nosaukums: “Radošās darbības veicināšana darbā ar tekstilu pirmsskolas izglītības 3.posmā”. Darba mērķis: izpētīt pirmsskolas 3. posma bērnu radošās darbības veicināšanu darbā ar tekstilu. Darba teorētiskajā daļā darba autore skaidro radošās darbības jēdzienu, 3. vecumposma bērnu radošās darbības raksturojumu un tās veicināšanu pirmsskolā balstoties uz I. Kraģa, V. Hibneres, D. Kalējas – Gasparovičas un citu autoru atziņām. Darba praktiskā daļa balstās uz 3. vecumposma bērnu radošās darbības veicināšanas izpēti darbā ar tekstilu iespaidojoties no latviešu tekstilmākslinieku - Edīte Pauls Vīgnere “Koronetes” un Anneles Slišānes “100 deči Latvijai” darbiem. Analizējot ieg…
La «segretezza profonda» dei luoghi: Tetto Murato di Lalla Romano
"Tetto Murato consisted of a group of houses, courtyards and vegetable gardens, all surrounded by a square wall. One entered through a half-collapsed arch into a maze of vegetable gardens invaded by chickens, walls and buildings''. This is how the place, around which the narrative warp of a novel was woven in 1957, takes shape in all its vivid physiognomy. The title Tetto Murato (Walled Roof) condenses its distinctive trait in the peculiar evocative concreteness of the image. The inventive dynamics of the narrative will be explored, emphasising how the space in which they unfold, the 'Roof', from the very incipit of the quoted passage, is profiled in all its protagonism. We will dwell on th…
Endring av regionale innovasjonssystemer i grønn retning
Slik klimaforandringer påvirker planeten og menneskeheten i dag er det nødvendig med en grønn omstilling av samfunnet, gjerne koblet opp mot FNs bærekraftsmål. Norge som en del av FN har dermed forpliktet seg til å være med på verdens felles arbeidsplan i form av bærekraftsmålene, der et av de tre store målene er å stoppe klimaendringene innen 2030. Med mindre enn ti år igjen for å nå målet, må alt vi gjør sees i et nytt lys. Menneskeskapte klimaforandringer krever menneskeskapte løsninger, og det involverer alt fra store aktører til hver enkelt innbygger for å kunne gjennomføre grønn omstilling. Siden en slik omstilling krever involvering av så mange aktører og parter som kan påvirkes av r…