20 documents found
Evolution of the complex permittivity of biological tissue at microwaves ranges: Correlation study with burn depth
The evolution of the muscle tissue's complex permittivity represents a growing interest in terms of characterization in medicine and biology. The influence of a burned part on the permittivity is not very developed. In this work, an estimation of the complex permittivity of biological tissues is performed as a function of the depth of burn tissues. The sensor, an open-ended coaxial probe, is placed directly against each sample. The evolution of …
Probing fast oscillating scalar dark matter with atoms and molecules
Light scalar Dark Matter with scalar couplings to matter is expected within several scenarios to induce variations in the fundamental constants of nature. Such variations can be searched for, among other ways, via atomic spectroscopy. Sensitive atomic observables arise primarily due to possible changes in the fine-structure constant or the electron mass. Most of the searches to date have focused on slow variations of the constants (i.e. modulati…
Historical coin collection
The collection of 61 cons dating back from late medieval times was discovered in Byczyna (Opole region) during archeological examinations of a cemetery near a local evangelical church of St Nicholas. The excavations were conducted in 2009-2014 and revealed 1087 graves in a regular pattern. The coins were connected to a ritual that required leaving a coin with a deceased body to ensure the passage to the other world. The 54 coins were precisely dated (the oldest dating to the 1330s and the newest to 1750s), with the remailing specimens too damaged to identify. They are described in academic and popular publications by dr. Magdalena Przysiężna-Pizarska
Parastās egles (Picea abies (L.) H.Karst.) ektomikorizas apsaimniekotās mežaudzēs Latvijā
Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumus
Mappa Geographica Exactissima, Continens Imperatoris Haereditarium Dominium Silesiam
A map of the Silesian region by Pieter II Schenk (1693-1775), dated to around 1760. Its size is 48,7 cm on 56,8 cm, it is framed by the scale and accompanied bythe legend
Collection of Historical Instruments of Physics
This huge collection of instruments (about 500) has been collected over time since 1811, when the physicist Domenico Scinà obtained the chair of Experimental Physics. The collection includes pieces from different branches of Physics, such as mechanics, calorimetry, acoustics, electromagnetism and optics.
Quantitative genetic analysis of floral traits shows current limits but potential evolution in the wild
The vast variation in floral traits across angiosperms is often interpreted as the result of adaptation to pollinators. However, studies in wild populations often find no evidence of pollinator-mediated selection on flowers. Evolutionary theory predicts this could be the outcome of periods of stasis under stable conditions, followed by shorter periods of pollinator change that provide selection for innovative phenotypes. We asked if periods of s…
Prison of the Penitenziati
This 16th century building for a long time housed the Inquisition prisons and then the Royal Court. It collects several graffiti, living proof of the dark and terrible time of Inquisition, thanks to the meticulous work of the Palermitan ethnologist Giuseppe Pitrè, that brought them to light at the beginning of the 20th century.
Claudii Ptolomei Cosmographie
Psychology of organizational behavior
Research in Work Psychology, Organizations, and Human Resources has experienced significant development in recent decades, addressing challenges of important scientific and practical/professional significance. This area of psychosocial research covers a wide range of issues and themes. The research group "Organizational Behavioral Psychology," with a long history of investigation, focuses its research on the study of four basic aspects of this area of scientific research. Firstly, it addresses the study of two fundamental components for individuals and organizations: job well-being in its different facets and effective performance that contributes to organizational results. Secondly, and as…
Artis historicae penus octodecim scriptorum tam veterum quàm recentiorum monumentis & inter eos Io. Praecipue bodini libris methodi historicae sex in…
Collection of works by 19 authors (18 in the title) on the theory and methodology of history. The first volume includes 8 authors.
Addition of dianions of carboxylic acids to imines. Influence of the acid in the outcome of the reaction
The addition of different carboxylic acids dianions to N-benzylidenebenzeneamine have been studied. The outcome of the reaction depends on the acid. Saturated ones lead to β-aminoacids with good yields and syn-selectivity whereas α,β-unsaturated ones lead to α− and γ− regioisomers with a regioselectivity that depends on the steric hindrance around the reactive centre. From some of these unsaturated acids, polyunsaturated carboxylic acids can be …
Lauku apdzīvojuma ainavas pārmaiņas Susāju pagastā
Bakalaura darbā “Lauku apdzīvojuma ainavas pārmaiņas Susāju pagastā” pētīti Latgales pierobežas pagastu apdzīvojuma ainavas telpiskās struktūras pārmaiņu procesi un virzītājspēki, kā etalonteritoriju izvēloties Viļakas novada Susāju pagastu. Mērķis ir izvērtēt apdzīvojuma ainavas pārmaiņas un mūsdienu procesus Latgales pierobežā, Susāju pagasta piemērā. Pētījums balstīts uz literatūras teorētisko un kartogrāfisko materiālu analīzi, pētāmās terit…
Iosephi Binghami ... Origines sive antiquitates ecclesiasticae. Ex lingua anglicana in latinam vertit
Translation from English into Latin of a vast religious-historical work which gives a systematic account of Christian antiquities, grouped by headings. The sixth volume contains books XIV and XV.
Chemistry and technology of polymers and polymer materials
Our research covers the following main areas: (1) the design, synthesis and characterization of homogeneous and supported on inorganic carriers catalysts for coordination polymerization, (2) study of alkylaluminium ionic liquids, determination of physical properties and application as a medium of polymerization reaction, (3) evaluation of synthesized catalysts in olefin (co)polymerization, ethylene-norbornene copolymerization and cyclic esters polymerization, (4) modification of polyethylene by copolymerization of ethylene with higher olefins, polar monomers and other comonomers, (5) preparation and characterization of (nano)composites based on polymers and biopolymers with inorganic and or…
Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care
CoE AgeCare studies the transformation of ageing and care using novel conceptual and interdisciplinary perspectives, conjoining the analysis of diversification of everyday life to that of ongoing profound societal and policy change.
IT Security
Analysis of various security aspects of communication protocols, in particular Key Exchange Protocols (IKE & IKEv2) and VPN protocols (IPsec). Evaluation of security levels in IoT/IoE networks. Design and deployment of computer systems, that measures the level of cyberthreats in close physical proximity of the actor. Detection of anomalies, trends and threats in IT security by utilizing machine learning, statistical methods, game theory, semantic networks.
Lettere dell'ill.re signore don Antonio di Guevara, vescovo di Mondogneto, predicator, cronista, & consigliero della maestà cesarca
Collection of religious letters by the Spanish Catholic bishop Antonio de Guevara (1480-1545).
Augustini Barbosæ, i.v.d. Lusitani, ... Collectanea doctorum, tam veterum quam recentiorum
Canon law work that includes canonical sources from both ancient and modern authors. The second volume contains the third and fourth books of decretals.
Laboratory of Wine Microbiology and Biotecnology
Research lines: - Ecology and diversity. Taxonomy. Molecular methods for detection and identification. Studies on the ecology of yeast and bacterial species in wine. Taxonomic analysis and description of new species. Development of various methodologies for the detection, identification, and quantification of organisms present in wine. Quality control. Control of the implantation of starter cultures. - Metabolism of acidic sugars and amino acids in lactic acid bacteria. This research line aims to understand the abilities of microorganisms to use substrates present in must or wine, to determine how these substrates affect the growth of bacteria, and to understand the effect of their u…