20 documents found
Iosephi Binghami ... Origines sive antiquitates ecclesiasticae. Ex lingua anglicana in latinam vertit
Translation from English into Latin of a vast religious-historical work which gives a systematic account of Christian antiquities, grouped by headings. The fifth volume contains book XIII.
Expositio Psalmo[rum] beati Augustini
Iosephi Binghami ... Origines sive antiquitates ecclesiasticae. Ex lingua anglicana in latinam vertit
Translation from English into Latin of a vast religious-historical work which gives a systematic account of Christian antiquities, grouped by headings.The seventh volume contains book XVI.
Fingerprint and Iris based Authentication in Intercooperative Emerging e-Infrastructures
E-infrastructures must support the development of heterogeneous applications for workstation network, for mobile and portable systems and devices. In this context and relating to all collaborative and pervasive computational technology a very important role is played by security and authentication systems, which represent the first step of the whole process. Biometric authentication systems represent a valid alternative to conventional authentic…
Positive Learning at Risk in the Age of Information
Information and communication technology has an immense influence on our lives, little is understood about its particular effects on the way we learn. In the Age of Information, scientific knowledge has to compete against misinformation and biased data spread through social and mass media. These conditions pose hazards for learning in formal and informal environments. The international research program "Positive Learning in the Age of Information" (PLATO), established in 2016, unites outstanding expertise from various disciplines with technological innovation in information processing to investigate learning in our knowledgeand multimedia-based society in a vital scientifically future-orien…
Dynamics and Topology
Topology and Dynamics unite key fields of research that have recently spurred intense scientific interest but also cover the key functionalities of devices that require stable properties combined with ultra-fast and/or low power operation. The concept of topology plays an important role in nature and has implications in many fields of science as diverse as cosmology, particle physics, quantum manybody systems, superfluidity, liquid crystals, and metallurgy. The topology of a system is described by a topological charge, which emerges from the winding of an order parameter that lives in a space characterizing the eigenstates of the system. Topological properties of states of diverse nature no…
Institute of Chemical Physics consists of Nanomaterials Lab
The main research directions - investigation of properties and possible applications of nanostructured materials such as nanowires, nanotubes, nanoparticles.
European Centre of \nPalaeontology
A European research and education centre of palaeontology/palaeobiology, located in a palaeontological pavilion at Krasiejów near Opole. By now, Krasiejów has become a famous locality where Upper Triassic sedimentary rocks are exposed that have yielded large numbers of fossils, mostly vertebrates but also invertebrate and plant taxa. The Opole area is also well known for its Late Cretaceous (Turonian-Coniacian) marine fossils, mostly invertebrates, but rare vertebrate remains and plants have also been recorded. Close to Opole, Middle Triassic (Germanic facies, Muschelkalk) deposits are widely distributed as well, with profuse vertebrate and invertebrate fauna and ichnofossil assemblages. A …
Crypt of the Repentite
The crypt came to light by chance in 2005, during some renovation works of an old religious complex in via Divisi and is currently intended for University Departments. It is still intact in its original beauty. Burial place for the “Repentite”, it preserves a valuable 17th century altar, almost intact.
Collections of the Engineering Department
This peculiar collection includes instruments and equipment property of the old departments, recently merged into the DICAM Department. There are materials used for studies and tests of structural engineering, geotechnics, hydraulics, science and technology of materials.
Operational and financial effectiveness of e-collaboration tools in supply chain integration
This paper develops a comprehensive model of supply chain integration and uses it to analyze and assess the operational and financial effectiveness of different e-collaboration tools at various levels of supply chain integration. This model is also used to evaluate the importance of the sequence in which e-collaboration tools are adopted in supply chain integration. Computational results from a validated system dynamics simulation model with dif…
Experiences of radioactivity measurement in various environmental samples
An overview on our activity of environmental radioactivity measurement is reported. Radionuclide concentration have been evaluated in the particulate air, soils and rocks, drinking and surface water, wastewater, marine sediments and so on. Most of radionuclide concentration evaluation were performed using facilities of DEIM Department of Palermo University. In particular, particulate collection was performed by suction of atmospheric air through…
Top Research Centre Mechatronics
Machine design, industrial IT, intelligent monitoring, robotics and vision, collaborative robots, assisted living, recycling batteries, flexible production, construction and offshore mechatronics.
Coin Collection
The numismatic collection of Ancient History is based on the coin collection of the former chair holder Hans-Ulrich Instinsky (1907-1973). In 1974 and 1984, the Department of Ancient History was able to purchase 368 specimens from his private collection. Since the private collection covered all ancient epochs, it was possible in this way to provide a comprehensive overview for teaching purposes. The "Instinsky Collection" thus represents the foundation of the now including nearly 1,000 coins, which spans a time frame from the 6th century BC to the 6th century AD.\nAlthough the focus is primarily on the coins of the Principate, coins of the Greek poleis and Hellenism are also strongly repres…
Determination of mycotoxins in bee pollen by gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.
Bee pollen, promoted as a natural food supplement, is consumed increasingly by people to maintain a healthy diet. Depending on environmental conditions, pollen can also be an optimum medium for growth of molds such as Fusarium and Penicillium . A quick, easy, cheap, rapid, and safe (QuEChERS) extraction procedure followed by a gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS) determination of eight selected Fusarium toxins in bee pollen was…
Solid state ionics and optical materials technology for energy efficiency, solar energy conversion, and environment control
The fundamental electronic properties (including optical) of a solid are determined by the character of the interaction between its ionic and electronic subsystems. The state of the ionic subsystem can be changed persistently and reversibly by an external stimulus (current, light). The pertinent ion-controlled phenomena in the solids (solid electrolytes or mixed conductors) causes the ions to be inserted, extracted, transferred, or absorbed or t…
M Tullii Ciceronis De philosophia volumen secundum, id est, De natura deorum libri 3. De divinatione libri 2. De fato liber 1. De legibus libri 3. De…
Second part of the collection of philosophical works of Cicero published by Manuzio, wich includes De natura deorum, De divinatione, De fato, De legibus, De universitate, De petitione consulatus ad Marcum fratrem.
Innovations and Challenges: Conceptualizing CLIL Practice
The continued emergence of content and language integrated learning (CLIL) is linked to how it creates, adopts, and leads to the design of innovative didactic processes. In systems, theory emergenc...
Sacrae Rotae Romanae Decisiones coram reverendissimo P. domino Cyriaco Lancetta ...
Collection of the sentences of Sacra Rota from January 13, 1719 to July 4, 1721, taken from the autographs of Ciriaco Lancetta, auditor of the Sacra Rota.
Inverse problems Research Group
Inverse problems research concentrates on the mathematical theory and practical implementation of indirect measurements. Applications are found in numerous research fields involving scientific, medical or industrial imaging; familiar examples include X-ray computed tomography and ultrasound imaging. Inverse problems have a rich mathematical theory employing modern methods in partial differential equations, harmonic analysis, and differential geometry.