Juan Nieves

Long-distance structure of the X(3872)

We investigate heavy quark symmetries for heavy meson hadronic molecules, and explore the consequences of assuming the X(3872) and $Z_b(10610)$ as an isoscalar $D\bar D^*$ and an isovector $B\bar B^*$ hadronic molecules, respectively. The symmetry allows to predict new hadronic molecules, in particular we find an isoscalar $1^{++}$ $B\bar B^*$ bound state with a mass about 10580 MeV and the isovector charmonium partners of the $Z_b(10610)$ and the $Z_b(10650)$ states. Next, we study the $X(3872) \to D^0 \bar D^0\pi^0$ three body decay. This decay mode is more sensitive to the long-distance structure of the X(3872) resonance than its $J/\psi\pi\pi$ and $J/\psi3\pi$ decays, which are mainly c…

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Odd parity bottom-flavored baryon resonances

The LHCb Collaboration has recently observed two narrow baryon resonances with beauty. Their masses and decay modes look consistent with the quark model orbitally excited states Lambda(b)(5912) and Lambda(b)*(5920), with quantum numbers J(P) = 1/2(-) and 3/2(-), respectively. We predict the existence of these states within a unitarized meson-baryon coupled-channel dynamical model, which implements heavy-quark spin symmetry. Masses, quantum numbers and couplings of these resonances to the different meson-baryon channels are obtained. We find that the resonances Lambda(0)(b)(5912) and Lambda(0)(b)(5920) are heavy-quark spin symmetry partners, which naturally explains their approximate mass de…

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Neutrino energy reconstruction and the shape of the charged current quasielastic-like total cross section

We show that because of the multinucleon mechanism effects, the algorithm used to reconstruct the neutrino energy is not adequate when dealing with quasielastic-like events, and a distortion of the total flux-unfolded cross-section shape is produced. This amounts to a redistribution of strength from high to low energies, which gives rise to a sizable excess (deficit) of low (high) energy neutrinos. This distortion of the shape leads to a good description of the MiniBooNE unfolded charged current quasielastic-like cross sections published by A. A. Aguilar-Arevalo et al. [(MiniBooNE Collaboration), Phys. Rev. D 81, 092005 (2010)]. However, these changes in the shape are artifacts of the unfol…

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In our talk, we explore a coupled channel unitary approach to investigate the meson baryon interaction with hidden charm, using constraints of heavy quark spin symmetry. With the full space of states demanded by the heavy quark spin symmetry and the dynamics of the local hidden gauge, we find four basic states which are bound by about 50 MeV with respect to the corresponding [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] thresholds respectively and decay mostly into ηcN and J/ψN. All the states appear in isospin I = 1/2, some of which are degenerated in different momentum J.

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Large-NCproperties of theρandf0(600)mesons from unitary resonance chiral dynamics

We construct $\ensuremath{\pi}\ensuremath{\pi}$ amplitudes that fulfill exact elastic unitarity, account for one-loop chiral perturbation theory contributions and include all $1/{N}_{C}$ leading terms, with the only limitation of considering just the lowest-lying nonet of exchanged resonances. Within such a scheme, the ${N}_{C}$ dependence of $\ensuremath{\sigma}$ and $\ensuremath{\rho}$ masses and widths is discussed. Robust conclusions are drawn in the case of the $\ensuremath{\rho}$ resonance, confirming that it is a stable meson in the limit of a large number of QCD colors, ${N}_{C}$. Less definitive conclusions are reached in the scalar-isoscalar sector. With the present quality of dat…

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Resonant formation of pionic atoms with neutron collisions

We study the {ital n}+{ital A}{r arrow}({ital A}{prime}{pi}{sub {ital b}}{sup {minus}}){r arrow}{ital n}+{ital A} reaction, or resonant formation of pionic atoms, with neutron scattering. We evaluate the contribution of the interference of this reaction channel in {sup 40}Ca and {sup 208}Pb to the elastic scattering amplitude at backward angles. The ratio of signal to the background at 80{degree} is about 10{sup {minus}3}, and we estimate that the ratio does not improve at higher angles, hence making this reaction impractical. Our findings have repercussions on a similar reaction now running at the Indiana University Cyclotron Facility.

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Heavy quark spin symmetry and heavy baryons: electroweak decays

Heavy quark spin symmetry is discussed in the context of single and doubly heavy baryons. A special attention is paid to the constraints/simplifications that this symmetry imposes on the non-relativistic constituent quark model wave functions and on the b->c semileptonic decays of these hadrons.

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The negative-parity spin-1/2 Λ baryon spectrum from lattice QCD and effective theory

The spectrum of the negative-parity spin-1/2 $\Lambda$ baryons is studied using lattice QCD and hadronic effective theory in a unitarized coupled-channel framework. A direct comparison between the two approaches is possible by considering the hadronic effective theory in a finite volume and with hadron masses and mesonic decay constants that correspond to the situation studied on the lattice. Comparing the energy level spectrum and $SU(3)$ flavor decompositions of the individual states, it is found that the lowest two states extracted from lattice QCD can be identified with one of the two $\Lambda(1405)$-poles and the $\Lambda(1670)$ resonance. The quark mass dependences of these two lattic…

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s-wave charmed baryon resonances from a coupled-channel approach with heavy quark symmetry

We study charmed baryon resonances which are generated dynamically within a unitary meson-baryon coupled channel model that treats the heavy pseudoscalar and vector mesons on equal footing as required by heavy-quark symmetry. It is an extension of recent SU(4) models with t-channel vector meson exchanges to a SU(8) spin-flavor scheme, but differs considerably from the SU(4) approach in how the strong breaking of the flavor symmetry is implemented. Some of our dynamically generated states can be readily assigned to recently observed baryon resonances, while others do not have a straightforward identification and require the compilation of more data as well as an extension of the model to d-w…

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Theoretical study of the Ξ(1620) and Ξ(1690) resonances in Ξc→π+MB decays

Nonleptonic weak decays of ${\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Xi}}}_{c}$ into ${\ensuremath{\pi}}^{+}$ and a meson $(M)$-baryon $(B)$ final state, $MB$, are analyzed from the viewpoint of probing $S=\ensuremath{-}2$ baryon resonances, i.e., $\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Xi}}(1620)$ and $\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Xi}}(1690)$, of which spin-parity and other properties are not well known. We argue that the weak decay of ${\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Xi}}}_{c}$ is dominated by a single quark-line diagram, preferred by the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa coefficient, color recombination factor, the diquark correlation, and the kinematical condition. The decay process has an advantage of being free from meson resonances in the ${\ens…

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Light flavor and heavy quark spin symmetry in heavy meson molecules

We propose an effective field theory incorporating light SU(3)-flavor and heavy quark spin symmetry to describe charmed meson-antimeson bound states. At lowest order the effective field theory entails a remarkable simplification: it only involves contact range interactions among the heavy meson and antimeson fields. We show that the isospin violating decays of the X(3872) can be used to constrain the interaction between the D and a (D) over bar* mesons in the isovector channel. As a consequence, we can rule out the existence of an isovector partner of the X(3872). If we additionally assume that the X(3915) and Y(4140) are D*(D) over bar* and D*(s)(D) over bar*(s) molecular states, we can de…

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Coherent pion production off nuclei at T2K and MiniBooNE energies revisited

As a result of a new improved fit to old bubble chamber data of the dominant axial C-5(A) nucleon-to-delta form factor, and due to the relevance of this form factor for neutrino induced coherent pion production, we reevaluate our model predictions in [Phys. Rev. D 79, 013002 ( 2009)] for different observables of the latter reaction. Central values for the total cross sections increase by 20%-30%, while differential cross sections do not change their shape appreciably. Furthermore, we also compute the uncertainties on total, differential, and flux-averaged cross sections induced by the errors in the determination of C-5(A). Our new results turn out to be compatible within about 1 sigma with …

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Charmed hadrons in nuclear medium

5th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics (QNP09).Inst High Energy Phys Chinese Acad Sci, Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA, SEP 21-25, 2009

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Resonances in QCD

We report on the EMMI Rapid Reaction Task Force meeting 'Resonances in QCD', which took place at GSI October 12-14, 2015. A group of 26 people met to discuss the physics of resonances in QCD. The aim of the meeting was defined by the following three key questions: What is needed to understand the physics of resonances in QCD? Where does QCD lead us to expect resonances with exotic quantum numbers? What experimental efforts are required to arrive at a coherent picture? For light mesons and baryons only those with ${\it up}$, ${\it down}$ and ${\it strange}$ quark content were considered. For heavy-light and heavy-heavy meson systems, those with ${\it charm}$ quarks were the focus. This docum…

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Photon emission in neutral-current interactions at intermediate energies

Neutral current photon emission reactions with nucleons and nuclei are studied. These processes are important backgrounds for nu_mu to nu_e (bar(nu)_mu to bar(nu)_e) appearance oscillation experiments where electromagnetic showers instigated by electrons (positrons) and photons are not distinguishable. At intermediate energies, these reactions are dominated by the weak excitation of the Delta(1232) resonance and its subsequent decay into Ngamma There are also non-resonant contributions that, close to threshold, are fully determined by the effective chiral Lagrangian of strong interactions. In addition, we have also included mechanisms mediated by nucleon excitations (N*) from the second res…

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Weak kaon production off the nucleon and Watson's theorem

We have improved the tree-level model of Ref arXiv:1004.5484 [hep-ph] for weak production of kaons off nucleons by partially restoring unitarity. This is achieved by imposing Watson's theorem to the dominant vector and axial-vector contributions in appropriate angular momentum and isospin quantum number sectors. The observable consequences of this procedure are investigated.

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Heavy-antiquark–diquark symmetry and heavy hadron molecules: Are there triply heavy pentaquarks?

We explore the consequences of heavy flavor, heavy quark spin, and heavy antiquark-diquark symmetries for hadronic molecules within an effective field theory framework. Owing to heavy antiquark-diquark symmetry, the doubly heavy baryons have approximately the same light-quark structure as the heavy antimesons. As a consequence, the existence of a heavy meson-antimeson molecule implies the possibility of a partner composed of a heavy meson and a doubly heavy baryon. In this regard, the D (D) over bar* molecular nature of the X(3872) will hint at the existence of several baryonic partners with isospin I = 0 and J(P) = 5(-)/2 or 3(-)/2. Moreover, if the Z(b)(10650) turns out to be a B*(B) over…

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X(3872) and its charmonium content in Heavy Quark limit

X (3872) still presents many puzzles more than a decade after its discovery. Some of its properties, like the isospin violating decays, can easily be accommodated in a molecular model, whereas its other properties, such as radiative decays can be more naturally explained in the quarkonium picture. The best of these schemes can be combined in a picture of X (3872) where it is dominantly a molecular state with some charmonium components. In this work, we present a model based on heavy quark symmetry which describes X (3872) as a superposition of molecular and charmonium components.

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Single pion production in neutrino-nucleus scattering

We study 1 pi production in both charged and neutral current neutrino-nucleus scattering for neutrino energies below 2 GeV. We use a theoretical model for one pion production at the nucleon level that we correct for medium effects. The results are incorporated into a cascade program that apart from production also includes the pion final state interaction inside the nucleus. Besides, in some specific channels coherent pi production is also possible and we evaluate its contribution as well. Our results for total and differential cross sections are compared with recent data from the MiniBooNE Collaboration. The model provides an overall acceptable description of the data, better for neutral-c…

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Test of the heavy quark-light diquark approximation for baryons with a heavy quark

We check a commonly used approximation in which a baryon with a heavy quark is described as a heavy quark-light diquark system. The heavy quark influences the diquark internal motion reducing the average distance between the two light quarks. Besides, we show how the average distance between the heavy quark and any of the light quarks, and that between the heavy quark and the center of mass of the light diquark, are smaller than the distance between the two light quarks, which seems to contradict the heavy quark-light diquark picture. This latter result is in agreement with expectations from QCD sum rules and lattice QCD calculations. Our results also show that the diquark approximations pr…

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Mesonic exchange current contribution to K+ nucleus scattering.

A microscopical many-body calculation of the self-energy of a positive kaon interacting with a nucleus is carried out of kinetic energies Tk up to 500MeV. On top of the well know contribution of the impulse approximation, we have considered the kaon coupling to the pions in the nucleus. Previous approximations for the pionic cloud contribution, specially on the imaginary part from the pionic cloud wich were not previously considered. The results for the total and differential cross sections are satisfactory after these new contributions are included, but uncertainties remain in the real part. Nieves Pamplona, Juan Miguel, Juan.M.Nieves@ific.uv.es ; Oset Baguena, Eulogio, Eulogio.Oset@ific.u…

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Coherent (γ, π0) photoproduction in a local approximation to the delta-hole model

Abstract We develop a local approximation to the Δh model for coherent π 0 photoproduction in nuclei which allows one to perform reliable calculations in heavy nuclei where the traditional Δh approach is technically unfeasible. We evaluate the cross section in different nuclei and compare our results with available data in 12 C.

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Charmed Mesons in Nuclei with Heavy-Quark Spin Symmetry

We study the properties of charmed pseudoscalar and vector mesons in dense matter within a unitary meson-baryon coupled-channel model which incorporates heavy-quark spin symmetry. This is accomplished by extending the SU(3) Weinberg-Tomozawa Lagrangian to SU(8) spin-flavor symmetry and implementing a suitable flavor symmetry breaking. Several resonances with negative parity are generated dynamically by the s-wave interaction between pseudoscalar and vector meson multiplets with $1/2^+$ and $3/2^+$ baryons. Those states are then compared to experimental data as well as theoretical models. Next, Pauli-blocking effects and meson self-energies are introduced in a self-consistent manner to obtai…

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We study the threshold production of two pions induced by neutrinos in nucleon targets. The contribution of nucleon pole, pion and contact terms is calculated using a chiral Lagrangian. The contribution of the Roper resonance, neglected in earlier studies, has also been taken into account.

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Recoilles and resonant production of double-pion atoms

Abstract We exploit two ideas found successful in the direct production of pionic atoms: recoilless condition and resonance production, in order to produce atomic systems with two bound π − . As an example of recoilless reaction we study π − + A X → p ( A−1 X , π − , π − ) , and as an example of resonant reaction we study π − X → ( π − π − X′) → π − X. In both cases the signals are found to be only a small fraction of the background indicating the big experimental difficulties that one is facing in producing these states.

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NuSTEC White Paper: Status and challenges of neutrino–nucleus scattering

International audience; The precise measurement of neutrino properties is among the highest priorities in fundamental particle physics, involving many experiments worldwide. Since the experiments rely on the interactions of neutrinos with bound nucleons inside atomic nuclei, the planned advances in the scope and precision of these experiments require a commensurate effort in the understanding and modeling of the hadronic and nuclear physics of these interactions, which is incorporated as a nuclear model in neutrino event generators. This model is essential to every phase of experimental analyses and its theoretical uncertainties play an important role in interpreting every result.In this Wh…

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Hyperfine mixing in b -> c semileptonic decay of doubly heavy baryons

We qualitatively corroborate the results of [W. Roberts, M. Pervin, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 24 (2009) 2401] according to which hyperfine mixing greatly affects the decay widths of b -> c semileptonic decays involving doubly heavy bc baryons. However, our predictions for the decay widths of the unmixed states differ from those reported in the work of Roberts and Pervin by a factor of 2, and this discrepancy translates to the mixed case. We further show that the predictions of heavy quark spin symmetry, might be used in the future to experimentally extract information on the admixtures in the actual physical bc baryons, in a model independent manner.

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The nucleon axial mass and the MiniBooNE CCQE neutrino-nucleus data

We analyze the MiniBooNE CCQE $d\sigma/dT_\mu d\cos\theta_\mu$ data using a theoretical model that has proved to be quite successful in the analysis of nuclear reactions with electron, photon and pion probes. We find that RPA and multinucleon knockout turn out to be essential for the description of the MiniBooNE data. We show these measurements are fully compatible with former determinations of nucleon axial mass $M_A$, in contrast with several previous analyses, which have suggested an anomalously large value. We find, $M_A=1.08 \pm 0.03$ GeV. We also argue that the procedure, commonly used to reconstruct the neutrino energy for QE events from the muon angle and energy, could be unreliable…

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Couplings in coupled channels versus wave functions: Application to theX(3872)resonance

We perform an analytical study of the scattering matrix and bound states in problems with many physical coupled channels. We establish the relationship of the couplings of the states to the different channels, obtained from the residues of the scattering matrix at the poles, with the wave functions for the different channels. The couplings basically reflect the value of the wave functions around the origin in coordinate space. In the concrete case of the $X(3872)$ resonance, understood as a bound state of ${D}^{0}{\overline{D}}^{*0}$ and ${D}^{+}{D}^{*\ensuremath{-}}$ (and $c.c.$ From now on, when we refer to ${D}^{0}{\overline{D}}^{*0}$ , ${D}^{+}{D}^{*\ensuremath{-}}$, or $D{\overline{D}}…

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Odd-parity light baryon resonances

We use a consistent SU(6) extension of the meson-baryon chiral Lagrangian within a coupled channel unitary approach in order to calculate the T-matrix for meson-baryon scattering in s-wave. The building blocks of the scheme are the pion and nucleon octets, the rho nonet and the Delta decuplet. We identify poles in this unitary T-matrix and interpret them as resonances. We study here the non exotic sectors with strangeness S=0,-1,-2,-3 and spin J=1/2, 3/2 and 5/2. Many of the poles generated can be associated with known N, Delta, Sigma, Lambda and Xi resonances with negative parity. We show that most of the low-lying three and four star odd parity baryon resonances with spin 1/2 and 3/2 can …

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Inclusive and exclusive neutrino-nucleus cross sections and the reconstruction of the interaction kinematics

Abstract We present a full kinematic analysis of neutrino-nucleus charged current quasielastic interactions based on the Local Fermi Gas model and the Random Phase Approximation. The model was implemented in the NEUT Monte Carlo framework, which allows us to investigate potentially measurable observables, including hadron distributions. We compare the predictions simultaneously to the most recent T2K and MINERvA charged current (CC) inclusive, CC0π and transverse kinematic-imbalance variable results. We pursuit a microscopic interpretation of the relevant reaction mechanisms, with the aim to achieving in neutrino oscillation experiments a correct reconstruction of the incoming neutrino kine…

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Watson’s theorem and theNΔ(1232)axial transition

We present a new determination of the $N\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Delta}}$ axial form factors from neutrino induced pion production data. For this purpose, the model of Hernandez et al. [Phys. Rev. D 76, 033005 (2007)] is improved by partially restoring unitarity. This is accomplished by imposing Watson's theorem on the dominant vector and axial multipoles. As a consequence, a larger ${C}_{5}^{A}(0)$, in good agreement with the prediction from the off-diagonal Goldberger-Treiman relation, is now obtained.

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Deeply bound pionic atoms with resonant Compton scattering

Abstract We study the contribution to ordinary Compton nuclear scattering of the resonant channel γ + A → (A′ π − ) → γ + A with the π − bound in the nucleus. We show that the interference of this resonant channel with background amplitudes produces significant peaks in the elastic backward differential cross section as a function of the incoming photon energy for light and medium-size nuclei. We also find that for light nuclei the signals in forward Compton scattering or in the total photonuclear cross section are big enough to be observed, provided there is a good resolution in the photon beam. The reaction is particularly suited to find deeply bound pionic states in medium-size nuclei, o…

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Are there three Xi (1950) states?

Different experiments on hadron spectroscopy have long suspected the existence of several cascade states in the $1900-2000 {\rm MeV}$ region. They are usually labeled under the common name of $\Xi (1950)$. As we argue here, there are also theoretical reasons supporting the idea of several $\Xi (1950)$ resonances. In particular, we propose the existence of three $\Xi(1950)$ states: one of these states would be part of a spin-parity $(1/2)^{-}$ decuplet and the other two probably would belong to the $(5/2)^{+}$ and $(5/2)^{-}$ octets. We also identify which decay channels are the more appropriate for the detection of each of the previous states.

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Prediction of hidden charm strange molecular baryon states with heavy quark spin symmetry

We have studied the meson-baryon $S-$wave interaction, using coupled channels, in the isoscalar hidden-charm strange sector and $J^P = 1/2^-,3/2^-$ and $5/2^-$. We impose constraints of heavy quark spin symmetry in the interaction and obtain the non vanishing matrix elements from an extension of the local hidden gauge approach to the charm sector. The ultraviolet divergences are renormalized using the same meson-baryon-loops regulator previously employed in the non-strange hidden charm sector, where a good reproduction of the properties of the newly discovered pentaquark states is obtained. We obtain five states of $1/2^-$, four of $3/2^-$ and one of $5/2^-$, which could be compared in the …

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Neutron distributions from pionic atoms

Abstract The radii of neutron distributions in nuclei are extracted from experimental shifts and widths of pionic atoms. A best fit to pionic-atom data is carried out by varying simultaneously the neutron radii and the parameter of a pion-nucleus optical potential. We have used three different potentials: one of them theoretical plus a small phenomenological part, another one semiphenomenological, with the linear terms in the density obtained from experimental πN amplitudes and the quadratic terms fitted to the pionic-atom data, and a third one purely phenomenological, obtained from a direct fit to pionic-atom data. The radii obtained with all of them are remarkably close and also close to …

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Charged kaon production by coherent scattering of neutrinos and antineutrinos on nuclei

With the aim of achieving a better and more complete understanding of neutrino interactions with nuclear targets, the coherent production of charged kaons induced by neutrinos and antineutrinos is investigated in the energy range of some of the current neutrino experiments. We follow a microscopic approach which, at the nucleon level, incorporates the most important mechanisms allowed by the chiral-symmetry-breaking pattern of QCD. The distortion of the outgoing K ((K) over bar) is taken into account by solving the Klein-Gordon equation with realistic optical potentials. Angular and momentum distributions, as well as the energy and nuclear dependence of the total cross section, are studied.

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Heavy-quark spin symmetry for charmed and strange baryon resonances

We study charmed and strange odd-parity baryon resonances that are generated dynamically by a unitary baryon-meson coupled-channels model which incorporates heavy-quark spin symmetry. This is accomplished by extending the SU(3) Weinberg-Tomozawa chiral Lagrangian to SU(8) spin-flavor symmetry plus a suitable symmetry breaking. The model generates resonances with negative parity from the s-wave interaction of pseudoscalar and vector mesons with 1/2(+) and 3/2(+) baryons in all the isospin, spin, and strange sectors with one, two, and three charm units. Some of our results can be identified with experimental data from several facilities, such as the CLEO, Belle, or BaBar Collaborations, as we…

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Theoretical study of neutrino-induced coherent pion production off nuclei at T2K and MiniBooNE energies

19 latex pages, 10 figures, 2 tables.--ISI Article Identifier:000262979700013

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Decay widths of the spin-2 partners of the X (3872)

We consider the $X(3872)$ resonance as a $J^{PC}=1^{++}$ $D\bar D^*$ hadronic molecule. According to heavy quark spin symmetry, there will exist a partner with quantum numbers $2^{++}$, $X_{2}$, which would be a $D^*\bar D^*$ loosely bound state. The $X_{2}$ is expected to decay dominantly into $D\bar D$, $D\bar D^*$ and $\bar D D^*$ in $d$-wave. In this work, we calculate the decay widths of the $X_{2}$ resonance into the above channels, as well as those of its bottom partner, $X_{b2}$, the mass of which comes from assuming heavy flavor symmetry for the contact terms. We find partial widths of the $X_{2}$ and $X_{b2}$ of the order of a few MeV. Finally, we also study the radiative $X_2\to …

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Many-body approach to low-energy pion-nucleus scattering

Abstract We have extrapolated for low-energy pions ( T π = 0–50 MeV) the results for the pion-nucleus optical potential previously developed for pionic atoms. The evaluation is done using microscopic many-body techniques which allow us to separate the different contributions to the imaginary part of the potential and relate them to the different reaction channels: quasielastic and absorption. Elastic differential, reaction, absorption and quasielastic cross sections are evaluated for different nuclei and energies and contrasted with experiments. The agreement with data for the different channels, energies and nuclei is rather good with some isolated discrepancies.

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Compositeness of the strange, charm and beauty odd parity $\Lambda$ states

14 pages.- 2 figures.- 5 tables

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Two particle-hole excitations in charged current quasielastic antineutrino-nucleus scattering

We evaluate the quasielastic and multinucleon contributions to the antineutrino-nucleus scattering cross section and compare our results with the recent MiniBooNE data. We use a local Fermi gas model that includes RPA correlations and gets the multinucleon part from a systematic many body expansion of the W boson selfenergy in the nuclear medium. The same model had been quite successful for the neutrino cross section and contains no new parameters. We have also analyzed the relevance of 2p2h events for the antineutrino energy reconstruction.

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Exclusive final state hadron observables from neutrino-nucleus multi-nucleon knockout

We present results of an updated calculation of the 2p2h (two particle two hole) contribution to the neutrino-induced charge-current cross section. We provide also some exclusive observables, interesting from the point of view of experimental studies, e.g. distributions of momenta of the outgoing nucleons and of available energy, which we compare with the results obtained within the NEUT generator. We also compute, and separate from the total, the contributions of 3p3h mechanisms. Finally, we discuss the differences between the present results and previous implementations of the model in MC event-generators, done at the level of inclusive cross sections, which might significantly influence …

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Production of pionic atoms in (n,p) reactions

Abstract We make a theoretical study of the (n, p) reaction leading to the production of deeply bound nuclear pionic states. The cross sections obtained for the excitation of the 1s and 2p states in 208 Pb are found to be very small compared to the background at T n = 400 MeV. At energies around T n = 1000 MeV the chances are better but the ratio of signal to background is still only around 5% for the 2p states and 0.4% for the 1s state. The possibility of performing some extract coincidence test to reduce the background is indicated.

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Deeply bound pionic states with the (? ?,?) reaction

We study the reactionΣ− +A→Λ + (Aπ−) with the π− bound in the nucleus, as a means of producing deeply bound pionic states in nuclei, so far unobserved. The reaction is similar to the (n, p) reaction but, because of theΣ−, Λ mass difference, it allows the reaction to occur with smaller momentum transfer, thus increasing the transition probability and reducing the effects of distortion. The ratios of signal to background are one to two orders of magnitude better than in the (n, p) reaction.

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Heavy Quark Symmetries: Molecular partners of theX(3872) andZb(10610)/Zb′(10650)

In this work, we have made use of the identification of the X (3872) and Z b (10610)/Z b ′(10650) as heavy meson-heavy antimeson molecules to establish some consequences derived from the symmetries that these heavy meson-heavy antimeson systems must have. We show the most general effective lagrangian that respects these symmetries only depends on four undetermined low energy constants (LECs), which will be fitted to reproduce the experimental data about the resonances we are identifying as molecular states. Then, we obtain a whole new set of states in the spectrum that could also be thought as heavy meson-heavy antimeson molecules. Finally, using another different symmetry: Heavy Antiquark-…

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Radiative pion capture in nuclei: a continuum shell-model approach

The radiative pion capture process in nuclei is approached by using a continuum shell-model description of the nucleus, together with a phenomenological treatment of the two particle-two hole effects. It is found that these effects play an important role to reproduce the observed experimental photon energy distribution. This distribution as well as the integrated one depends significantly on the details of the mean field potential. This makes this process interesting to investigate the nuclear structure dynamics.

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We study theoretically pion double charge exchange reactions leading to double pionic atoms. The reaction cross-sections with two pions in the deeper bound pionic orbits in 208Pb are calculated with realistic pionic atom wave functions and distortion effects. The cross-sections are found to be d2σ/dEdΩ~10−3−10−4 µ b/srMeV , which are only a small fraction of the double charge exchange background.

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Resonances and the Weinberg-Tomozawa 56-baryon-35-meson interaction

Vector meson degrees of freedom are incorporated into the Weinberg-Tomozawa (WT) meson-baryon chiral Lagrangian by using a scheme which relies on spin--flavor SU(6) symmetry. The corresponding Bethe-Salpeter approximation successfully reproduces previous SU(3)--flavor WT results for the lowest-lying s--wave negative parity baryon resonances, and it also provides some information on the dynamics of the heavier ones. Moreover, it also predicts the existence of an isoscalar spin-parity $\frac32^-$ $K^*N$ bound state (strangeness +1) with a mass around 1.7--1.8 GeV, unstable through $K^*$ decay. Neglecting d-wave KN decays, this state turns out to be quite narrow ($\Gamma \le 15$ MeV) and it mi…

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The Heavy Quark Spin Symmetry Partners of the X(3872)

We explore the consequences of heavy quark spin symmetry for the charmed meson-antimeson system in a contact-range (or pionless) effective field theory. As a trivial consequence, we theorize the existence of a heavy quark spin symmetry partner of the X(3872), with $J^{PC}=2^{++}$, which we call X(4012) in reference to its predicted mass. If we additionally assume that the X(3915) is a $0^{++}$ heavy spin symmetry partner of the X(3872), we end up predicting a total of six $D^{(*)}\bar{D}^{(*)}$ molecular states. We also discuss the error induced by higher order effects such as finite heavy quark mass corrections, pion exchanges and coupled channels, allowing us to estimate the expected theo…

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Single photon events from neutral current interactions at MiniBooNE

The MiniBooNE experiment has reported results from the analysis of $\nu _e$ and $\bar \nu _e$ appearance searches, which show an excess of signal-like events at low reconstructed neutrino energies, with respect to the expected background. A significant component of this background comes from photon emission induced by (anti)neutrino neutral current interactions with nucleons and nuclei. With an improved microscopic model for these reactions, we predict the number and distributions of photon events at the MiniBooNE detector. Our results are compared to the MiniBooNE in situ estimate and to other theoretical approaches. We find that, according to our model, neutral current photon emission fro…

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Detecting the long-distance structure of the $$X(3872)$$ X ( 3872 )

We study the X(3872)-->D^0 \bar D^0 \pi^0 decay within a D \bar D^* molecular picture for the X(3872) state. This decay mode is more sensitive to the long-distance structure of the X(3872) resonance than its J/\psi\pi\pi and J/\psi3\pi decays, which are mainly controlled by the details of the X(3872) wave function at short distances. We show that the D^0 \bar D^0 final state interaction can be important, and that a precise measurement of this partial decay width can provide valuable information on the interaction strength between the D^{(*)} \bar D^{(*)} charm mesons.

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Meson Resonances at large Nc: Complex Poles vs Breit-Wigner Masses

The rigorous quantum mechanical definition of a resonance requires determining the pole position in the second Riemann sheet of the analytically continued partial wave scattering amplitude in the complex Mandelstam s variable plane. For meson resonances we investigate the alternative Breit–Wigner (BW) definition within the large NC expansion. By assuming that the pole position is View the MathML source and exploiting unitarity, we show that the BW determination of the resonance mass differs from the pole position by View the MathML source terms, which can be extracted from ππ scattering data. For the case of the σ (f0(600)) pole, the BW scalar mass is predicted to occur at not, vert, simila…

research product

Strangeness and charm in nuclear matter

The properties of strange (K, (K) over bar and (K) over bar*) and open-charm (D, (D) over bar and D*) mesons in dense matter are studied using a unitary approach in coupled channels for meson-baryon scattering. In the strangeness sector, the interaction with nucleons always comes through vector-meson exchange, which is evaluated by chiral and hidden gauge Lagrangians. For the interaction of charmed mesons with nucleons we extend the SU(3) Weinberg-Tomozawa Lagrangian to incorporate spin-flavor symmetry and implement a suitable flavor symmetry breaking. The in-medium solution for the scattering amplitude accounts for Pauli blocking effects and meson self-energies. On one hand, we obtain the …

research product


We report on some ideas concerning the nature of the X(3872) resonance and the need for approximately equal charged and neutral components of $D \bar{D}^* +cc$. Then we discuss how some hidden charm states are obtained from the interaction between vector mesons with charm and can be associated to some of the charmonium-like X,Y,Z states. Finally we discuss how the nature of these states could be investigated through different types of radiative decay.

research product

Charmed and strange baryon resonances with heavy-quark spin symmetry

We study charmed and strange baryon resonances that are generated dynamically by a unitary baryon-meson coupled-channel model which incorporates heavy-quark spin symmetry. This is accomplished by extending the SU(3) Weinberg-Tomozawa chiral Lagrangian to SU(8) spin-flavor symmetry plus a suitable symmetry breaking. The model produces resonances with negative parity from s-wave interaction of pseudoscalar and vector mesons with $1/2^+$ and $3/2^+$ baryons. Resonances in all the isospin, spin, and strange sectors with one, two, and three charm units are studied. Our results are compared with experimental data from several facilities, such as the CLEO, Belle or BaBar Collaborations, as well as…

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Triply heavy baryons and heavy quark spin symmetry

We study the semileptonic $b\to c$ decays of the lowest-lying triply-heavy baryons made from $b$ and $c$ quarks in the limit $m_b, m_c \gg \Lambda_\mathrm{QCD}$ and close to the zero recoil point. The separate heavy quark spin symmetries strongly constrain the matrix elements, leading to single form factors for $ccb\to ccc$, $bbc\to ccb$, and $bbb\to bbc$ baryon decays. We also study the effects on these systems of using a $Y$-shaped confinement potential, as suggested by lattice QCD results for the interaction between three static quarks.

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Heavy Quark Symmetries: Molecular Partners of the X(3872) and $Z_{b}(10610)/Z_{b}'(10650)$

In this work, we have used an Effective Field Theory (EFT) framework based on Heavy Quark Spin (HQSS), Heavy Flavour (HFS) and Heavy Antiquark-Diquark symmetries (HADS). Using a standard lagrangian for the heavy meson-heavy antimeson system, we fit the counter-terms of the model to predict some promising experimental data that can be interpreted as heavy meson-heavy antimeson molecules, that is, the X(3872) and the $Z_{b}(10610)/Z'_{b}(10650)$. Next, and, taking advantage of HADS, we use the same lagrangian to explore the consequences for heavy meson-doubly heavy baryon molecules, which can also be interpreted as triply heavy pentaquarks.

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Neutrino-nucleus quasi-elastic and 2p2h interactions up to 10 GeV

We extend to 10 GeV results from a microscopic calculation of charged-current neutrino-nucleus reactions that do not produce a pion in the final state. For the class of events coming from neutrino interactions with two nucleons producing two holes (2p2h), limiting the calculation to three-momentum transfers less than 1.2 GeV produces a two-dimensional distribution in momentum and energy transfer that is roughly constant as a function of energy. The cross section for 2p2h interactions approximately scales with the number of nucleons for isoscalar nuclei, similar to the quasi-elastic cross section. When limited to momentum transfers below 1.2 GeV, the cross section is 26% of the quasi-elastic…

research product

Couplings in coupled channels versus wave functions in the case of resonances: Application to the twoΛ(1405)states

In this paper we develop a formalism to evaluate wave functions in momentum and coordinate space for the resonant states dynamically generated in a unitary coupled channel approach. The on-shell approach for the scattering matrix, commonly used, is also obtained in quantum mechanics with a separable potential, which allows one to write wave functions in a trivial way. We develop useful relationships among the couplings of the dynamically generated resonances to the different channels and the wave functions at the origin. The formalism provides an intuitive picture of the resonances in the coupled channel approach, as bound states of one bound channel, which decays into open ones. It also pr…

research product

Recent Developments in Neutrino/Antineutrino-Nucleus Interactions

Recent experimental results and developments in the theoretical treatment of neutrino-nucleus interactions in the energy range of 1–10 GeV are discussed. Difficulties in extracting neutrino-nucleon cross sections from neutrino-nucleus scattering data are explained and significance of understanding nuclear effects for neutrino oscillation experiments is stressed. Detailed discussions of the status of two-body current contribution in the kinematic region dominated by quasielastic scattering and specific features of partonic nuclear effects in weak DIS scattering are presented.

research product

Regge signatures from CLAS Λ(1520) photoproduction data at forward angles

The γp→K+Λ(1520) reaction mechanism is investigated within a Regge-effective Lagrangian hybrid approach based on our previous study of this reaction [Phys. Rev. C 89, 015203 (2014)PRVCAN0556-281310.1103/PhysRevC.89.015203]. Near threshold and for large K+ angles, the data from both the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility large acceptance spectrometer (CLAS) and the laser electron photon beamline at SPring-8 (LEPS) can be successfully described by considering the contributions from the contact, t-channel K¯ exchange, u-channel Λ(1115) hyperon pole, and s-channel nucleon pole and N*(2120) resonance contributions. However, for higher energies and forward K+ angles, systematic discrep…

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Three pentaquark states or more?

research product

Z c (3900): What has been really seen?

The $Z^\pm_c(3900)/Z^\pm_c(3885)$ resonant structure has been experimentally observed in the $Y(4260) \to J/\psi \pi\pi$ and $Y(4260) \to \bar{D}^\ast D \pi$ decays. This structure is intriguing since it is a prominent candidate of an exotic hadron. Yet, its nature is unclear so far. In this work, we simultaneously describe the $\bar{D}^\ast D$ and $J/\psi \pi$ invariant mass distributions in which the $Z_c$ peak is seen using amplitudes with exact unitarity. Two different scenarios are statistically acceptable, where the origin of the $Z_c$ state is different. They correspond to using energy dependent or independent $\bar D^* D$ $S$-wave interaction. In the first one, the $Z_c$ peak is due…

research product

Hyperfine mixing in electromagnetic decay of doubly heavy bc baryons

We investigate the role of hyperfine mixing in the electromagnetic decay of ground state doubly heavy bc baryons. As in the case of a previous calculation on b -> c semileptonic decays of doubly heavy baryons, we find large corrections to the electromagnetic decay widths due to this mixing. Contrary to the weak case just mentioned, we find here that one cannot use electromagnetic width relations obtained in the infinite heavy quark mass limit to experimentally extract information on the admixtures in a model independent way.

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The effect of hyperfine mixing in electromagnetic and semileptonic decays of doubly heavy baryons

We consider the role played by hyperfine mixing in electromagnetic and semileptonic decays of doubly heavy baryons, which give rise to large corrections to the decay widths in both cases.

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Predictions for pentaquark states of hidden charm molecular nature and comparison with experiment

Predictions for hidden charm molecules, with and without strangeness, were made prior to the LHCb experiment. We discuss these issues and how these states can be observed in the reactions, Λ b → J / ψK − p , Λ b → J / ψη Λ, Λ b → J / ψπ − p , Λ b → J / ψK 0 Λ and Ξ − b → J / ψK − Λ by looking at the invariant mass distributions for J / ψp or J / ψ Λ.

research product

D mesic nuclei

The energies and widths of several D-0 meson bound states for different nuclei are obtained using a D-meson selfenergy in the nuclear medium, which is evaluated in a selfconsistent manner using techniques of unitarized coupled-channel theory. The kernel of the meson-baryon interaction is based on a model that treats heavy pseudoscalar and heavy vector mesons on equal footing, as required by heavy quark symmetry. We find D-0 bound states in all studied nuclei, from C-12 up to Pb-208. The inclusion of vector mesons is the keystone for obtaining an attractive D-nucleus interaction that leads to the existence of D-0-nucleus bound states, as compared to previous studies based on SU(4) flavor sym…

research product

Recent Developments in Neutrino/Antineutrino - Nucleus Interactions

Recent experimental results and developments in the theoretical treatment of neutrino-nucleus interactions in the energy range of 1-10 GeV are discussed. Difficulties in extracting neutrino-nucleon cross sections from neutrino-nucleus scattering data are explained and significance of understanding nuclear effects for neutrino oscillation experiments is stressed. Detailed discussions of the status of two-body current contribution in the kinematic region dominated by quasi-elastic scattering and specific features of partonic nuclear effects in weak DIS scattering are presented.

research product

Detecting the long-distance structure of the X(3872)

We study the X(3872)-->D^0 \bar D^0 \pi^0 decay within a D \bar D^* molecular picture for the X(3872) state. This decay mode is more sensitive to the long-distance structure of the X(3872) resonance than its J/\psi\pi\pi and J/\psi3\pi decays, which are mainly controlled by the details of the X(3872) wave function at short distances. We show that the D^0 \bar D^0 final state interaction can be important, and that a precise measurement of this partial decay width can provide valuable information on the interaction strength between the D^{(*)} \bar D^{(*)} charm mesons.

research product

Charmed baryon resonances with heavy-quark symmetry

We study charmed baryon resonances that are generated dynamically from a coupled-channel unitary approach that implements heavy-quark symmetry. Some states can already be identified with experimental observations, such as $\Lambda_c(2595)$,$\Lambda_c(2660)$, $\Sigma_c(2902)$ or $\Lambda_c(2941)$, while others need a compilation of more experimental data as well as an extension of the model to include higher order contributions. We also compare our model to previous SU(4) schemes.

research product

Polarization of τ in quasielastic (anti)neutrino scattering: The role of spectral functions

We present a study of the $\tau$ polarization in charged-current quasielastic (anti)neutrino-nucleus scattering. The spectral function formalism is used to compute the differential cross section and the polarization components for several kinematical setups, relevant for neutrino-oscillation experiments. The effects of the nuclear corrections in these observables are investigated by comparing the results obtained using two different realistic spectral functions, with those deduced from the relativistic global Fermi gas model, where only statistical correlations are accounted for. We show that the spectral functions, although they play an important role when predicting the differential cross…

research product

Regge signatures from forward CLAS $\Lambda(1520)$ photoproduction data

The $\gamma p \to K^+ \Lambda(1520)$ reaction mechanism is investigated within a Regge--effective Lagrangian hybrid approach based on our previous study of this reaction [Physical Review C89, 015203 (2014)]. Near threshold and for large $K^+$ angles, both the CLAS and LEPS data can be successfully described by considering the contributions from the contact, $t$-channel $\bar K$ exchange, $u$-channel $\Lambda(1115)$ hyperon pole, and the $s$-channel nucleon pole and $N^*(2120)$ resonance contributions. However, for higher energies and forward $K^+$ angles, systematic discrepancies with data appear, which hint the possible existence of sizable quark-gluon string mechanism effects. We show how…

research product

Exotic dynamically generated baryons with negative charm quantum number

Following a model based on the SU(8) symmetry that treats heavy pseudoscalars and heavy vector mesons on an equal footing, as required by heavy quark symmetry, we study the interaction of baryons and mesons in coupled channels within an unitary approach that generates dynamically poles in the scattering T-matrix. We concentrate in the exotic channels with negative charm quantum number for which there is the experimental claim of one state.

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N−Δ(1232)axial form factors from weak pion production

The $N\ensuremath{\Delta}$ axial form factors are determined from neutrino induced pion production ANL and BNL data by using a theoretical model that accounts both for background mechanisms and deuteron effects. We find violations of the off-diagonal Goldberger-Treiman relation at the level of $2\ensuremath{\sigma}$ which might have an impact in background calculations for T2K and MiniBooNE low energy neutrino oscillation precision experiments.

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Study of reactions disclosing hidden charm pentaquarks with or without strangeness

We present results for five reactions, Lambda(b) -> J/psi K(-)p, Lambda(b) -> J/psi eta Lambda, Lambda(b) -> J/psi pi(-)p, Lambda(b) -> J/psi K-0 Lambda and Xi(-)(b) -> J/psi K-Lambda, where combining information from the meson baryon interaction, using the chiral unitary approach, and predictions made for molecular states of hidden charm, with or without strangeness, we can evaluate invariant mass distributions for the light meson baryon states, and for those of J/psi p or J/psi Lambda. We show that with the present available information, in all of these reactions one finds peaks where the pentaquark states show up. In the Lambda(b) -> J/psi K(-)p, and Lambda(b) -> J/psi pi(-)p reactions w…

research product

Meson-Baryon Interactions in Unitarized Chiral Perturbation Theory

Meson-Baryon Interactions can be successfully described using both Chiral Symmetry and Unitarity. The $s-$wave meson-baryon scattering amplitude is analyzed in a Bethe-Salpeter coupled channel formalism incorporating Chiral Symmetry in the potential. Two body coupled channel unitarity is exactly preserved. The needed two particle irreducible matrix amplitude is taken from lowest order Chiral Perturbation Theory in a relativistic formalism. Off-shell behavior is parameterized in terms of low energy constants. The relation to the heavy baryon limit is discussed. The position of the complex poles in the second Riemann sheet of the scattering amplitude determine masses and widths baryonic reson…

research product

Mesonic decay of 5ΛHe with quark-model-based hypernuclear wave function

Abstract We have evaluated the mesonic decay of the 5 Λ He hypernucleus by using a Λ wave function generated from the quark cluster model. As a consequence of the Λ N repulsion at short distances we obtain a Λ wave function in the nucleus with a large radius. The smaller overlap with the 4 He core with respect to simpler wave functions and the effect of the pion renormalization increase the mesonic width considerably and one obtains a good reproduction of the experimental data.

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A Review on Mesonic Decay of Λ Hypernuclei

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Inclusive charged-current neutrino-nucleus reactions

We present a model for weak CC induced nuclear reactions at energies of interest for current and future neutrino oscillation experiments. This model is a natural extension of the work of Refs.[1,2], where the QE contribution to the inclusive electron and neutrino scattering on nuclei was analyzed. The model is based on a systematic many body expansion of the gauge boson absorption modes that includes one, two and even three body mechanisms, as well as the excitation of Delta isobars. The whole scheme has no free parameters, besides those previously adjusted to the weak pion production off the nucleon cross sections in the deuteron, since all nuclear effects were set up in previous studies o…

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Abstract The reaction π−A→(πb−A)γ with Tπ=10−30 MeV producing a π− bound in the nucleus is studied to see its viability as an instrument to produce deeply bound pionic atoms in nuclei. We obtain cross sections of the order of tens of μb/ (sr MeV) for the production of the 1s and 2p states of 208Pb and negligible background from radiative pion capture and the other sources. The negligible background expected in the present reaction is unique among all other reactions so far proposed. The cross sections obtained are three orders of magnitude bigger than those in the best electromagnetic reactions previously proposed. The small background, the large cross sections and the present available flu…

research product

The nucleon axial mass and the MiniBooNE quasielastic neutrino-nucleus scattering problem

The charged-current double differential neutrino cross section, measured by the MiniBooNE Collaboration, has been analyzed using a microscopical model that accounts for, among other nuclear effects, long range nuclear (RPA) correlations and multinucleon scattering. We find that MiniBooNE data are fully compatible with the world average of the nucleon axial mass in contrast with several previous analyses which have suggested an anomalously large value. We also discuss the reliability of the algorithm used to estimate the neutrino energy.

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Weak pion production off the nucleon

We develop a model for the weak pion production off the nucleon, which besides the Delta pole mechanism (weak excitation of the $\Delta(1232)$ resonance and its subsequent decay into $N\pi$), includes also some background terms required by chiral symmetry. We re-fit the $C_5^A(q^2)$ form factor to the flux averaged $\nu_\mu p \to \mu^-p\pi^+$ ANL $q^2-$differential cross section data, finding a substantially smaller contribution of the Delta pole mechanism than traditionally assumed in the literature. Within this scheme, we calculate several differential and integrated cross sections, including pion angular distributions, induced by neutrinos and antineutrinos and driven both by charged and…

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Equivalence between local Fermi gas and shell models in inclusive muon capture from nuclei

Motivated by recent studies of inclusive neutrino nucleus processes and muon capture within a correlated local Fermi gas model (LFG), we discuss the relevance of nuclear finite size effects in these reactions at low energy, in particular for muon capture. To disentangle these effects from others coming from the reaction dynamics we employ here a simple uncorrelated shell model that embodies the typical finite size content of the problem. The integrated decay widths of muon atoms calculated with this shell model are then compared for several nuclei with those obtained within the uncorrelated LFG, using in both models exactly the same theoretical ingredients and parameters. We find that the t…

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Heavy quark spin symmetric molecular states from D¯(*)Σc(*) and other coupled channels in the light of the recent LHCb pentaquarks

We consider the ${\overline{D}}^{(*)}{\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Sigma}}}_{c}^{(*)}$ states, together with $J/\ensuremath{\psi}N$ and other coupled channels, and take an interaction consistent with heavy quark spin symmetry, with the dynamical input obtained from an extension of the local hidden gauge approach. By fitting only one parameter to the recent three pentaquark states reported by the LHCb Collaboration, we can reproduce the three of them in base to the mass and the width, providing for them the quantum numbers and approximate molecular structure as $1/{2}^{\ensuremath{-}}$ $\overline{D}{\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Sigma}}}_{c}$, $1/{2}^{\ensuremath{-}}$ ${\overline{D}}^{*}{\mathrm{\ensuremath{…

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Error estimates for pi-pi scattering threshold parameters in Chiral Perturbation Theory to two loops

Using the analysis of ChPT to two loops, we perform an error analysis of the threshold and low energy parameters, based on the uncertainties for the one loop low energy parameters and the resonance saturation mechanism. Different sets of one loop low energy constants have been considered.Thus, the predictive power of the effective field theory is quantified on the basis of the present experimental uncertainties.

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Hidden charm and bottom molecular states

We investigate heavy quark symmetries for heavy light meson-antimeson systems in a contact-range effective field theory. In the SU(3) light flavor limit, the leading order Lagrangian respecting heavy quark spin symmetry contains four independent counter-terms. Neglecting $1/m_Q$ corrections, three of these low energy constants can be determ1ined by theorizing a molecular description of the $X(3872)$ and $Z_b(10610)$ states. Thus, we can predict new hadronic molecules, in particular the isovector charmonium partners of the $Z_b(10610)$ and the $Z_b(10650)$ states. We also discuss hadron molecules composed of a heavy meson and a doubly-heavy baryon, which would be related to the heavy meson-a…

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In the present paper we address the interaction of charmed mesons in hidden charm channels in a finite box. We use the interaction from a recent model based on heavy quark spin symmetry that predicts molecules of hidden charm in the infinite volume. The energy levels in the box are generated within this model, and several methods for the analysis of these levels ("inverse problem") are investigated.

research product

Consequences of heavy-quark symmetries for hadronic molecules

Among the newly observed structures in the heavy-quarkonium mass region, some have been proposed to be hadronic molecules. We investigate the consequences of heavy- quark flavor symmetry on these heavy meson hadronic molecules. The symmetry allows us to predict new hadronic molecules on one hand, and test the hadronic molecular assumption of the observed structures on the other hand. We explore the consequences of the flavor symmetry assuming the X(3872) and Z(b)(10 610) as an isoscalar D (D) over bar* and isovector B (B) over bar* hadronic molecule, respectively. A series of hadronic molecules composed of heavy mesons are predicted. In particular, there is an isoscalar 1(++) B (B) over bar…

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Low-lying even parity meson resonances and spin-flavor symmetry

A study is presented of the $s-$wave meson-meson interactions involving members of the $\rho-$nonet and of the $\pi-$octet. The starting point is an SU(6) spin-flavor extension of the SU(3) flavor Weinberg-Tomozawa Lagrangian. SU(6) symmetry breaking terms are then included to account for the physical meson masses and decay constants, while preserving partial conservation of the axial current in the light pseudoscalar sector. Next, the $T-$matrix amplitudes are obtained by solving the Bethe Salpeter equation in coupled-channel with the kernel built from the above interactions. The poles found on the first and second Riemann sheets of the amplitudes are identified with their possible Particl…

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Coherent π0 electroproduction

Abstract We analyze the coherent electroproduction of neutral pions in nuclei. We find that this process does not contribute to the longitudinal response function for spin saturated nuclei and the dependence of the cross section on the azimuthal pion angle is particularly simple and given by 1− ϵ cos 2 o π . This angular dependence could be useful to isolate the coherent contribution in future experiments, offering an advantage over coherent photoproduction. The Δ-peak is considerably moved to lower pion energies and appreciably modified due to medium corrections.

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A theoretical approach to pionic atoms and the problem of anomalies

Abstract We have constructed a theoretical optical potential for pionic atoms based on the first- and second-order terms of a many-body expansion on the number of ph excitations. The p-wave parts are very much influenced by the medium polarization. The quenching at large densities produced by this phenomenon, together with the one from the Lorentz-Lorenz effect, and modifications over standard potentials due to the isospin dependence, lead to a new potential which produces notoriously improved results in the problem of anomalies. A clearer definition of this problem is proposed as the inability of standard potentials to reproduce simultaneously the data for light and heavy nuclei. Finally a…

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Heavy meson-antimeson molecules in effective field theory: The role of one pion exchange and heavy quark spin symmetry

In this contribution we study heavy meson-antimeson molecules from the effective field theory perspective. In particular, we are concerned with the role of the one pion exchange interaction and heavy quark spin symmetry in the description of molecular states. As we will show, one pion exchange is in general a perturbative effect. This means that at lowest order we can describe the molecular states in terms of contact interactions only, a remarkable simplification. The application of heavy quark spin symmetry will be very interesting, as we will be able to predict new heavy meson-antimeson bound states from known ones. For instance, if we assume that the X(3872) is in fact a JPC = 1++ DD/DD …

research product

Recent Developments in Neutrino/Antineutrino-Nucleus Interactions

Recent experimental results and developments in the theoretical treatment of neutrino-nucleus interactions in the energy range of 1–10 GeV are discussed. Difficulties in extracting neutrino-nucleon cross sections from neutrino-nucleus scattering data are explained and significance of understanding nuclear effects for neutrino oscillation experiments is stressed. Detailed discussions of the status of two-body current contribution in the kinematic region dominated by quasielastic scattering and specific features of partonic nuclear effects in weak DIS scattering are presented.

research product

Combining heavy quark spin and local hidden gauge symmetries in the dynamical generation of hidden charm baryons

We present a coupled channel unitary approach to obtain states dynamically generated from the meson-baryon interaction with hidden charm, using constraints of heavy quark spin symmetry. As a basis of states, we use (D) over barB, (D) over bar *B states, with B baryon charmed states belonging to the 20 representations of SU(4) with J(P) = 1/2(+), 3/2(+). In addition we also include the eta N-c and J/psi N states. The inclusion of these coupled channels is demanded by heavy quark spin symmetry, since in the large m(Q) limit the D and D* states are degenerate and are obtained from each other by means of a spin rotation, under which QCD is invariant. The novelty in the work is that we use dynam…

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