Ralf Eichhorn
Brownian dynamics simulations with hard-body interactions: Spherical particles
A novel approach to account for hard-body interactions in (overdamped) Brownian dynamics simulations is proposed for systems with non-vanishing force fields. The scheme exploits the analytically known transition probability for a Brownian particle on a one-dimensional half-line. The motion of a Brownian particle is decomposed into a component that is affected by hard-body interactions and into components that are unaffected. The hard-body interactions are incorporated by replacing the affected component of motion by the evolution on a half-line. It is discussed under which circumstances this approach is justified. In particular, the algorithm is developed and formulated for systems with spa…
Hard-wall interactions in soft matter systems: Exact numerical treatment
An algorithm for handling hard-wall interactions in simulations of driven diffusive particle motion is proposed. It exploits an exact expression for the one-dimensional transition probability in the presence of a hard (reflecting) wall and therefore is numerically exact in the sense that it does not introduce any additional approximation beyond the usual discretization procedures. Studying two standard situations from soft matter systems, its performance is compared to the heuristic approaches used in the literature.
Status and recent developments at the polarized-electron injector of the superconducting Darmstadt electron linear accelerator S-DALINAC
At the superconducting Darmstadt electron linac a 100 keV source of polarized electrons has been installed. Major components had been tested prior to installation at an offline teststand. Commissioning of the new source at the S-DALINAC will take place early in 2011. We report on the performance of the teststand, simulations, developments on the laser systems, new radio-frequency components for the S-DALINAC injector, and the status of the implementation of the source.