Olli-pekka Nuuttila

Ennalta määrätyn ja sykeohjatun blokkiharjoittelun vertailu : kahdeksan viikon intensiivisen harjoitusjakson vaikutukset kestävyyssuorituskykyyn

Korkeaintensiteettisen kestävyysharjoittelun blokkiohjelmointi on havaittu tehokkaaksi tavaksi parantaa kestävyyssuorituskykyä. Riittävän palautumisen merkitys korostuu kuormittavien harjoitusjaksojen aikana. Sykeohjatun harjoittelun ideana on ohjelmoida harjoittelua yksilöllisesti autonomisen hermoston toimintaan perustuen. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli vertailla sykeohjatun ja ennalta määrätyn blokkiharjoittelun vaikutuksia kestävyyssuorituskykyyn ja hermolihasjärjestelmän toimintaan. Tutkimus sisälsi kolmen viikon kontrollijakson sekä kahdeksan viikon harjoitusjakson. Tutkittavat olivat 19-37 -vuotiaita kestävyysharjoitelleita miehiä, jotka jaettiin kontrollijakson aikana sykeohjat…

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Effects of HRV-Guided vs. Predetermined Block Training on Performance, HRV and Serum Hormones

AbstractThe aim of this study was to compare heart rate variability -guided (HRVG) and predetermined (PD) block periodization of high intensity aerobic training (HIT). Endurance performance, neuromuscular performance, heart rate variability (HRV) and serum hormone concentrations were measured before, in the middle and after the 8-week training period in 24 endurance trained males. Both groups improved significantly maximal treadmill velocity (Vmax) (p<0.001) and 3000 m running performance (HRVG; p<0.001 and PD; p=0.001). The relative changes in Vmax and countermovement jump were significantly greater in HRVG (p<0.05). Nocturnal heart rate decreased in both groups (p<0.01), but H…

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Sykevälivaihtelu ja sen yhteys kestävyyssuorituskyvyn kehitykseen yhdistetyn kestävyys- ja voimaharjoitusjakson aikana

Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tutkia yhdistetyn kestävyys- ja voimaharjoitusjakson aikaisen sykevälivaihtelun yhteyttä kestävyyssuorituskyvyn kehitykseen. Lisäksi tarkoituksena oli vertailla kestävyys- sekä voimaharjoituksen jälkeistä sykevälivaihtelua ja tutkia sykevälivaihtelussa tapahtuvia muutoksia harjoitusjakson edetessä. Tutkielma oli osa laajempaa liikuntabiologian laitoksen tutkimusta yhdistetystä kestävyys- ja voimaharjoittelusta. Sykevälivaihtelumittauksiin osallistuneita tutkittavia oli kaikkiaan 9, joista 7 oli naisia ja 2 miehiä. Tutkittavat olivat iältään 30.8 ± 4.8 vuotta ja heidän lähtötason VO2max oli 44.8 ± 5.0. Kymmenen viikon harjoitusjakson aikana tutkittavien vi…

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Validity of the Wrist-Worn Polar Vantage V2 to Measure Heart Rate and Heart Rate Variability at Rest

Heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) can be monitored with wearable devices throughout the day. Resting HRV in particular, reflecting cardiac parasympathetic activity, has been proposed to be a useful marker in the monitoring of health and recovery from training. This study examined the validity of the wrist-based photoplethysmography (PPG) method to measure HR and HRV at rest. Recreationally endurance-trained participants recorded pulse-to-pulse (PP) and RR intervals simultaneously with a PPG-based watch and reference heart rate sensor (HRS) at a laboratory in a supine position (n = 39; 5-min recording) and at home during sleep (n = 29; 4-h recording). In addition, analyses wer…

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Predicting running performance and adaptations from intervals at maximal sustainable effort

This study examined the predictive quality of intervals performed at maximal sustainable effort to predict 3-km and 10-km running times. In addition, changes in interval performance and associated changes in running performance were investigated. Either 6-week (10-km group, n = 29) or 2-week (3-km group, n = 16) interval training periods were performed by recreational runners. A linear model was created for both groups based on the running speed of the first 6x3-min interval session and the test run of the preceding week (T1). The accuracy of the model was tested with the running speed of the last interval session and the test run after the training period (T2). Pearson correlation was used…

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Sykeväliin syventyminen voi tukea kestävyysharjoittelua

Palautuminen on niin urheilijalle kuin kuntoilijalle oleellista. Kannattaako palautumistilaa tulkita sydämenlyöntien välistä? Kyllä. nonPeerReviewed

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Olympiasoudun lajianalyysi ja valmennuksen ohjelmointi

Soudun ominaispiirteet. Olympialaisissa ja kansainvälisissä arvokilpailuissa olympiasoudussa kilpaillaan 2000 metrin matkalla ja kilpailusuoritus kestää veneluokasta ja sarjasta riippuen 5,5-8 minuuttia. Soutusuorituksessa yhdistyvät korkeat tekniset ja fyysiset vaatimukset. Soutajan tulisi kyetä toistamaan 220-250 vetosykliä mahdollisimman tehokkaasti ja teknisesti puhtaasti. Eri soututyyleillä voidaan vaikuttaa lihasryhmien painottumiseen soutusuorituksessa, mutta suurin osa liikkeen voimasta tuotetaan jaloilla. Soutukilpailun aikana soutajien hapenkulutus voi nousta 95-98 % tasolle maksimaalisesta hapenkulutuksesta. Suurin osa energiasta tuotetaan aerobisesti, mutta myös anaerobisella en…

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A New Fitness Test of Estimating VO2max in Well-Trained Rowing Athletes

BackgroundThis study was designed to investigate the validity of maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) estimation through the Firstbeat fitness test (FFT) method when using submaximal rowing and running programs for well-trained athletes.MethodsWell-trained flatwater rowers (n = 45, 19.8 ± 3.0 years, 184 ± 8.7 cm, 76 ± 12.9 kg, and 58.7 ± 6.0 mL⋅kg–1⋅min–1) and paddlers (n = 45, 19.0 ± 2.5 years, 180 ± 7.7 cm, 74 ± 9.4 kg, and 59.9 ± 4.8 mL⋅kg–1⋅min–1) completed the FFT and maximal graded exercise test (GXT) programs of rowing and running, respectively. The estimated VO2max was calculated using the FFT system, and the measured VO2max was obtained from the GXT programs. Differences between the…

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Acute Physiological Responses to Four Running Sessions Performed at Different Intensity Zones

AbstractThis study investigated acute responses and post 24-h recovery to four running sessions performed at different intensity zones by supine heart rate variability, countermovement jump, and a submaximal running test. A total of 24 recreationally endurance-trained male subjects performed 90 min low-intensity (LIT), 30 min moderate-intensity (MOD), 6×3 min high-intensity interval (HIIT) and 10×30 s supramaximal-intensity interval (SMIT) exercises on a treadmill. Heart rate variability decreased acutely after all sessions, and the decrease was greater after MOD compared to LIT and SMIT (p<0.001; p<0.01) and HIIT compared to LIT (p<0.01). Countermovement jump decreased only after …

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Individualized Endurance Training Based on Recovery and Training Status in Recreational Runners

Purpose Long-term development of endurance performance requires a proper balance between strain and recovery. While responses and adaptations to training are highly individual, this study examined whether individually-adjusted endurance training based on recovery and training status would lead to greater adaptations compared to a predefined program. Methods Recreational runners were divided into predefined (PD, n = 14) or individualized (IND, n = 16) training groups. In IND, the training load was decreased, maintained or increased twice a week based on nocturnal heart rate variability, perceived recovery, and heart rate-running speed index. Both groups performed three-week preparatory, six-…

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Physiological, Perceptual, and Performance Responses to the 2-Week Block of High- versus Low-Intensity Endurance Training

Purpose This study examined the physiological, perceptual, and performance responses to a 2-week block of increased training load and compared whether responses differ between high-intensity interval (HIIT) and low-intensity (LIT) endurance training. Methods Thirty recreationally trained males and females performed a two-week block of 10 HIIT-sessions (INT, n = 15) or 70 % increased volume of LIT (VOL, n = 15). Running time in the 3000 m and basal serum and urine hormone concentrations were measured before (T1) and after the block (T2), and after a recovery week (T3). In addition, weekly averages of nocturnal heart rate variability (HRV) and perceived recovery were compared to the baseline.…

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Reliability and Sensitivity of Nocturnal Heart Rate and Heart-Rate Variability in Monitoring Individual Responses to Training Load

Purpose: To assess the reliability of nocturnal heart rate (HR) and HR variability (HRV) and to analyze the sensitivity of these markers to maximal endurance exercise. Methods: Recreational runners recorded nocturnal HR and HRV on nights after 2 identical low-intensity training sessions (n = 15) and on nights before and after a 3000-m running test (n = 23). Average HR, the natural logarithm of the root mean square of successive differences (LnRMSSD), and the natural logarithm of the high-frequency power (LnHF) were analyzed from a full night (FULL), a 4-hour (4H) segment starting 30 minutes after going to sleep, and morning value (MOR) based on the endpoint of the linear fit through all 5-m…

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