

Validity of the Wrist-Worn Polar Vantage V2 to Measure Heart Rate and Heart Rate Variability at Rest

Olli-pekka NuuttilaElisa KorhonenJari LaukkanenHeikki Kyröläinen


Wrist Jointsykeheart rate monitorChemical technologyTP1-1185WristArticleElectrocardiographywearablesHeart Ratemittarit (mittaus)Humansphotoplethysmographypuettava teknologiasykemittarit


Heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) can be monitored with wearable devices throughout the day. Resting HRV in particular, reflecting cardiac parasympathetic activity, has been proposed to be a useful marker in the monitoring of health and recovery from training. This study examined the validity of the wrist-based photoplethysmography (PPG) method to measure HR and HRV at rest. Recreationally endurance-trained participants recorded pulse-to-pulse (PP) and RR intervals simultaneously with a PPG-based watch and reference heart rate sensor (HRS) at a laboratory in a supine position (n = 39; 5-min recording) and at home during sleep (n = 29; 4-h recording). In addition, analyses were performed from pooled laboratory data (n = 11344 PP and RR intervals). Differences and correlations were analyzed between the HRS- and PPG-derived HR and LnRMSSD (the natural logarithm of the root mean square of successive differences). A very good agreement was found between pooled PP and RR intervals with a mean bias of 0.17 ms and a correlation coefficient of 0.993 (p p p p p p < 0.001). In conclusion, PPG was able to measure HR and HRV with adequate accuracy in recreational athletes. However, when strict absolute values are of importance, systematic overestimation, which seemed to especially concern participants with low LnRMSSD, should be acknowledged.
