Everita Andronova

The Electronic Historical Latvian Dictionary Based on the Corpus of Early Written Latvian Texts

The Electronic Historical Latvian Dictionary Based on the Corpus of Early Written Latvian Texts This article deals with the development of the Electronic Historical Latvian Diction­ary (http://www.tezaurs.lv/lvvv) based on the Corpus of Early Written Latvian Texts (http://www.korpuss.lv/senie/). Some issues concerning the compilation and processing of the corpus data are discussed and the main sources added to the Corpus during the four-year project are described: the 16th c. Lord’s Prayers , 17th c. dictionaries, texts of oaths and laws, religious texts and so-called dedication poetry. The aim of the project is to compile a pilot electronic dictionary of 16th–17th century Latvian where all…

research product

Bibliography of linguistic studies on the early Latvian texts (16th–18th cc.) (until 2019)

Šī elektroniskā bibliogrāfija aptver no pētniecības pirmsākumiem 19. gadsimtā līdz 2019. gadam tapušos valodnieciskos pētījumus par latviešu valodas 16.–18. gadsimta tekstiem. Tajā apkopoti dažāda apjoma pētījumi, sākot no zinātnisko konferenču tēzēm un beidzot ar vairāku sējumu izdevumiem. This electronic bibliography covers linguistic studies dealing with early Latvian texts (16th–18th cc.) from the research on these started in the 19th c. until 2019. It comprises studies of various kinds, from conference abstracts to issues comprising several volumes.

research product