Daniele Milone


Experimental Characterization and Acoustic Correction of a Multipurpose Performance Hall: The Italian Theatre “Cavallino Bianco”

This study presents the retrofit acoustic dq1esign of the Italian theatre “Cavallino Bianco”. In its historical configuration, the hall had a curved roof with a pressed-plant fiber ceiling, which was demolished and replaced with a wooden roof without a false ceiling, leading to an increase in volume and a worsening of the reverberation time. This study proposed the realization of a wave ceiling and the application of sound-absorbing and reflecting panels on the walls, which have already been implemented. These modifications have affected the acoustic characterization of the theatre, as shown both through on-site measurements during the main construction phases and through numerical simulati…

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Methodological evaluation of the environmental impact for aeolian park. The visual perception index.

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Controllo del benessere visivo negli ambienti museali

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Urban Waste as Resource for Sustainable Environment

The emerging model of waste disposal, develops an integrated approach based on waste reduction, selection, recycling, energy recovery and residual use of landfill. Here we discuss the fundamentals of a proper planning of waste disposal system, specially the thermal recovery, the integration and the methodological approach, either from the environmental and economic point of view. The growing demand for energy, the resulting environmental problems due to satisfy the demand for energy and the complex-economic system, necessitate the study of new technologies such as energy from municipal solid waste (MSW) obtaining as a result of decrease huge mass of solid waste to sanitary landifill and emi…

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Certificazione energetica degli edifici basata sul metodo asset rating: Principali errori nelle procedure di calcolo

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Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of Wave Energy Converter (WEC)

The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is an environmental management instrument implemented worldwide. In the last years the development of Wave Energy Converter (WEC) influenced environmental research to quantify impacts on marine life. In this paper we present a case study of EIA: a real application and study of device installed in Tirren Sea (near Castellammare — Sicily).

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A Finite Difference Model of a PV-PCM System

Abstract The performances of a photovoltaic panel (PV) are defined according to the “peak power” that identifies the maximum electric power supplied by the panel when it receives an insolation of 1 kW/m2 and the temperature of the cell is maintained at 25 °C. These conditions are only nominal since the solar radiation has a variable intensity and also the panel is subjected to thermal excursions; due to these reasons the real power efficiency of the panel is considerably lower than that obtainable in the nominal conditions. The study focused on assessing a method to reduce the peak temperatures of PV systems using Phase Change Materials (PCM). To this aim it was created a numerical model ca…

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Are the Best Available Technologies the only viable for energy interventions in historical buildings?

Worth aged buildings represent among the existing buildings a special case when it comes to their energy refurbishment. Current available technologies for building components, characterized by high level of thermal performances, unfortunately, are also characterized, not rarely, by limited compatibility with the architectural integrity of the building. In other words, the so-called Best Available Technologies that are effectively adopted to optimize the energy performances of buildings, in the case of aged buildings to which a certain artistic, historic and/or architectural merit is recognized (heritage houses) could, actually, determine such kind of conflicts and therefore leading to the s…

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A model Of Sustainable Development in areas with Limited Resources

This research work introduces aan original model Of Sustainable Development in areas with Limited Resources.

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Un modello statistico per la previsione dei livelli di concentrazione dei prodotti della combustione in ambienti domestici.

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Design of Bilateral Switched Reluctance Linear Generator to Convert Wave Energy: Case Study in Sicily

The aim of this work is a case study of the adaptation bilateral switched reluctance linear generator to the exploitation of energy of the sea. This type of generator can be used to convert wave energy in electrical energy. In this paper we present an analytical sizing and FEM simulation. As for the results, analysis of the data extracted through the simulations it was possible to calculate the emf. The emf was calculated in two cases of motion of the slider: first hypothesis has set the constant speed while the second is a variable speed according to the law of an oscillatory motion of the sea.

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Qualità dell'aria in ambienti scolastici: Valutazione dei livelli di concentrazione di composti organici volatili (VOC) e di materiale particolato (PM10).

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Energy assessment of a wave energy converter in a small island. A case study

The diffusion of technologies supplied by Renewable Energy Sources (RES) is contributing to the challenge of reduction of energy dependence from fossil fuels, avoiding the emission of several polluting substances and greenhouse gases (GHG). Already today, global warming caused by human activity is estimated at around 1∘C; energy consumption attributable to human habits is no longer sustainable. To date, energy production is still heavily dependent on fossil fuels. To reverse the negative trend, it is necessary to invest in new technologies and improve the efficiency of energy production plants in general. In particular, a wave energy converter will be presented, consisting of a buoy connect…

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Analysis of conformity and adaptation of university lecture halls to the illuminating engineering regulations: a case study.

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Influenza di sistemi passivi sul PMV in ambienti Moderati.

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Energy Saving in Public Transport Using Renewable Energy

Hydrogen produced by renewable sources represents an interesting way to reduce the energetic dependence on fossil fuels in the transportation sector. This paper shows a feasibility study for the production, storage and distribution of hydrogen in the western Sicilian context, using three different renewable sources: wind, biomass and sea wave. The objective of this study is the evaluation of the hydrogen demand, needed to replace all diesel supplied buses with electrical buses equipped with fuel cells. An economic analysis is presented with the evaluation of the avoidable greenhouse gas emissions. Four different scenarios correlate the hydrogen demand for urban transport to the renewable en…

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Efficienza e sostenibilità nel ciclo produttivo di una distilleria

L’analisi dell’attività esercitata dalla distilleria Bertolino, ha consentito di mettere in evidenza i molteplici aspetti ambientali diretti e/o indiretti ad essa connessi in tutte le fasi del processo produttivo: dall’ingresso della materia prima, dei materiali di consumo ed i relativi consumi energetici, pervenendo ad uno studio di fattibilità per l’utilizzo del biogas in un impianto di cogenerazione in sostituzione di combustibili fossili.

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Le grandi superfici vetrate nella previsione del comfort termico

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Assessment of Renewable Sources for the Energy Consumption in Malta in the Mediterranean Sea

The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the energy production in the Maltese islands, focusing on the employment of renewable energies in order to increase their energy independence. The main renewable source here proposed is wave energy: thanks to a strategic position, Malta will be able to produce electrical energy using an innovative type of Wave Energy Converter (WEC) based on the prototype of a linear generator realized by University of Palermo. The use of this new technology will be able to cut down the electrical energy production from traditional power plants and, consequently, the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). Wave energy source and off-shore photovoltaic (PV) technology are…

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Environmental Assessment of an Innovative High-Performance Experimental Agriculture Field

To increase food availability, optimizing production systems and reducing burdens related to human activities is essential in a scenario of population growth and limited natural resources. In this context, the life cycle methodology can represent a valuable asset for assessing the environmental performance of agricultural products and services. This study sought to investigate and characterize potential impacts of an experimental tomato field at the University of Perugia and evaluate if the production increment obtained using high-reflective mulching compensated for the emissions caused by this extra component. The first-year crop campaign was the baseline reference to measure the system’s …

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The use of transparent insulating materials in low energy consumption buildings, trough the study of thermal and optical behaviour

This article discusses the use of innovative transparent materials in residential buildings with low energetic consumption and describes a simulation of their performance during winter. The behaviour of these materials was studied both from a thermic point of view and from the point of view of the quality of daylight illumination To simulate the behaviour of these materials, we used different forecasting software to measure and, at the same time, analyse their luminosity, their thermal characteristics and the resulting energy saving. The results show a considerable saving in energy even in terms of the greater economic investment needed for the installation of these innovative surfaces. Res…

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Un modello semplificato per la determinazione delle concentrazioni degli inquinanti gassosi emessi da stazioni fisse.

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Indagine sulle condizioni del microclima luminoso di una sala lettura. Un approccio multidisciplinare.

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Environmental sustainability in non-residential buildings by automating and optimization LENI index

Directive 2002/91 / EC as amended by 2010/31 / EU introduces procedures for energy certification aimed to determine, through the numerical indicators, the overall energy efficiency of the buildings, but notes the thermal and electric consumption. Often, the power consumption is incorrectly underestimated, this consumption would to be considered with great attention. In fact, compared to a committed capacity of less, compared to thermal plants, have times of utilization often far higher, leading to energy requirements to levels similar or even higher than those thermal, being the conversion factor of the electrical energy increasingly high. Leaving aside the procedural scheme energy certific…

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A Mathematical Model For Evaluating Energy Consumptions In Life Cycle Assessment.

This paper takes up the ecobalance topic giving prominence to a calculation procedure of necessary energy consumptions for the production of a product in the different phases of a whole life cycle. Are used to identify all stages of the life cycle are determined and simplified formulas for the calculation of specific energy consumption. Is also examined a case where the components of the final product are up to 8. The model is valid for any type of product and through operations research (ie, placing constraints on the variables) you could get to optimal solutions minimizing the objective function.

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Life Cycle Assessment nella certificazione energetica degli edifici

Il presente lavoro sviluppa il Life Cycle Assessment nella certificazione energetica degli edifici.

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Validation of the hierofanic theory in church architecture: a study of a 12th century church in Palermo

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Studio Acustico del Santuario di Altavilla Milicia (PA)

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A case study to the Evaluation of Global Environmental Quality, concerning thermal, acoustic and atmospheric conditions of urban areas

In this paper we propose an operative procedure aimed at assessing and check the global environmental quality in the urban areas. This methodology is set up by using an ergonomic approach that analyses the interaction man-environment in terms of cause-effect and uses information and data from various sources contributing to the formation of discomfort degrees.[1-2] The representation technique by normo-grams is used for showing some applications executed along the urban territory of Palermo and allows to evaluate very simply all the parameters involved in human comfort. This paper is divided in 5 sections, after the introduction in section 2 a review of the principal simple and complex inde…

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Small Wind Technology Diffusion in Suburban Areas of Sicily

Among renewable energy resources, wind energy became more attractive in the last decade. Wind farm installations dramatically increased in areas where climatic conditions, topography, and environment have allowed their development. The installation of wind turbines, usually carried out in remote areas, recently began to cover areas identified by a complex terrain such as urban and suburban zones. Although these new plant choices are characterized by lower productivity, there is increasing interest in wind energy production in both urban and suburban areas. In this work the authors have carried out an energy analysis developed from a sample of small wind turbines available on the market. Thi…

research product

Urban Waste As Resource For Sustainable Environment

The emerging model of waste disposal, develops an integrated approach based on waste reduction, selection, recycling, energy recovery and residual use of landfill. Here we discuss the fundamentals of a proper planning of waste disposal system, specially the thermal recovery, the integration and the methodological approach, either from the environmental and economic point of view. The growing demand for energy, the resulting environmental problems due to satisfy the demand for energy and the complex-economic system, necessitate the study of new technologies such as energy from municipal solid waste (MSW) obtaining as a result of decrease huge mass of solid waste to sanitary landifill and emi…

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Evaluation through adaptive model (ATC) in the levels of thermal comfort in summer in offices in Mediterranea locations.

The design of the building-plant system in the case of office buildings has rarely considered the adaptive model of comfort almost always limited to the control of temperature and humidity and only in some cases of PMV and PPD. Specifically when the building interacts with a climate characterized by high values of external temperature and humidity for long periods, and with high solar radiation in the presence of large glazed areas, it is crucial to take into account relevant aspects of the principle of thermal adaptation. The long stay of the occupants in an air-conditioned environment leads, at the request of colder temperatures very distant from those indicated by the criteria of accepta…

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Verifica del comportamento acustico della sala per auditorium nel padiglione industriale Ducrot a Palermo

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Solar cooling: study on the technical-economic feasibility of a plant in a hotel.

Solar air conditioning allows more energy savings than air conventional conditioning plants. Just like the thermal solar systems for heat production destined to large consumers, solar air conditioning represents a technology that turns out to be economically more favorable. Its employment for the summer air conditioning of buildings represents today an ulterior and very interesting field of application. This article shows the results of a study on the technical-economic feasibility of a solar cooling plant realized in a hotel in South Italy. Just like the air conditioning load produced by electric power, hot water produced by thermal solar plants has a periodic character which, in both case…

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Ogni estate migliaia di turisti raggiungono l’isola siciliana per le vacanze e con loro aumenta la produzione di rifiuti e i problemi legati alla sua gestione. Di fronte a queste preoccupazioni, la Facoltà di Architettura dell’Università di Palermo insieme al Dipartimento di Energia, Ingegneria dell’Informazione e Modelli Matematici dell’Università di Palermo, hanno elaborato uno studio di fattibilità che prevede l’inserimento di un impianto per la valorizzazione energetica dei RSU e delle biomasse.

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Energy Savings through Integration of the Illumination Natural and Artificial, Using a System of Automatic Dimming: Case Study

The reduction of electrical energy consumption in buildings is a subject of great interest in the international scientific community. In buildings with a lot of available natural light, designed with large glazed surfaces, the artificial lighting system is often oversized and cannot be divided into segments to meet lighting demands during daylight hours.This article presents an experimental study, conducted in a university lecture hall that has a glazed surface covering the whole wall at one end, which provides a level of internal illumination that is only sufficient for the area next to the window itself, even when the outside lighting conditions are very bright. It is therefore necessary …

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Energy Saving Optimizing the Ventilation Control in a Big Shopping Center

The paper investigates the potential energy savings in the context of big shopping centers, thanks to the introduction of innovative technologies able to control the ventilation according the real requirement for comfort and health of indoor spaces. The case study analyses a big shopping center, where the ventilation is realized with a centralized air-conditioning plant, working with fixed air flows. Two solutions are proposed to reduce the energy consumption for ventilation. The first considers the installation of heat recovery exchangers, the second the introduction of a control system able to modulate the air exchange, according to the real requirements. An energetic and economic evaluat…

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Sustainable lighting design through the analysis of spatial and time non-uniformities in natural lighting with the metric of the information theory

The indoor visual comfort of subjects faced with indoor ambient lighting varies with the position of the subject and is not constant over time. Average performance indexes, such as the mean value of Daylight Factor and Daylight Autonomy, are commonly used to analyse lighting distribution. These indexes, however, don’t properly take into account either the spatial or the time distribution of values affecting the non-uniformity of environmental lighting. Indeed, these are limited to the definition of a mean value or to the assessment of time availability of daylighting. This paper examines spatial and temporal non-uniformities in indoor lighting as possible causes of discomfort for occupants.…

research product

A Case Study to evaluate the indoor global quality

This paper proposes two complementary procedures for assessing the global quality comfort: the first one, prevalently objective, is based on the acquisition of microclimate measured data and computed subjective values; the second one, that is purely subjective, uses a questionnaire drawn from the ISO/DP 10551 Recommendation. An application to some lecture-halls and laboratories of the school is here showed.

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Near zero energy island with sea wave energy: The case study of Pantelleria in Mediterranean Sea

In this paper the authors present a study of the transition of an energy generation system for a real MV/LV distribution system from one that is "fuel-based" to a "renewables-based" system in particular from sea wave energy, using the data acquired from an innovative generator prototype realized by University of Palermo. The study is carried out for a real islanded network located in the Island of Pantelleria (Mediterranean Sea). The procedures applied in the present article, as well as the main equations used, are the result of previous applications made in different technical fields that show a good replicability [1]-[7].

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An innovative mechanical motion converter for sea wave applications

The paper shows an innovative system designed and developed by University of Palermo. The device is based on a simple mechanical converter able to transform a variable bidirectional linear motion into a unidirectional rotary motion. This technology can be successful used in sea wave applications, producing a mechanical output usable for the electrical energy production.

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Determinazione degli indici PMV/PPD attraverso misure strumentali e questionari nel modello adattivo

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Elementi per la valutazione ambientale strategica dei piani energetici regionali: il caso della regione siciliana

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Energy and Economic Comparison of different conditioning system among traditional and eco-sustainable building

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Optimal sizing of a Skylight dynamic simulation and validation using an experimental method

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Indoor Environmental Quality Survey: A Brief Comparison between Different Post Occupancy Evaluation Methods

Building occupants are important factor in giving information on indoor conditions such as comfort, productivity, building performance and occupants ́ health. Even that, being their appraisal mainly based on subjective judgments, it is difficult to set up a standard and objective method for this purpose. The present work aimed to describe, analyze and compare the most common tests on this topic, in order to highlight critical, failings and strengths.

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Alternative Materials for Daylight Vision Control in a Museum Environment

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Energy and environmental assessment of retrofit actions on a residential building

Energy and environmental performances of buildings strictly depend on many factors related to the choice of construction materials, technical equipment, installation and use. In the following chapter a set of retrofit actions to improve the thermal performance of an existing conventional building is presented. The energy and environmental assessment of these actions is carried out following a life cycle approach. The embodied energy and the environmental impacts arisen from the production, transportation and installation phases of the required materials and components are calculated. Further, energy saving and environmental benefits and drawbacks concerning the assessed retrofit actions are…

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Pianificazione dell'ambiente acustico urbano: un metodo basato sul GIS

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A survey for the conservation of the wooden ceiling of the Hall of Barons of the Steri

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Economic and technical feasibility of a photovoltaic system in university building

The use of renewable sources for electric power production can compensate the ever increasing energy demand in buildings. This article shows a study on the feasibility – both from the economic and technical point of view, of a photovoltaic system to be built on the premises of a university faculty. After a historical analysis on the building’s consumption – both on a yearly and monthly base, which highlights the need for an autonomous electric power production system, the difficult task of the technical optimization was undertaken with the aim of minimizing the impact or visual interference of the plant. A series of simulations allowed estimating the right compromise between producibility o…

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The energy certification of buidings through the dynamic simulation of variable consumption

The problem of energy quality control in buildings was officially recognised for the first time at a European level in the EEC directive no. 93/76 of 1993. This directive represented the formal act of an undertaking to promote actions that would lead to a reduction in global carbon dioxide (CO2)emissions. Article 2 of this directive established that states should carry out programmes concerning the energy certification of buildings, which were consistent in the description of their energy parameters, so as to allow future users of a building to know and understand its energy efficiency. Italy acknowledged this directive, along with the subsequent European directive 2002/91/CE on energy effi…

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A Simulation of daylight levels for the determination of visual comfort in large spaces

In sizable environments, such as the collective areas of a big university building, characterised by very long corridors, large hallways and broad glazed surfaces, the daytime illumination factor is often only excellent near to the latter, due to their predominantly horizontal, rather than vertical, nature. His study, which has been carried out thanks to a simulation software, shows the results of a correlation between light contributions, come out from the wide glass surface and those of a big skylight which cross lenghtways the main part of the building. Such results have been compared with some instrumental measurements considering the shifting and getting from them important information…

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Valutazione dei livelli di monossido di carbonio in ambiente scolastico: Un caso di studio.

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Thermo-hygrometric comfort in the lecture hall of a library: methodology and experimental evidence.

The present study verifies the thermo hygrometric comfort conditions in subjects of a university library users, evaluating the differences and peculiarities in the data collected at the measurement campaign. Particularities of the investigation is the period studied concerning the time frame of the Middle season, which is not expected to power the air conditioning systems. Based on assumptions on the thermal resistance of clothing in the spring and the metabolic type of subjects, the environmental parameters were monitored in some work position in the reading hall in the library of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Palermo. The article presents analyses of the measure…

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State of art and economic evaluation of wave energy converters. A case study

The even increasing energy demand in the world is a relevant problem for the modern society. The energy supply from fossil fuels has become a critical aspect due to the progressive reduction of reserves and political instability among the Countries. For these reasons, the exploitation of renewable energy sources is looked with a great interest. In this context, solar, wind, geothermal, hydropower, and biomass can be successfully used through commercial technologies. Other potential renewable energy sources could have potential applications in the next future. Among these, sea wave is considered a very promising energy source, especially for small islands. In this context, the paper propones…

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Energy savings for indoor lighting in a shopping mall: A case of study

The paper presents an application of energy saving in the final users. In particular, the case of study evaluates the energy consumptions of a big shopping mall, located in the middle part of Italy, illuminated by fluorescent lamps. In order to reduce the energy demand, the case of study shows a first solution based on LED lamps; a second step considers the adding of a building automation system, maximizing the energy saving, thanks lighting sensors that module the luminous flux taking in count of natural lighting through skylights.

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Influenza degli elementi di facciata per la protezione dall'inquinamento acustico da traffico

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A procedure to evaluate the indoor global quality by a sub objective-objective procedure

This paper proposes two complementary procedures for assessing the indoor global comfort: the first one, prevalently objective, is based on the acquisition of microclimate measured data and computed subjective values; the second one, that is purely subjective, uses a questionnaire drawn from the ISO/DP 10551 Recommendation. An application to some lecture-halls is here showed

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Experimental Analysis of the Thermal Performance of Wood Fiber Insulating Panels

During the last decades, attention to energy and environmental problems has significantly grown, along with the development of international and national policies addressing sustainability issues. In the construction sector, one of the most widespread energy efficiency strategies consists of thermal insulation of buildings thanks to external insulating panels. Among these, wood fiber is an insulating material characterized by a natural, eco-sustainable and biodegradable structure, coming from the recycling of waste wood from sawmills. The present study aimed to characterize small test building insulated with wood fiber panels from the thermal point of view, comparing the results with those …

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Light Pollution: Uno studio sul centro storico di Palermo

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Energy and Economic Comparison of Different Conditioning System among Traditional and Eco-Sustainable Building

The use of bioclimatic principles can reduce energy demands and CO2 emissions in the building sector [1-. Costs are one of the most important barriers to a widespread adoption of the green architecture technologies [4-. The aim of this study is to compare the energy and economic performances of two buildings: a real residential bioclimatic building located in Cinisi (a small town near Palermo, Sicily) and an imaginary residential building supposed having the same geographical location, cubature, shape and orientation as the bioclimatic building but built by conventional building materials. The tools used for this study were TRNSYS and HOMER

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Are the best available technologies the only viable for energy interventions in historical buildings?

Worth aged buildings represent among the existing buildings a special case when it comes to their energy refurbishment. Unfortunately, the available technologies for building components characterized by high level of thermal performances show, not rarely, a limited compatibility with the architectural integrity of the building. In other words, the so-called Best Available Technologies, which are effectively adopted to optimize the building energy performances, in case of buildings to which a certain artistic, historic and/or architectural merit is recognized, i.e. heritage houses, might determine such kind of conflicts. This situation may lead to the selection of “non-invasive” but less per…

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An Economic Approach to Size of a Renewable Energy Mix in Small Islands

The importance of renewable energy exploitation reduces the energy dependence on fossil fuels. Despite technological progress, in several remote areas and small islands the energy production is nowadays dominated by the utilization of fossil fuels. With new, increasingly stringent laws on polluting emissions and the need to lower production costs, it is necessary to exploit as many renewable sources as possible. In order to implement these considerations, it was decided to study renewable energy production. The study was carried out by estimating the energy production on a monthly and annual basis considering a mix of three plants, namely marine, solar, and wind. Simulations on wave product…

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Saving energy by integrating natural and artificial lighting: a case study.

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Simulazione del comportamento di materiali isolanti trasparenti applicati ad un caso studio

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The Desalination Process Driven by Wave Energy: A Challenge for the Future

The correlation between water and energy is currently the focus of several investigations. In particular, desalination is a technological process characterized by high energy consumption; nevertheless, desalination represents the only practicable solution in several areas, where the availability of fresh water is limited but brackish water or seawater are present. These natural resources (energy and water) are essential for each other; energy system conversion needs water, and electrical energy is necessary for water treatment or transport. Several interesting aspects include the study of saline desalination as an answer to freshwater needs and the application of renewable energy (RE) devic…

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Indice di efficenza energetica: Valutazione delle caratteristiche prestazionali per la certificazione degli edifici attraverso esperienze applicative.

Indice di efficenza energetica: Valutazione delle caratteristiche prestazionali per la certificazione degli edifici attraverso esperienze applicative.

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L'attività di ricerca nel dottorato: esperienze italiane a confronto

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A Power Law Behavior in the Incentivized Italian Photovoltaic Market

The Italian photovoltaic (PV) marketis analyzed by using the data contained in the database that describes all PV Plants installed in Italy under the incentive program called “2nd Conto Energia”. It is shown that the cumulative probability distribution of the size of the installed PV plants has a broken power tail. An approach to partially quantify the effect of the economic, juridical and technical rules is introduced in order to show how the regulatory body influences the power tail of the cumulative probability curve.

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Asset rating: Disagreement between the results obtained from software for energy certification

The general practice for establishing the consumption in asset ratings of a building consists of entrusting the energy analysis of the shell of a building to calculating software. The building is the subject of an extremely complicated analysis, and there are many variables at stake, is it more correct to aim for a simplification of the problem, in the knowledge that behind every analytical formula there is the possibility of an evaluation error, or is it better to aim for calculation models that are more and more detailed in an attempt to succeed in predicting the real energy behaviour of the building ? Depending on the objective that has been set, it is a good idea to identify the tool be…

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Improvement of Energy Efficiency for Indoor Lighting in a Big Shopping Center

As the progressive diffusion of shopping centers in Italy, the paper analysis the potential energy savings in the indoor lighting plant, thanks to new technologies as LED lamps and Building Automation System. The case study, applied to a big shopping mall in the middle of Italy, shows great results, thanks to the high efficiency of LED technology, high number of operating hours and the implementation of a control system. An economic and environmental evaluation is reported.

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Experimental Evidence on the Thermal Performance of Opaque Surfaces in Mediterranean Climate

The thermal insulation of buildings, intended as wrap feature which determines the dispersion of heat, the reference parameter is necessary to contain the thermal losses during the winter season. The transmittance of the opaque components, used as an indicator of the energy quality of a casing, together with the overall coefficient of dispersion, represents a proper descriptor of the behavior during the heating season. However, if a strong insulation in winter conditions brings only positive effects, the same cannot be said for the summer conditions. A high value of the insulation in the casing is convenient only when the gains free, either in the form of solar contribution that of endogeno…

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Assessment of the renewable energy production in a historical building for a touristic intended use: a technical-economic feasibility study

This column deals about a study based on technical and economical feasibility of a combination of technologies and systems for energy production concerning electric, heating and cooling to install on a building in the historic centre of a Sicilian city (Italy). After a functional review and an energetic evaluation, the building will have a hotel destination. A first evaluation, made on a model set with the geometrical, thermo-physical and climatic data both of the building and the place, allowed to make a dynamic simulation to define the energetic monthly needs. The evaluation has been done considering different solutions and technologies. With the collected data we supposed a first sizing …

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Experimental Evidence on the Thermal Performance of Opaque Surfaces in Mediterranean Climate

The thermal insulation of buildings, intended as wrap feature which determines the dispersion of heat, the reference parameter is necessary to contain the thermal losses during the winter season. The transmittance of the opaque components, used as an indicator of the energy quality of a casing, together with the overall coefficient of dispersion, represents a proper descriptor of the behavior during the heating season. However, if a strong insulation in winter conditions brings only positive effects, the same cannot be said for the summer conditions. A high value of the insulation in the casing is convenient only when the gains free, either in the form of solar contribution that of endogeno…

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Regional policies for sustainability in the Mediterranean countries: the role of a proper HVAC system maintenance in museums

Italy, like several Mediterranean countries, holds a very large number of cultural artifacts that are often exhibited and saved inside museums. Museums are usually part of historical buildings that, not rarely, originally had a different intended use and that have been currently transformed in place for conservation and for exhibition of works of art. The use of historical buildings as museums leads to limitations in the management and distribution of exhibition space, in design and managing HVAC systems and in the achievement of targets relating to the continuous monitoring of the microclimate for people comfort and for preservation of works of art. Moreover, the costs of the operation and…

research product