Ferdinando Corriere
A markovian model as a tool for optimization of maintenance planning on the railway lines
This paper is designed to develop a procedure which defines a planning criterion for railway superstructure maintenance by means of Markov decision processes. This methodology allows to formulate a specific policy π which carries out the best configuration of budget allocation (min. Ф), and at the same time to guarantee the highest efficiency level in the railway superstructure. Thanks to the dynamic programming technique applied to decision processes, the report has examined the possibility of establishing the best management policy in order to maintain adequate safety levels of implementation and quality speed levels, in the presence of budget constraints, thus optimizing the available re…
Agrigento, il mare e le reti euromediterranee
Applicazione di processi decisionali per l’ottimizzazione degli interventi manutentivi sulle infrastrutture viarie
A metthological approach to optimize the practice capacity of railway junctions
The practice capacity of a railway junction depends, in addition to the effective operation’s conditions, by the potential risk factors tied with the design characteristics of the railway station. With the aim of an approach based on the “fuzzy sets” it is possible to determine the numeric value of the practice capacity by the logic – qualitative relations between the features of the railway junction and the potential risk factors. This methodology permits to try out the absolute value of a suitable vector β, (less then the unit) for the utilization of the theoretic capacity in conditions of maximum reliability of the system related to the aspect of safety (technique “fail safe”).
A behavioural model to evaluate the delay on urban traffic flows and analysis of environmental implications
This paper deals the problem of a road's capacity in presence of perturbations in the vehicular flow. In particular, among the different causes of delay, is here the presence of vehicles parked along the road in relation at their parking activity. Preliminarily is evaluated the delay, caused by each vehicle that leaves its parking position and enters in the traffic flow or by that who slows down the flow to enter in the parking, by introducing these effects in the equations of flow, it is possible to evaluate the modifications that the same curves of down flow suffer. Consequently, it is also possible to evaluate the increase of pollutant emissions.
Performance Analysis of Basic Turbo-Roundabouts in Urban Context
AbstractA turbo roundabout is a new type of canalized multilane intersection in which the physical separation between lanes helps to prevent side collisions when crossing the roundabout. This paper presents an estimation of capacity, delays and level of service of basic turbo roundabouts in undersaturation conditions, considering both vehicle flow and pedestrian traffic. The traffic performance model was developed by evaluating the capacity for each entry lane. Owing to the geometric features of the intersection, the total entry capacity is obtained by considering different values of the pedestrian impedance factor and degree of saturation at both the right-turn and left-turn lanes.
The globalization of markets regards many sectors in the E.U. and among them also the fruit and vegetable in the face of growing and increasingly intense competition exerted by the products of countries with emerging economies. But, at the same time, the globalization can also lead to the opening of new potential markets for the products, when and where the transport system, more than other things, appears to be efficient and effective and makes possible to reach the target markets in the shortest time possible and at the lowest possible cost. It is therefore very useful to create a model that takes into account hepeculiarities of the different modes of transport between the different origi…
Tramway Track: A New Approach for Measuring the Transverse Profile of Worn-Out Rails
Abstract Monitoring the wear condition of the tramway superstructure is one of the key points to guarantee an adequate safety level of the light rail transport system. The purpose of this paper is to suggest a new non-conventionalprocedure for measuring the transverse profile of rails in operation by means of image-processing technique. This methodological approach is based on the “information” contained in high-resolution photographic images of tracks and on specific algorithms which allow to obtain the exact geometric profile of the rails and therefore to measure the state of the rail-head extrados wear.
Estimation of Measures of Effectiveness (MOE) for the C-Roundabouts
The C-roundabout (cyclist roundabout) is a new multi-lane roundabout designed to improve the safety of cyclists at and make multi-lane roundabouts more cyclist-friendly. The geometric layout of C-Roundabouts allows the decrease of the vehicle speeds through the roundabout to around 30 km/h. The rare C-roundabout installations so far implemented in the world have not allowed analysing the capacity by means empirical data. In the light of this considerations, the main objective of the paper is to give a theoretical closed-form model for evaluation the measures of effectiveness MOE (capacity, delay, queues) of the C-Roundabouts.
Flower roundabouts: estimation of capacity and level of service
The research work on road junction geometry, carried out in European research centres, has recently allowed to design new road intersection types which are of undoubted interest, especially in terms of traffic functionality and safety. Among the most interesting solutions there are such schemes as spiral, turbo and flower roundabouts, which are similar to traditional roundabouts. Although these solutions provide a traffic travels counterclockwise around a central island and in which entering traffic must yield to circulating traffic, the newly designed schemes generally offer modes of traffic flow regulations which highly differ from those used in conventional roundabouts. Of considerable i…
The Rail Quality Index as an Indicator of the “Global Comfort” in Optimizing Safety, Quality and Efficiency in Railway Rails
AbstractThe proposed model uses the stochastic dynamic programming and in particular Markov decision processes applied to the Rail Quality Index (RQI - Italian Indice di Qualità del Binario, IQB).By performing the integrated analysis of the classes of variables which characterize the overall service quality (in terms of comfort and safety), the proposed mathematical approach allows to find the solutions to the decision-making process in function of the probability of deterioration of the state variables of the infrastructure over time and of the flow of available resources.
Reducing Air Pollutants through Road Innovative Intersections
Road pollutant emissions are correlated mainly to infrastructural capacity and to traffic intensity and typology. With the aim to improve road intersections performances in the last years was designed many new geometric layouts, like turbo roundabouts and flower roundabouts. The main objective of this paper is carried out a comparative analysis between conventional and innovative roundabouts in terms of CO, CO2, NO and PM2,5 vehicular emissions, evaluated by means of COPERT Software which is developed as a European tool for the calculation of emissions from the road transport sector.
Infrastrutture viarie lineari ed intersezioni.
This paper is designed to develop a procedure which defines a planning criterion for railway superstructure maintenance by means of Markov decision processes. This methodology allows to formulate a specific policy which carries out the best configuration of budget allocation (min. Ф), and at the same time to guarantee the highest efficiency level in the railway superstructure. Thanks to the dynamic programming technique applied to decision processes, the report has examined the possibility of establishing the best management policy in order to maintain adequate safety levels of implementation and quality speed levels, in the presence of budget constraints, thus optimizing the available re…
Turbo roundabouts:geometric design parameters and performance analysis
A turbo roundabout is a particular type of roundabout where entering and circulating lanes are bounded by traffic signs and by non-mountable curbs. The physical separation between lanes, both at entries and on the ring, helps to prevent side collisions crossing the roundabout. The main advantages of turbo roundabouts are: i) reduction in the number of potential conflict points; ii) lower speed of vehicles passing through the intersection; iii) safety conditions at the intersection due to lower risk of side-by-side accidents. Also, in some cases the capacities of turbo roundabouts are higher than the capacities of conventional roundabouts. This paper presents an estimation of capacity, delay…
Determinazione dell’usura di rotaie tranviarie mediante analisi delle immagini con tecniche mono e stereoscopiche
La misura dei valori assunti dai parametri geometrici del binario e lo stato di usura delle rotaie, ormai da diversi anni viene effettuata con tecniche laser ad alto rendimento e con treni diagnostici (come ad esempio i treni Archimede e Talete per le ferrovie ordinarie). Nel presente lavoro viene descritta una nuova procedura per la stima dell’usura del profilo trasversale di rotaie tranviarie in esercizio mediante la tecnica dell’image processing; tale approccio metodologico si basa sulle “informazioni” contenute in immagini fotografiche ad alta risoluzione delle rotaie e su specifici algoritmi che permettono di ottenere l’esatto profilo geometrico delle rotaie stesse e quindi di poter mi…
I sistemi infrastrutturali di trasporto in Sicilia: procedura per la identificazione e la valutazione dei sistemi infrastrutturali
A Novel Technique for Monitoring the W-Beam Guardrails
The paper addresses the problem of the measurement of guardrails’ deformations by means automatic analysis of optical images. The technique is founded on the analysis of high-resolution photos, obtained by means of 3D camera installed into a data vehicle. The novel methodology has been used to calculate the longitudinal safety barrier deformations for one W-beam guardrails installed along a rural road in Italy. The procedure has shown that digital image analysis can be used with the aim to monitoring guardrails and, therefore, for guarantee reasonable levels of protection against serious ran-off-road crashes.
Environmental analysis of different construction techniques and maintenance activities for a typical local road
Abstract In this paper, considering the sever impact of road infrastructures on both the surrounding environment as well as on the consumption of locally available natural resources, different road construction techniques have been studied and compared, in order to be able to rank the best solution in terms of environmental sustainability. For the aims of this study, a Life Cycle Analysis has been carried out on a road infrastructure with the most representative geometrical characteristics among those widely used in Italy, in suburban areas, with the help of an appropriate software, the PaLATE. The environmental effects due to both the use of recycled materials, such as the Reclaimed Asphal…
Strategies for the development of intermodal transport Infrastructures: The proposals of Region Sicily in European RE.MO.MED. Project.
A model for evaluating the environmental and functional benefits of “innovative” roundabouts
This study looks at the singling out of a multi-parameter criterion for choosing conventional or innovative roundabout layouts, by taking functional, environmental and economic aspects into consideration. The performances of three conventional roundabouts (with different lane number at entries and through the ring), turbo-roundabouts and roundabouts with right-turn bypass lane on all the arms (flower roundabouts) have been compared in terms of vehicle delays and pollutant (carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particle pollution (PM10 and PM2.5)) emissions. By means of closed-form capacity models and with the help of COPERT IV© software, several traffic simulations have been carried out, referre…
Impianti ettometrici ed infrastrutture puntuali per i trasporti
Gli argomenti contenuti nel volume, sviluppano alcune tematiche riguardanti le caratteristiche di offerta del trasporto urbano e dei sistemi puntuali quali porti, aeroporti e stazioni ferroviarie con particolare riguardo al loro dimensionamento anche dal punto di vista della congruità delle capacità operative in relazione al più complessivo sistema della mobilità. I terminali delle infrastrutture lineari di trasporto e gli impianti meccanizzati per la mobilità urbana, denominati a corto raggio od ettometrici, completano la panoramica delle soluzioni oggi disponibili per formulare proposte risolutive alle problematiche poste dalla congestione e dalle altre esternalità negative del sistema de…
Riciclaggio resodui del marmo - L'uso del "ravaneto" nelle costruzioni stradali
L’importanza economica dell’attività di estrazione e lavorazione dei materiali lapidei di pregio, ha segnatamente marcato lo sviluppo territoriale di aree della regione Sicilia concentrate per lo più nelle due province di Trapani e Catania. Alla elevata quantità estratta non ha corrisposto però una adeguata strategia di pianificazione per la salvaguardia ambientale specificatamente connessa ai materiali inerti da impiegare nel settore delle costruzioni. Infatti, sebbene l’estrazione dei materiali lapidei di pregio genera quantità di materie residuali per lo più non utilizzate pari a circa il 70-80 % del totale estratto, ancora oggi vengono coltivate cave di inerti per l’impiego nel settore …
Improving the sustainability of transportation: environmental and functional benefits of right-turn by pass lanes at roundabouts
The functional performances of conventional roundabouts (single-lane and multi-lane) and innovative roundabouts (spiral, flower, C and turbo) can be improved through right-turn bypass lanes controlled by stop, yield or free-flow signs. The article presents evaluations of the emissions of air pollutants (carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particle pollution (PM10 and PM2.5)), fuel consumption and construction, management, energetic and environmental costs in roundabouts without or with bypass lanes (controlled by stop, yield or free-flow). The suggested methodology has a general character and can be applied as a multi-parametric criterion for choosing road intersections, although, in the prese…
Estimation of air pollutant emissions in flower roundabouts and in conventional roundabouts
Abstract The road pollutant emissions, above all in urban context, are correlated to many infrastructural parameters and to traffic intensity and typology. The research work on road junction geometry, carried out in European research centres, has recently allowed to design new road intersection types which are of undoubted interest, especially in terms of traffic functionality and safety, like the flower roundabouts (in which right-turn manoeuvres do not conflict with the circulating flow). The main objective of this paper is to propose a model for the estimation the capacity, delay, levels of service and the pollutant emissions into flower roundabouts. A comparative analysis between conven…
Analisi di funzionalità delle rotatorie a fiore
Le attività di ricerca inerenti la geometria dei nodi viari, svolte soprattutto in Enti di ricerca europei, in tempi relativamente recenti hanno consentito di ideare nuove tipologie di intersezioni stradali che presentano un indubbio interesse, soprattutto in termini di funzionalità e di sicurezza della circolazione. Tra le soluzioni più interessanti si annoverano gli schemi affini alle tradizionali rotatorie come ad esempio le rotatorie a spirale, le turbo rotatorie e le rotatorie a fiore. Pur trattandosi di soluzioni con circolazione rotatoria, in genere negli schemi di nuova concezione le modalità di regolamentazione dei flussi veicolari risultano assai diverse rispetto a quanto avviene …
Characterization of Biodiesel from Vegetable Oil Using Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography
Biodiesel from vegetable oils has been analyzed and its suitability for internal combustion engines has been assessed. The Standard biofuel’s characteristics have been investigated. Gas chromatography (GC) tests were carried out to characterize the fatty acid behavior. It was found that the mass percentage of saturated fatty acids did not change substantially with time, while unsaturated fatty acids increased with time for both B100 and B30. An increase in density for B100 and B30 with time was noted. Biodiesel density was within the standardization. The calorific values of biodiesel and its blend increased with time. Higher heating value for B100 increased from 41 to 43 MJ/kg while B30 inc…
In the planning process of a railway intervention and in its operational management, it needs to analyse carefully the relations between the different classes of variables constituting the complex system “vehicle-infrastructure-environment” to find the most suitable actions in optimisation the travelling comfort and safety, with respect for the ecosystem compatibilities. The problem can be tackled, in a systematic way, according to set theory and vector analysis, in a hyperspace Âd of d-dimension up to determining a characteristic global comfort vector that can be combined with each alternatives of intervention in the transport network examined. From this point of view, after the proper ach…
A Stochastic Decision Process Model for Optimization of Railway and Tramway Track Maintenance by means of Image Processing Technique
One of the key targets for an efficient transport network management is the search for proper maintenance policies to guarantee acceptable safety and quality standards in the travel and to optimize available resource allocation. Methodologically, the proposed model presented in this paper uses the stochastic dynamic programming and in particular Markov decision processes applied to the rail wear conditions for the railway and tramway network. By performing the integrated analysis of the classes of variables which characterize the rail quality (in terms of safety), the proposed mathematical approach allows to find the solutions to the decision-making process related to the probability of det…
Characterization of Biodiesel from Vegetable Oil Using Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography
Biodiesel from vegetable oils has been analyzed and its suitability for internal combustion engines has been assessed. The Standard biofuel’s characteristics have been investigated. Gas chromatography (GC) tests were carried out to characterize the fatty acid behavior. It was found that the mass percentage of saturated fatty acids did not change substantially with time, while unsaturated fatty acids increased with time for both B100 and B30. An increase in density for B100 and B30 with time was noted. Biodiesel density was within the standardization. The calorific values of biodiesel and its blend increased with time. Higher heating value for B100 increased from 41 to 43 MJ/kg while B30 inc…
A new methodology to estimate deformation of longitudinal safety barriers
The correct sizing of storage areas in the port areas is aimed to optimizing the management of intermodal transport and to ensure efficiency and functionality to the entire port system. In this paper is proposed a simulation model for design the port storage areas taking into account many parameters like: the service time, the randomness of the arrivals process, the storage capacity in terms of TEU that can be stored (and handled) in the unit of time. The capacity of the terminal warehouse is determined by the interrelation between fixed and static parameters in the short period which are: i) the extension of the storage area; ii) the height of the overlapping batteries of container (define…
A Logic Fuzzy Model for Evaluation of the Railway Station’s Practice Capacity in Safety Operating Conditions
Abstract The practice capacity of a railway junction depends, in addition to the effective operation’s conditions, by the potential risk factors related to the design plan of the railway station. With the aim of an approach based on the “fuzzy sets” it is possible to determine the numeric value of the practice capacity by the logic - qualitative relations between the features of the railway junction and the potential risk factors. This methodology permits to try out the absolute value of a suitable vector β, (less then the unit) for the utilization of the theoretic capacity in conditions of maximum reliability of the system related to the aspect of safety (technique “fail safe”).
The choice between alternative solutions in uncertain conditions: the use of a suitable fuzzy metodology as a tool for the project optmization of the railway junction
Turbo-Roundabouts: a Model to Evaluate Capacity, Delays, Queues and Level of Service
A turbo roundabout is a particular type of roundabout where entering and circulating lanes are bounded by traffic signs and by non-mountable curbs. The physical separation between lanes, both at entries and on the ring, helps to prevent side collisions crossing the roundabout. The main advantages of turbo roundabouts are: i) reduction in the number of potential conflict points; ii) lower speed of vehicles passing through the intersection; iii) safety conditions at the intersection due to lower risk of side-by-side accidents. These aspects make turbo-roundabouts more appropriate than roundabouts when a higher level of safety has to be guaranteed, particularly in presence of relevant pedestri…
La logica fuzzy come strumento di ottimzzazione della sicurezza dei nodi ferroviari
Environmentally appraising different pavement and construction scenarios: A comparative analysis for a typical local road
Abstract The aim of this work is to carry out a comparative analysis of environmental impacts for different scenarios of a typical local road. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is the modeling tool used to quantify and characterize comparative environmental impacts. In carrying out this specific application of the LCA, different road construction techniques were considered with regards to the whole structure and compared in order to identify the best alternative in terms of environmental sustainability. So far, in fact, typical LCA frameworks of roads have focused on recycled materials for pavement layers only, thus neglecting study of the materials used in the embankment or in the subgrade. In t…
Environmental Implications of Traffic Flow Delays: a Model for Urban Streets
In this paper the problem of road's capacity is dealt in presence of perturbations of the vehicular flow. In particular, among the different disturbing causes, it is here considered the presence of vehicles parked along the road in relation to their parking activity. Having already established the delay, caused by those vehicles leaving their stationary positions and entering the traffic flow or by those who slow down the flow to park, it is possible to evaluate the changes in time running values. Related to these times delay, the extra pollutant emissions by a given urban running fleet is also evaluated, by utilizing emission factors depending on age, type, volume capacity and engine of th…
Calculation of Turbo-Roundabouts with Slip Lanes
A turbo roundabout is a particular type of roundabout where all lanes are bounded by traffic signs and by non-mountable curbs installed at entering and circulating lanes. Turbo roundabouts also have a very particular shape to accomplish the splitting of traffic streams and to prevent cars weaving through. These aspects make turbo-roundabouts more appropriate than roundabouts when a higher level of safety has to be guaranteed, particularly in presence of relevant pedestrian and two-wheels traffic volumes. Only in some traffic conditions, turbo roundabouts can offer higher capacities than conventional double-lanes roundabouts, so if more capacity must be guarantee a bypass lane can be added t…
Handling Underdispersion in Calibrating Safety Performance Function at Urban, Four-Leg, Signalized Intersections
Poisson basic assumption of equidispersion is often too much restrictive for crash count data; in fact this type of data has been found to often exhibit overdispersion. Underdispersion has been less commonly observed, and this is the reason why it has been less convenient to model directly than overdispersion. Overdispersion and underdispersion are not the only issues that can be a potential source of error in specifying statistical models and that can lead to biased crash-frequency predictions; these issues can derive from data properties (temporal and spatial correlation, time-varying explanatory variables, etc.) or from methodological approach (omitted variables, functional form selectio…
Systéme d'informations Régional des transport - Contribution de synthése de la région Sicile
Environmental Implications of Traffic Flow Delays: A Model for Urban Streets
In this paper the problem of road's capacity is dealt in presence of perturbations of the vehicular flow. In particular, among the different disturbing causes, it is here considered the presence of vehicles parked along the road in relation to their parking activity. Having already established the delay, caused by those vehicles leaving their stationary positions and entering the traffic flow or by those who slow down the flow to park, it is possible to evaluate the changes in time running values. Related to these times delay, the extra pollutant emissions by a given urban running fleet is also evaluated, by utilizing emission factors depending on age, type, volume capacity and engine of th…
The global comfort criteria as a tool for the optimization of the safety, quality and efficiency in the railway tracks.
From the results of some memories already introduced in the VI International Conference of "Stochastic Geometry, Convex Bodies, Empirical Measure & Applications To Mechanics And Engineering Of Train-Transport", it’s improved now a criteria, based on global comfort analyses , that allows to optimize the safety of the exercise, the quality and the economic efficiency into the available resources.
Le infrastrutture dei trasporti in Sicilia tra marginalità economica, politiche comunitarie e nuovi indirizzi pianificatori
Sustainability in Road Design: A Methodological Proposal for the Drafting of Guideline.
Abstract This paper, starting from the U.S. experience (USGBC LEED) in the building field, through GBC ITALIA, underlines the need of a specific methodological approach in our country for a roads sustainable design. Therefore, we propose criteria for the methodological approach of a handbook of sustainability. In this guideline required and voluntary project requirements are identified; for each of these objectives, benefits, standards of reference and its methods of implementation are suggested. The above guideline, using detailed development tools (VA, LCA), could provide guidance to the road-designer in the evaluation and selection of strategies to drawing-up project performance standard…
Sistema tramviario di Palermo: sicurezza e qualità degli spazi pubblici
A Palermo con l’approvazione, nel 2002, del “Piano Integrato per il Trasporto Pubblico”1, si è dato avvio alla realizzazione di diverse opere finalizzate a migliorare il servizio pubblico di trasporto urbano che in un futuro ormai prossimo rivoluzioneranno la connessione tra le diverse parti della città. In particolare, il contributo intende soffermarsi su alcuni aspetti riguardanti il Sistema tram di Palermo, di cui, recentemente, sono già state realizzate le prime quattro linee ed è volontà dell’Amministrazione comunale di dotare la città di ulteriori tratte in tempi brevi. Da un’analisi del sistema tramviario di Palermo appare chiaro che, pur presentando alcuni vantaggi dal punto di vist…
Estimation of Air Pollutant Emissions in “Turbo” and in Conventional Roundabouts
The road pollutant emissions, above all in urban context, are correlated to many infrastructural parameters and to traffic intensity and typology. The research work on road junction geometry, carried out in European research centres, has recently allowed to design new road intersection types which are of undoubted interest, especially in terms of traffic functionality and safety, like the turbo roundabouts (in which right-turn manoeuvres do not conflict with the circulating flow). The main objective of this paper is to propose a model for the estimation the performances and the pollutant emissions into turbo roundabouts. A comparative analysis between conventional roundabout and turbo round…
Il ruolo dei sistemi informativi regionali nell’adeguamento delle infrastrutture di trasporto. - Accessibilità ed intermodalità nella regione Sicilia
Riprendendo gli esiti di una recente ricerca, condotta nell’ambito del progetto comunitario INTERREG 3B, in questo volume è affrontato il tema della formazione di un sistema informativo regionale dei trasporti per il riassetto funzionale del sistema infrastrutturale che è oggi oggetto di rinnovata attenzione da parte delle Amministrazioni Regionali. Il Piano direttore dei trasporti e gli studi di settore già avviati a livello regionale costituiscono momenti di grande rilievo per una pianificazione delle infrastrutture viarie in Sicilia ed, in generale, dell’intero sistema della mobilità nell’isola. Soltanto attraverso l’avvio di un processo di pianificazione a scala regionale potrà individu…
Architettura e funzionalità dei manufatti stradali: Analisi di un caso studio.
The appropriate sizing of storage areas to optimize the management of intermodal transport, the adoption of environment protection systems and the appropriate flow’s regulations inside manoeuvre’s zones can solve many problems encountered today in a intermodal marine terminal. For these reasons the “integrated design” of storage areas for vehicles and containers is considered essential to ensure efficiency and functionality for all harbour-system. So is here proposed a simulative model as a tool for a more correct design of waiting areas by considering the real stochastic conditions of the process of the arrivals. For the sizing of areas for containers in the harbours, it is necessary to re…