Carmen Lloret-catalá

Perceptions of technology in education during the COVID-19 pandemic: The views of student teachers specializing in ICT

This study aimed to analyze the perceptions of teacher training students, specializing in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), in relation to digital technology during the COVID-19 crisis. To do so, forty-three asynchronous interviews, based on an open-ended question, were carried out with students undertaking the Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education Teaching at the Universitat de València and specializing in ICT, during strict home confinement. The analysis shows that the participants did not have an instrumental view of technology as providing a series of solutions for the educational difficulties presented by the pandemic. Instead, they took a broad analytical view of the …

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Odeseizar la educación y la cooperación para el desarrollo en España : una mirada internacional a la AOD y al ODS 4

El presente artículo pretende centrar su atención en la política sectorial de la AOD vinculada a la educación desde la ingeniería cosmopolita de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible que han permitido odeseizarlas políticas mundiales (Barandiarán, 2017), de las que la cooperación y la educación constituyen dos objetos de análisis e investigación. Para ello, sus objetivos se centrarán en revisar el caso español del binomio AOD y educación y cómo, estrechamente vinculado a la ortodoxia política mundial homogeneizadora que proviene de manera intencionalmente manifiesta por parte de los organismos internacionales, la AOD en la actualidad y en este ámbito específico se ha canalizado y transmuta…

research product

Lo que hacen las mejores escuelas integradoras de alumnado inmigrante: un modelo para su análisis y prospectiva.

Immigration is a phenomenon which has changed the social scene of all over the countries and has increased alongside a world becoming even more global. These social changes have generated new challenges in educational sphere focused on the integration of immigrant students and the intercultural education. The purpose of this study is to investigate the elements of educational attention to immigrant students defined in hosting policies for this group pertaining to educational institutions and national/international reference authors. To do this and based on a theoretical framework, the following phases in the development of research are addressed in the research: pre-analysis of documents, c…

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Faculty Perception of Inclusion in the University: Concept, Policies and Educational Practices

European universities must face the challenge of diversity and design inclusive practices to address it as part of their social responsibility. However, not all universities are doing the same in terms of diversity practices, so it is important to gather the perceptions of the protagonists. To this end, we have analysed university faculty’s perceptions using a mixed model with a concurrent methodological strategy, including an ad hoc questionnaire validated with 880 educators, as well as 17 semi‐structured interviews. The triangulation of these two instruments allowed us to analyse three key dimensions associated with the idea of attention to diversity in the university: diversity concept o…

research product

Los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible en el ámbito de la responsabilidad social universitaria

Este trabajo tiene la intención de explorar, posibles alternativas de articulación del ámbito local en el que se ejerce la Responsabilidad Social Universitaria (RSU) con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), en un intento por aclarar cómo podría una Universidad incorporar en su sentir y quehacer los principios y las metas de los ODS, a fin de obtener resultados de mayor alcance y beneficio para la comunidad y el territorio. A través de la técnica documental se tomó como principal referente la Guía sobre Cómo Empezar con los ODS en las Universidades (SDSN Australia / Pacífic], 2017). Como principales hallazgos se evidenció un creciente interés de las Universidades por desarrollar sus…

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