Vanda Sargautiene


Broad Prebiotic Potential of Non-starch Polysaccharides from Oats (Avena sativa L.): an in vitro Study

Abstract Prebiotics inducing the growth or activity of beneficial intestinal bacteria – probiotics producing short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) have lately received wide recognition for their beneficial influence on host intestinal microbiota and metabolic health. Some non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) are defined as prebiotics and oats being one of richest sources of NSP in grains are considered as potentially having prebiotic effect. However, information on fermentation of specific NSP of oats is limited. Moreover, bacterial cross-feeding interactions in which fermentation of prebiotics is involved is poorly characterized. Here, we report the exploration of new candidates for the syntrophic ba…

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The Effect of 5-Aminosalicylic Acid on Intestinal Microbiota

Abstract The article discusses the possible relationships between intestinal microbiota and the therapeutic efficacy of 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) in inflammatory bowel diseases. Intestinal microbiota may be involved in 5-ASA enzymatic biotransformation, but the metabolism of drugs by the intestinal microbiota has been studied in less detail, and little is known about the relationships between anti-inflammatory efficacy of 5-ASA with bacterial viability, quantity and activity. It remains unclear whether 5-ASA affects the microbiota depending on the different segments of gastrointestinal tract. Drugs and diet can both improve and worsen the composition of the intestinal microbiota. Howeve…

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Šķiedrvielu labvēlīga loma ķermeņa svara un pamatuzturvielu enerģijas balansa regulācijai sievietēm ar zemu fizisko aktivitāti

Šķiedrvielu labvēlīga loma ķermeņa svara un pamatuzturvielu enerģijas balansa regulācijai sievietēm ar zemu fizisko aktivitāti. Sargautiene V., Dr.Med. doc. Zariņš Z. 56 lappuses, 7 attēli, 9 tabulas, 114 literatūras avoti, 3 pielikumi. Latviešu valodā. Šajā pētījumā, izmantojot 3 dienu uztura dienasgrāmatu, NutriSurvey 2007 un statistikas SPSS21 programas datu apstrādes metodes, tika novērtēts šķiedrvielu līmenis uzturā un to ietekme uz pamatuzturvielu enerģijas balansu un ĶMI sievietēm ar zemu fizisko aktivitāti. Mūsu pētījumā pierādījām, ka paaugstināts tauku daudzums un nepietiekams šķiedrvielu daudzums sieviešu uzturā ir saistīts ar palielinātu ĶMI. Pētījuma rezultāti parāda, ka paliel…

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