Jérémy Blanc
Algebraic models of the Euclidean plane
We introduce a new invariant, the real (logarithmic)-Kodaira dimension, that allows to distinguish smooth real algebraic surfaces up to birational diffeomorphism. As an application, we construct infinite families of smooth rational real algebraic surfaces with trivial homology groups, whose real loci are diffeomorphic to $\mathbb{R}^2$, but which are pairwise not birationally diffeomorphic. There are thus infinitely many non-trivial models of the euclidean plane, contrary to the compact case.
Automorphisms of $mathbb{A}^{1}$-fibered affine surfaces
We develop technics of birational geometry to study automorphisms of affine surfaces admitting many distinct rational fibrations, with a particular focus on the interactions between automorphisms and these fibrations. In particular, we associate to each surface S of this type a graph encoding equivalence classes of rational fibrations from which it is possible to decide for instance if the automorphism group of S is generated by automorphisms preserving these fibrations.
Algebraic models of the real affine plane
We introduce a new invariant, the real (logarithmic)-Kodaira dimension, that allows to distinguish smooth real algebraic surfaces up to birational diffeomorphism. As an application, we construct infinite families of smooth rational real algebraic surfaces with trivial homology groups, whose real loci are diffeomorphic to $\mathbb{R}^2$, but which are pairwise not birationally diffeomorphic. There are thus infinitely many non-trivial models of the real affine plane, contrary to the compact case.
Affine Surfaces With a Huge Group of Automorphisms
We describe a family of rational affine surfaces S with huge groups of automorphisms in the following sense: the normal subgroup Aut(S)alg of Aut(S) generated by all algebraic subgroups of Aut(S) is not generated by any countable family of such subgroups, and the quotient Aut(S)/Aut(S)alg cointains a free group over an uncountable set of generators.