Mercedes Fernández

Gastrointestinal helminths of Risso's dolphin Grampus griseus from the Western Mediterranean.

The gastrointestinal helminth fauna of 17 Risso's dolphins Grampus griseus (Cuvier, 1812) from the Western Mediterranean was analysed. Five helminth species were found. Adults and juveniles of Hadwenius delamurei were collected from the duodenum of 7 animals. Adults were located significantly more anteriorly than juveniles, which is compatible with a previous hypothesis that species of Hadwe- nius undergo an ontogenetic migration towards the anterior duodenum. Eggs from Pholeter gastrophilus appeared in 1 small cyst in the main stomach. Adults of Tetrabothrius forsteri and Trigonocotyle globicephalae were collected from the duodenum of 1 and 4 individuals, respectively. Metaces- todes, Scol…

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Endoparasites of the blue whiting, Micromesistius poutassou from north-west Spain.

AbstractThe communities of metazoan endoparasites of blue whiting, Micromesistius poutassou, in waters of north-west Spain were analysed and a geographical comparison made with other localities. Four hundred blue whiting collected in July 1999 and September 2000 were examined for parasites, excluding the head and gills. Six species were found: Anisakis simplex s.l. (L3), A. physeteris (L3), Hysterothylacium aduncum (L2 and L3), Stephanostomum lophii (metacercaria), S. pristis (adult), and Prosorhynchus crucibulum (metacercaria). The latter is a new host record, and A. physeteris is reported for the first time in blue whiting from the north-east Atlantic. Host gender was not a significant pr…

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Revision of the taxonomic status of <i>Synthesium elongatum</i> (Ozaki, 1935) (Brachycladiidae), an intestinal digenean of narrow-ridged finless porpoise (<i>Neophocaena asiaeorientalis</i>)

Synthesium elongatum (Brachycladiidae) is an intestinal digenean described from the finless porpoise (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis) in Japan. Few records of this species exist and there is a remarkable morphological similarity between S. elongatum and S. tursionis, such that a synonymy between the species has been suggested previously. However, no morphological and/or molecular analysis has been carried out to clarify the taxonomic status of S. elongatum. In this study, we collected specimens of Synthesium sp. from N. asiaeorientalis in western Japan. The specimens possess lobed testes within the third quarter of the body, a round ovary, and vitellaria extending to level of uterine field, wh…

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Intestinal helminth fauna of striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) in the western Mediterranean: No effects of host body length, age and sex

The intestine of 52 (28 males and 24 females) striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) from western Mediterranean waters was examined for helminths. Animals were found stranded along the Spanish coasts during the morbillivirus epizootic in 1990. In accordance with observations from other pelagic tetrapods, including cetaceans from other geographical regions, the intestinal helminth community was depauperate. Four helminth species were found: three tetrabothriid cestodes, Tetrabothrius forsteri (prevalence: 96.2%; mean intensity [95% CI]: 47.4 [34.4–68.2]), Trigonocotyle globicephalae (9.6%; 1.8 [1.0–2.2]), and Strobilocephalus triangularis (23.1%; 5.3 [2.9–10.2]), and immature individuals o…

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The original description of the type species of Allencotyla, A. mcintoshi Price, 1962, was based on 5 specimens collected from 1 amberjack Seriola lalandi in Florida. In this study, A. mcintoshi is redescribed based on new specimens collected from juvenile greater amberjacks S. dumerili captured off the Spanish Mediterranean coast and maintained in experimental culture tanks. Except for a slightly smaller size, individuals of S. dumerili were morphologically similar to the type specimens. However, reexamination of the type material and examination of the new specimens revealed the following discrepancies with respect to the original description: (1) the vaginal pore is unarmed and covered w…

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Long-Distance Travellers: Phylogeography of a Generalist Parasite, Pholeter gastrophilus, from Cetaceans

We studied the phylogeography and historical demography of the most generalist digenean from cetaceans, Pholeter gastrophilus, exploring the effects of isolation by distance, ecological barriers and hosts' dispersal ability on the population structure of this parasite. The ITS2 rDNA, and the mitochondrial COI and ND1 from 68 individual parasites were analysed. Worms were collected from seven oceanic and coastal cetacean species from the south western Atlantic (SWA), central eastern Atlantic, north eastern Atlantic (NEA), and Mediterranean Sea. Pholeter gastrophilus was considered a single lineage because reciprocal monophyly was not detected in the ML cladogram of all individuals, and seque…

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Independent host switching events by digenean parasites of cetaceans inferred from ribosomal DNA

Cetaceans harbour a unique fauna of digeneans whose origin and relationships have sparked considerable debate during recent decades. Disparity in the species reported indicates that they do not share close affinities, but their unusual morphology has made their taxonomic identities and phylogenetic positions uncertain. Here we use sequence data to investigate the phylogenetic relationships of the main species of flukes infecting cetaceans. We sequenced the 18S, 28S and internal transcribed spacer 2 rDNA of digenean species representing all known families reported from cetaceans: Braunina cordiformis (Brauninidae), Ogmogaster antarcticus (Notocotylidae), Pholeter gastrophilus (Heterophyidae)…

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Helminth fauna of the invasive American red-eared sliderTrachemys scriptain eastern Spain: potential implications for the conservation of native terrapins

AbstractIn this study we report on the helminth fauna of the invasive American red-eared slider Trachemys scripta in five localities from eastern Spain where this species co-occurs with two native, endangered freshwater turtles, i.e. Emys orbicularis and Mauremys leprosa. In total, 46 individuals of T. scripta were analysed for parasites. Adult individuals of three helminth species were found: the monogenean Neopolystoma orbiculare, the digenean Telorchis solivagus and the nematode Serpinema microcephalus. Telorchis solivagus and S. microcephalus are trophically transmitted parasites of native turtles that probably infected T. scripta through shared infected prey. Neopolystoma orbiculare in…

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Hadwenius tursionis (Marchi, 1873) n. comb. (Digenea, Campulidae) from the bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus (Montagu, 1821) in the western Mediterranean

The taxonomic position of Synthesium tursionis (Marchi, 1873) (Digenea, Campulidae) is revised, based on material from 147 worms from four bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus stranded off the Comunidad Valenciana (Spanish western Mediterranean). The species is transferred to Hadwenius, as H. tursionis n. comb., and characterised by a high length/width ratio of the body, spinose cirrus and unarmed metraterm. Synthesium, a monotypic genus, becomes a synonym of Hadwenius. The intraspecific variation of some morphological traits is briefly discussed.

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The role of lantern fish (Myctophidae) in the life-cycle of cetacean parasites from western Mediterranean waters

Myctophids (lantern fish) and cephalopods play a key role in trophic webs from the continental slope and oceanic waters linking the zooplankton to top predators. Many cetaceans feed on both lantern fish and cephalopods, and such prey would thus be expected to bridge the trophic gap in the life-cycles of helminths infecting cetaceans. However, information on the life-cycles of most of these helminths is extremely scanty. We examined the parasite fauna of myctophids and cephalopods in two areas from the western Mediterranean where at least 21 helminth taxa from cetaceans have been reported and both cetacean diversity and abundance is high. A total of 1012 individuals of 8 lantern fish species…

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How students perceive the university's mission in a Spanish university: Liberal versus entrepreneurial education?

AbstractThis study explores the extent to which undergraduate students perceive a dichotomy between a liberal vs. an entrepreneurial model of university. This research is important in that it compares the stated aims of university education, particularly within the Bologna Process, with students' expectations regarding liberal education and employability. A Likert-type questionnaire containing 25 statements reflecting liberal and entrepreneurial features of university education was answered by 488 students from 10 disciplines at the University of Valencia, Spain, just before the implantation of the Bologna curriculum. An exploratory factor analysis revealed that students clearly perceive th…

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Redescription of allencotyla mcintoshi price, 1962 (monogenea), with an emended diagnosis of allencotyla price, 1962

The original description of the type species of Allencotyla, A. mcintoshi Price, 1962, was based on 5 specimens collected from 1 amberjack Seriola lalandi in Florida. In this study, A. mcintoshi is redescribed based on new specimens collected from juvenile greater amberjacks S. dumerili captured off the Spanish Mediterranean coast and maintained in experimental culture tanks. Except for a slightly smaller size, individuals of S. dumerili were morphologically similar to the type specimens. However, reexamination of the type material and examination of the new specimens revealed the following discrepancies with respect to the original description: (1) the vaginal pore is unarmed and covered w…

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A new brachycladiid species (Digenea) from Gervais’ beaked whale Mesoplodon europaeus in north-western Atlantic waters

AbstractA new species of the digenean family Brachycladiidae Odhner, 1905 is described from the bile ducts of a Gervais’ beaked whale Mesoplodon europaeus Gervais (Ziphiidae) stranded on the North Atlantic coast of Florida. These parasites were assigned to Brachycladium Looss, 1899 and differed from other species of the genus in the relative size of the oral and ventral suckers, the form and size of the eggs and their extremely small body size. A canonical discriminant analysis was used to examine differences between these specimens and the smallest available individuals of B. atlanticum (Abril, Balbuena and Raga, 1991) Gibson, 2005, considered the morphologically closest species. The overa…

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Discrimination of fish populations using parasites: Random Forests on a ‘predictable’ host-parasite system

SUMMARYWe address the effect of spatial scale and temporal variation on model generality when forming predictive models for fish assignment using a new data mining approach, Random Forests (RF), to variable biological markers (parasite community data). Models were implemented for a fish host-parasite system sampled along the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts of Spain and were validated using independent datasets. We considered 2 basic classification problems in evaluating the importance of variations in parasite infracommunities for assignment of individual fish to their populations of origin: multiclass (2–5 population models, using 2 seasonal replicates from each of the populations) and 2…

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Intestinal Helminth Fauna of Bottlenose DolphinTursiops truncatusand Common DolphinDelphinus delphisfrom the Western Mediterranean

We report on the intestinal helminth fauna of 15 bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus and 6 short-beaked common dolphins Delphinus delphis from the western Mediterranean. Eight helminth species were found in bottlenose dolphin, i.e., the digeneans Synthesium tursionis, Brachycladium atlanticum, and Pholeter gastrophilus, the nematode Anisakis sp., and the cestodes Tetrabothrius forsteri, Diphyllobothrium sp., Strobilocephalus triangularis, and tetraphyllidean plerocercoids. Brachycladium atlanticum, S. triangularis , and tetraphyllidean plerocercoids are new host records. No T. forsteri had previously been reported in Mediterranean bottlenose dolphins. Three species of helminths were reco…

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Transmission and Predictors of Burden of Lungworms of the Striped Dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) in the Western Mediterranean

Pseudaliid lungworms infect the lungs and sinuses of cetaceans. Information on the life cycle and epidemiology of pseudaliids is very scarce and mostly concerns species that infect coastal or inshore cetaceans. Available evidence indicates that some pseudaliids are vertically transmitted to the host, whereas others are acquired via infected prey. We documented pseudaliid infections in an oceanic cetacean, the striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) in the western Mediterranean, and investigated the possibilities of vertical vs. horizontal transmission and the potential influence of host body size, sex, and season on infection levels. We found two species of lungworm in 87 dolphins that stra…

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Follow-up trends of parasite community alteration in a marine fish after the Prestige oil-spill: shifting baselines?

This study evaluates the follow-up trends in the composition and structure of the parasite communities in the marine sparid Boops boops after the Prestige oil-spill. A total of 400 fish comprising 11 seasonal samples was analyzed from three impacted localities on the Atlantic coast of Spain. A large number of parasite species was recovered only after the spill thus suggesting a substantial alteration of the marine food webs. Post-spill communities exhibited higher richness and abundance due to the significant changes in the abundance of the common species, the latter indicating accelerated parasite transmission rates. Multivariate analyses at two nested scales detected a directional trend i…

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Gastrointestinal helminths of cuvier’s beaked whales, ziphius cavirostris, From the Western Mediterranean

We examined the gastrointestinal helminth fauna of 2 Cuvier's beaked whales, Ziphius cavirostris, stranded on the Spanish Mediterranean coast. Information regarding intestinal parasites of this species is provided for the first time. Six helminth taxa were identified. Thirty type II larvae of the nematode Anisakis sp. were found in the stomach and the intestine of both hosts; 2 type I larvae of Anisakis sp. were found in the intestine of 1 host. One juvenile of the acanthocephalan Bolbosoma vasculosum was found in the intestine; the metacestode Scolex pleuronectis was found mainly in the terminal colon and the anal crypts of both hosts; adult cestodes of Tetrabothrius sp., which may represe…

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Molecular phylogeny of the families Campulidae and Nasitrematidae (Trematoda) based on mtDNA sequence comparison.

Abstract Historically, the systematic arrangement of the genera within the family Campulidae, and its relationship with its allied family Nasitrematidae have been rather confused, particularly because only adult morphology has been available to classical taxonomic analysis. In this paper we provide a partial phylogeny of the genera of these families based on mtDNA from five campulid species: Campula oblonga, Zalophotrema atlanticum, Hadwenius tursionis, Oschmarinella rochebruni and ; and one nasitrematid, Nasitremaglobicephalae . Fasciola hepatica and Dicrocoelium dendriticum were used as outgroups. Maximum parsimony and neighbour-joining methods were applied. Both methods produced similar …

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Recent increase of ulcerative lesions caused by Anisakis spp. in cetaceans from the north-east Atlantic

Abstract Species of Anisakis typically infect the stomach of cetaceans worldwide, often causing ulcerative lesions that may compromise the host's health. These nematodes also cause anisakiasis or allergic reactions in humans. To assess the risks of this emerging zoonosis, data on long-term changes in Anisakis infections in cetaceans are necessary. Here, we compare the prevalence and severity of ulcerative lesions caused by Anisakis spp. in five cetacean species stranded along the north-west Spanish coast in 2017–2018 with published data from 1991–1996. Open ulcers were found in 32/43 short-beaked common dolphins, Delphinus delphis; 3/5 striped dolphins, Stenella coeruleoalba; 1/7 bottlenose…

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Parasite communities in Boops boops (L.) (Sparidae) after the Prestige oil-spill: Detectable alterations

Environmental pollution affects parasite populations and communities, both directly and through effects on intermediate and final hosts. In this work, we present a comparative study on the structure and composition of metazoan parasite communities in the bogue, Boops boops, from two localities (Galician coast, Spain) affected by the Prestige oil-spill (POS). We focus on the distribution of both individual parasite species and larger functional groupings by using both univariate and multivariate analyses. Our results indicate directional trends in community composition that might be related to the Prestige oil-spill disturbance of the natural coastal communities off Galicia. Endoparasite com…

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Mediterranean Diplodus annularis (Teleostei: Sparidae) and its brain parasite: Unforeseen outcome

Patterns of parasite load and aggregation of the bird trematode Cardiocephaloides longicollis in its main intermediate host in the Mediterranean, the annular sea bream, Diplodus annularis, were studied in a large sample collected off Valencia (Spain) and are discussed within the context of the parasite induced host mortality hypothesis. The metacercariae were located within large composite cysts of host origin in the ventricles of the optic lobes of the cerebrum. A weak immunological response was detected in older fish, which was significantly associated with the total parasite load. Although the mean abundance of C. longicollis showed a tendency to increase with host size, the infection le…

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Parasites as indicators of social structure and stock identity of marine mammals

Abstract Introduction: the use of parasites as biological indicators of marine mammals has not yet received all the necessary attention. The aim of this review is to show the value of parasite data in studies of stock identity and social structure. Methods: the application of the technique to marine mammals is hampered by the lack of control over sampling conditions and the paucity of information about the biology of their parasites. Relevant criteria for, suitable parasite tags are discussed. Case studies: previous work on marine mammals is presented to illustrate the usefulness and limitations of parasite data. A study of pilot whales revealed that differences in helminth infections betwe…

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Constructional morphology and mode of attachment of the trunk ofCorynosoma cetaceum (Acanthocephala: Polymorphidae)

Dead specimens of Corynosoma cetaceum were used to describe the trunk musculature of this species and to infer the use of the trunk as a secondary holdfast. Inferences were based on trunk muscle arrangement, changes in trunk shape, size and distribution of spines, and geometry of tegument thickness. The foretrunk of C. cetaceum is swollen and forms a spiny disk that is bent ventrally. The disk is flattened by several groups of muscles not described previously, which seem able to finely adjust the disk surface over the substratum. Disk attachment appears to be accomplished by two dorsal neck retractor muscles specialized in pulling the anchored proboscis into the foretrunk. This mechanism ha…

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Establishing the relative importance of sympatric definitive hosts in the transmission of the sealworm, Pseudoterranova decipiens: a host-community approach

The importance of a given host to a particular parasite can be determined according to three different criteria: host preference, host physiological suitability and host contribution to transmission. Most studies on the sealworm Pseudoterranova decipiens have focussed on the latter factor, but few attempts have been made to develop a quantitative transmission model evaluating the relative importance of each host. The purpose of this study was to propose a flow-chart model to study sealworm transmission within a seal community. The model was applied to hypothetical data of four seal species acting as definitive hosts of P. decipiens sensu stricto in eastern Canada: harp seal Phoca groenlandi…

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Living in a harsh habitat: epidemiology of the whale louse, Syncyamus aequus (Cyamidae), infecting striped dolphins in the Western Mediterranean

Whale lice (Cyamidae) are ectoparasitic amphipods exclusive to cetaceans. Data on their epidemiology usually come from species infecting baleen whales, which are large, slow-moving hosts. In this study, we provide data on infection parameters, population structure and microhabitat selection in a whale louse exclusive to delphinids, Syncyamus aequus, with the aim of comparing them with those from cyamid species from large whales. A total of 176 striped dolphins Stenella coeruleoalba stranded along the Mediterranean coast of Spain during 1980–2016 were examined. The prevalence of S. aequus was 27.3% (95% CI: 20.9–34.3), and populations were sparse, with a mean number of whale lice per infecte…

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Biometric variability of Hadwenius tursionis (Marchi, 1873) (Digenea, Campulidae) from the intestine of the bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus (Montagu, 1821)

The species discrimination in the family Campulidae is largely based on morphometric characters (absolute measurements and ratios). To assess the variability of this characters we have studied the campulid species Hadwenius tursionis from four Mediterranean bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus from the Western Mediterranean. In H. tursionis most absolute measurements differed significantly across the infrapopulations, showing high coefficients of variation. Only egg dimensions appeared to be fairly conservative. Body ratios were less variable than absolute measurements, but growth patterns did vary significantly between the infrapopulations studied. None of the ratios previously used in r…

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Ophichthids (Ophichthidae: Anguilliformes) within the body cavity of marine fishes: pseudoparasites?

4 pages, 2 figures, 1 table

research product

Not everything is everywhere: the distance decay of similarity in a marine host-parasite system

Aim  We test the similarity–distance decay hypothesis on a marine host–parasite system, inferring the relationships from abundance data gathered at the lowest scale of parasite community organization (i.e. that of the individual host). Location  Twenty-two seasonal samples of the bogue Boops boops (Teleostei: Sparidae) were collected at seven localities along a coastal positional gradient from the northern North-East Atlantic to the northern Mediterranean coast of Spain. Methods  We used our own, taxonomically consistent, data on parasite communities. The variations in parasite composition and structure with geographical and regional distance were examined at two spatial scales, namely loca…

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Life-history trade-offs in a generalist digenean from cetaceans: the role of host specificity and environmental factors

Background Adults and larvae of generalist parasites are exposed to diverse hosts and local environmental conditions throughout their life cycles, thus local adaptation is expected to occur through phenotypic plasticity and/or natural selection. We investigated how the combined effect of cryptic host specificity and local selective pressures could shape reproductive traits of a putative generalist parasite in the oceanic realm. Methods The LSU rDNA, ITS2 and the mt-COI of individuals of the digenean Pholeter gastrophilus (Kossack, 1910) Odhner, 1914 (Heterophyidae Leiper, 1909) from oceanic striped dolphins, Stenella coeruleoalba Meyen, and coastal bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus Mo…

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The origin of lecithodesmus (Digenea: Campulidae) based on ND3 gene comparison

Species of Lecithodesmus (Campulidae) occur almost exclusively in baleen whales throughout a wide geographical distribution. Other campulids occur only in odontocetes and, secondarily, in pinnipeds and the sea otter. Therefore, the ancestor of Lecithodesmus might have either cospeciated with mysticetes during the early divergence of mysticete and odontocete cetaceans or originated later via host switching. We evaluate both possibilities based on a phylogenetic analysis. The ND3 mitochondrial gene sequence of a species of Lecithodesmus was included in a previous partial molecular phylogeny of the Campulidae. Fasciola hepatica and Dicrocoelium dendriticum were used as outgroups. Maximum parsi…

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Girdles as the main infection site for Paradeontacylix kampachi (Sanguinicolidae) in the greater amberjack Seriola dumerili.

In this study, we provide new information about the habitats selected by the blood fluke Paradeontacylix kampachi in the greater amberjack Seriola dumerili based on an exhaustive anatomical examination. From May to October 1998, 21 fish of the 0+ age class were collected from tanks of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography in Puerto de Mazarrón, Spain, for parasitological analysis. Individuals of P. kampachi were found in 17 of the 21 fish analysed (mean intensity +/- SD: 13.6 +/- 16.6; median: 6). Worms occurred in the girdles, cephalic kidney, sinus venosus, kidney and branchial arteries. A Friedman test with a post-hoc contrast revealed a significantly higher number of worms in the girdle…

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Medium-term dynamics of element concentrations in a sparid fish and its isopod parasite after the Prestige oil-spill: Shifting baselines?

Historically, the European Atlantic is probably the most important oil-spill hotspot worldwide. One of the most recent accidents occurred in 2002 when the oil-tanker Prestige sank over the Galician Bank causing two major oil-spills followed by several small leaks until March 2003. This resulted in contamination of virtually all types of marine habitat. Considering that parasites have proved to be good effect and accumulation bioindicators, the present study addresses the medium-term changes in trace element content after the Prestige oil-spill in a model host-parasite system, the bogue, Boops boops (Sparidae) and the isopod Ceratothoa oestroides. To our knowledge, this study is the first to…

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Cestodes from Hector's beaked whale ( Mesoplodon hectori ) and spectacled porpoise ( Phocoena dioptrica ) from Argentinean waters.

Single individuals of 2 little-known cetacean species, Mesoplodon hectori and Phocoena dioptrica, stranded and died on the coast of Argentina (Buenos Aires and Chubut provinces, respectively) and were studied for the presence of helminths. The cestodes found were described and illustrated using light microscopy. The following cestode taxa were recovered: Tetrabothrius (Tetrabothrius) hobergi n. sp. (several fragmented specimens, at least 1 gravid) and Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 (several fragmented immature specimens) from M. hectori, and Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 2 (single fragmented immature specimen) and 2 morphotypes of tetraphyllidean larvae from P. dioptrica. Tetrabothrius (T.) hobergi …

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Pseudoallencotyla gen. n., a new genus for Allencotyla pricei (Kritsky, Noble et Moser, 1978) (Monogenea: Heteraxinidae), with a key to genera of Heteraxininae.

In this study, we clarify the taxonomic status of Allencotyla pricei based on a re-examination of paratypes and voucher specimens. Four important characters are added to previous descriptions: the vagina is ventral; the cirrus is absent; the eggs are fusiform and have two polar filaments (one about 3.5 times longer than the other); and, there are two flat sclerites at each side of the dorsal trident-shaped sclerite in the clamps. A comparison of A. pricei with species from all the genera of the Heteraxininae, including Allencotyla mcintoshi, indicates that A. pricei has several exclusive characters, i.e., a ventral vagina, vaginal armature, two additional dorsal sclerites in the clamps, a v…

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Scanning electron microscopy of Antarctophthirus microchir (Phthiraptera: Anoplura: Echinophthiriidae): Studying morphological adaptations to aquatic life

The members of the Family Echinophthiriidae (Phthiraptera: Anoplura) are unique among insects because they infest hosts with an amphibious lifestyle. During their evolution they developed morphological traits that are reflected in unique features. The SEM is a helpful tool to analyze them. Knowing in detail the external structure of these lice is the first step to understand the whole process that derived from the co-adaptation of lice and pinnipeds to the marine environment. For the first time, we studied the external structure of all stages of an echinophthiriid louse. The results are discussed in the light of their evolutionary, functional, and ecological implications. Fil: Leonardi, Mar…

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Evolutionary relationships between digeneans of the family Brachycladiidae Odhner, 1905 and their marine mammal hosts: A cophylogenetic study.

Cophylogenetic studies examine the congruence between host and parasite phylogenies. There are few studies that quantify the relative contribution of coevolutionary events, i.e. duplication, loss, failure-to-diverge, host-switching and spreading in trophically-transmitted parasites at the marine realm. We addressed this issue in the Brachycladiidae, a cosmopolitan digenean family specific to marine mammals. We used, for the first time, distance-based and event-based methods to explicitly test the coevolutionary events that have shaped the current brachycladiid-marine mammal associations. Parasite phylogeny was constructed using mtDNA ND3 sequences of nine brachycladiid species, and host phy…

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Anisakis infections in lantern fish (Myctophidae) from the Arabian Sea: A dual role for lantern fish in the life cycle of Anisakis brevispiculata?

Abstract Data on geographic distribution and life cycles of parasitic nematodes of the genus Anisakis in tropical oceanic regions are extremely scarce. Myctophids (lantern fishes) are a key component of mesopelagic trophic webs and could play a significant role in the transmission of Anisakis spp. in these regions. We examined Anisakis infections in a sample of 160 myctophids collected in three localities from the Indian Exclusive Economic Zone (Arabian Sea) in 2015–16. Due to the poor condition of fish, a combination of morphological data and molecular barcoding was used to identify myctophids. Of the 104 specimens that could be identified at least to genus level, 75 (72.1%) were assigned …

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Halfway up the trophic chain: development of parasite communities in the sparid fish Boops boops

SUMMARYWe examined the patterns of composition and structure of parasite communities in the Mediterranean sparid fish Boops boops along a gradient of fish sizes, using a large sample from a single population. We tested the hypothesis that species forming the core of the bogue parasite fauna (i.e. species which have a wide geographical range and are responsible for recognizable community structure) appear early in the fish ontogeny. The sequential community development observed supported the prediction that core species appear in the fish population earlier than rare and stochastic species. There was also a strong correlation between the order of ‘arrival’ of the species and their overall pr…

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The population structure and habitat selection of Anisakis simplex in 35 harbor porpoises off Denmark are described. The nematodes were collected from the stomach and duodenal ampulla and were categorized as third-stage larvae, fourth-stage larvae, subadults, and adults. The porpoises harbored 8,043 specimens of A. simplex. The proportion of adults and subadults increased with infrapopulation size. The number of development stages across infrapopulations covaried significantly (Kendall's test of concordance). Concordance was higher in hosts with the highest intensities than in those with low and medium intensities. All stages occurred mainly in the forestomach, but this trend was stronger f…

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Presencia y análisis genético de una tortuga bastarda (Lepidochelys kempii) en el mar Mediterráneo

We report on a juvenile Kemp´s ridley sea turtle, Lepidochelys kempii, captured alive by fishermen in the waters off Alicante (western Mediterranean, Spain) on October 15th 2001. The analysis of a 460 base pair fragment of the mt DNA control region revealed a perfect match with haplotype D previously described in this species. This is the second report of L. kempii in the Mediterranean basin.

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Living Together: The Parasites of Marine Mammals

The reader may wonder why, within a book of biology and conservation of marine mammals, a chapter should be devoted to their parasites. There are four fundamental reasons. First, parasites represent a substantial but neglected facet of biodiversity that still has to be evaluated in detail (Windsor, 1995; Hoberg, 1997; Brooks and Hoberg, 2000. Perception of parasites among the public are negative and, thus, it may be hard for politicians to justify expenditure in conservation programmes of such organisms. However, many of the reasons advanced for conserving biodiversity or saving individual species also apply to parasites (Marcogliese and Price, 1997; Gompper and Williams, 1998). One fundame…

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Three species of Magnibursatus Naidenova, 1969 (Digenea: Derogenidae) from Atlantic and Black Sea marine teleosts

Three species of Magnibursatus Naidenova, 1969 are described from marine teleosts: M. skrjabini (Vlasenko, 1931), the type species of the genus, from the gobiid Zosterisessor ophiocephalus on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast; M. bartolii sp. n. from the sparid Boops boops off the Atlantic coast of Spain; and M. minutus sp. n. from the gobiid Neogobius eurycephalus on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. M. bartolii differs from all other Magnibursatus species in its larger sinus-sac (length >250 µm, width >150 µm) and the more posterior location of testes. This species is also unusual in that it occurs in the branchial chamber and on the gills of its host. M. minutus is distinguished by the distinct…

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Dolphin morbillivirus epizootic resurgence, Mediterranean Sea

In July 2007, > 100 striped dolphins, Stenella coeruleoalba, were found dead along the coast of the Spanish Mediterranean. Of 10 dolphins tested, 7 were positive for a virus strain closely related to the dolphin morbillivirus that was isolated during a previous epizootic in 1990.

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research product

The origin of Lecithodesmus (Digenea: Campulidae) based on ND3 gene comparison

Species of Lecithodesmus (Campulidae) occur almost exclusively in baleen whales throughout a wide geographical distribution. Other campulids occur only in odontocetes and, secondarily, in pinnipeds and the sea otter. Therefore, the ancestor of Lecithodesmus might have either cospeciated with mysticetes during the early divergence of mysticete and odontocete cetaceans or originated later via host switching. We evaluate both possibilities based on a phylogenetic analysis. The ND3 mitochondrial gene sequence of a species of Lecithodesmus was included in a previous partial molecular phylogeny of the Campulidae. Fasciola hepatica and Dicrocoelium dendriticum were used as outgroups. Maximum parsi…

research product