L. Courde
La vie microbienne des sols
Impacts d'applications répétées de sulfate de cuivre sur les activités et la biodiversité microbiennes. Application à l'étude des sols viticoles
Effects of repeated applications of copper sulfate on the diversity of bacterial populations as estimated by ardra analysis
International audience
Effect of repeated applications of copper sulfate on the structure of rhizobium communities
Ultrafiltration as a Means to Investigate Copper Resistance Mechanisms in Soil Bacteria
Copper is a trace element of major concern for agricultural soils. It exhibits a high toxicity against microorganisms and is widely introduced into soils as a component of pesticide treatments or urban wastes such as sewage sludges or refuse composts. In most French vineyards, “Bordeaux mixture” (copper sulfate) has been applied for more than a century, sometimes leading to copper concentrations in soils much higher than the threshold values (100 mg kg−1 in France). Microorganisms exposed to high concentrations of copper or other trace elements are known to develop resistance mechanisms and represent a suitable material for the study of such processes, both at a physiological and molecular …
Impact du cuivre sur les populations de Pseudomonas fluorescents. Variabilité génétique et capacités adaptatives
National audience
Faut-il craindre des effets secondaires du cuivre sur la biocoenose des sols viticoles?
National audience
Etude des effets d'applications répétées de cuivre sur l'activité et la diversité de la microflore des sols
Investigation of side-effects of repeated applications of coppersulfate on microbial activities and biodiversity in order to define bioindicator groups of soil contamination by copper
International audience
Le rôle fondamental des microbes du sol. Maintien de la fertilité et dépollution
La dégradation des herbicides est-elle influencée par le cuivre accumulé dans les sols ?
Microbiological aspects of copper contamination of soil.
National audience