H. C. Schwickert
CT after enucleation of renal cell carcinoma.
Computed tomography (CT) was performed in 28 patients 2 weeks to 120 months after enucleation of renal cell carcinoma. The postoperative defect could be exactly localized in all patients. A wedge-shaped (N = 11) or concave (N = 9) morphology was typical. No dependence between morphology of the defect and localization or size of the tumor or the operative technique was observed. The defects were smaller (1.9 cm) than the original prominent tumors (3.6 cm). Defect size was dependent on the operative technique: closure by suture of the renal capsule in smaller defects or by fat flap in larger ones. Postoperative hematomas or delayed perfusion in the adjacent parenchyma were seen in five patien…
Blutungen des Dünn- und Dickdarms: Radiologische Diagnostik und Therapie
Dreidimensionale Rekonstruktionen von computertomographischen Untersuchungen des knöchernen Schädels bei kraniofazialen Dysplasien und Frakturen
Eine Routineuntersuchung am CT gilt in der Regel nach Anfertigen der zweidimensionalen Querschnittbilder als beendet. Nahezu alle Computertomographen sind heute jedoch technisch dazu in der Lage, aus den Daten zweidimensionaler CT-Bilder ein dreidimensionales Oberflachenbild zu berechnen. Ein diagnostischer Nutzen dieser Sekundarrekonstruktionen wird oft angezweifelt, da im Vergleich zu den Querschnittbildern keine zusatzliche Information gewonnen werden kann [1, 3, 6, 15]. Unabhangig von dieser Tatsache zeigen jedoch diejenigen Chirurgen ein zunehmendes Interesse fur 3-D-Darstellungen, die in komplexen anatomischen Gebieten arbeiten und sich praoperativ eine optimale raumliche Vorstellung …
Bolus-enhanced renal spiral CT: technique, diagnostic value and drawbacks
Abstract In addition to pre- and postcontrast renal CT scans, early bolus-enhanced spiral scans during demarcation of the corticomedullary junction were acquired in 85 patients. The diagnostic value and drawbacks of the three imaging series in the evaluation of renal disease were assessed. Renal calcifications and calculus disease detected at precontrast scans (18%) were obscured after contrast administration and excretion in most cases. In the detection of renal lesions bolus-enhanced spiral CT and delayed postcontrast scans had an identical diagnostic yield (94%). Bolus-enhanced spiral CT was superior in the assessment of lesion vascularity and vascular anatomy as well as opacification of…
Radiologische Diagnostik bei Dysphagie und Motilitätsstörungen des Ösophagus
Pulmonary artery sarcoma mimicking chronic thromboembolic disease: computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging findings.
The diagnosis of the rare primary malignant tumors of the pulmonary arteries is often delayed as symptoms are nonspecific.Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of three patients with occlusion of the right pulmonary artery, two with sarcoma and one with chronic thromboembolic disease were analyzed for discriminating diagnostic criteria.Criteria suggesting pulmonary artery sarcoma are inhomogeneous high or low attenuation (hemorrhage, necrosis), soft-tissue density in pulmonary arteries, vascular distension, enhancement after administration of gadopentetate dimeglumine. Criteria for chronic thromboembolic disease are homogeneous soft-tissue lesions, abrupt vascular na…