L. Vilardell
The EUROCARE-5 study on cancer survival in Europe 1999-2007: Database, quality checks and statistical analysis methods
Abstract Background Since 25 years the EUROCARE study monitors the survival of cancer patients in Europe through centralised collection, quality check and statistical analysis of population-based cancer registries (CRs) data. The European population covered by the study increased remarkably in the latest round. The study design and statistical methods were also changed to improve timeliness and comparability of survival estimates. To interpret the EUROCARE-5 results on adult cancer patients better here we assess the impact of these changes on data quality and on survival comparisons. Methods In EUROCARE-5 the survival differences by area were studied applying the complete cohort approach to…
Age and case mix-standardised survival for all cancer patients in Europe 1999-2007: Results of EUROCARE-5, a population-based study
Background: Overall survival after cancer is frequently used when assessing a health care service’s performance as a whole. It is mainly used by the public, politicians and the media, and is often dismissed by clinicians because of the heterogeneous mix of different cancers, risk factors and treatment modalities. Here we give survival details for all cancers combined in Europe, correlating it with economic variables to suggest reasons for differences. Methods: We computed age and cancer site case- mix standardised relative survival for all cancers combined (ACRS) for 29 countries participating in the EUROCARE-5 project with data on more than 7.5 million cancer cases from 87 population-based…
Urinary tract cancer survival in Europe 1999-2007: Results of the population-based study EUROCARE-5
Abstract Background This work presents relative survival estimates regarding urinary tract tumours among adult patients (age ⩾ 15 years) diagnosed in Europe. It reports on survival estimates of cases diagnosed in 2000–2007, and on survival time trends from 1999–2001 to 2005–2007. Methods Data on 677,340 adult urinary tract tumour patients, (429,154 cases of invasive and non-invasive bladder and 248,186 cases of invasive kidney cancers) diagnosed between 2000 and 2007 were provided by 86 population-based cancer registries from 29 European countries. The complete approach was used to estimate survival in 2000–2007; the period approach was used to estimate survival over time. Results The age-s…
Quality analysis of population-based information on cancer stage at diagnosis across Europe, with presentation of stage-specific cancer survival estimates: A EUROCARE-5 study.
Abstract Background Cancer registries (CRs) are fundamental for estimating cancer burden, evaluating screening and monitoring health service performance. Stage at diagnosis—an essential information item collected by CRs—has been made available, for the first time, by CRs participating in EUROCARE-5. We analysed the quality of this information and estimated stage-specific survival across Europe for CRs with good data quality. Data and methods Sixty-two CRs sent stage (as TNM, condensed TNM or extent of disease) for 15 cancers diagnosed in 2000–2007. We assessed the quality, partly by comparing stage according to the three systems. We also developed procedures to reconstruct stage (categories…