Dynamics and hysteresis of an elongated droplet under the action of a rotating magnetic field is considered for mathematical modelling. The shape of droplet is found by regularization of the ill-posed initial–boundary value problem for nonlinear partial differential equation (PDE). It is shown that two methods of the regularization – introduction of small viscous bending torques and construction of monotonous continuous functions are equivalent. Their connection with the regularization of the ill-posed reverse problems for the parabolic equation of heat conduction is remarked. Spatial discretization is carried out by the finite difference scheme (FDS). Time evolution of numerical solutions …
Nucleation and Collapse of the Superconducting Phase in Type-I Superconducting Films
The phase transition between the intermediate and normal states in type-I superconducting films is investigated using magneto-optical imaging. Magnetic hysteresis with different transition fields for collapse and nucleation of superconducting domains is found. This is accompanied by topological hysteresis characterized by the collapse of circular domains and the appearance of lamellar domains. Magnetic hysteresis is shown to arise from supercooled and superheated states. Domain-shape instability resulting from long-range magnetic interaction accounts well for topological hysteresis. Connection with similar effects in systems with long-range magnetic interactions is emphasized.
Dynamics of an active magnetic particle in a rotating magnetic field.
The motion of an active (self-propelling) particle with a permanent magnetic moment under the action of a rotating magnetic field is considered. We show that below a critical frequency of the external field the trajectory of a particle is a circle. For frequencies slightly above the critical point the particle moves on an approximately circular trajectory and from time to time jumps to another region of space. Symmetry of the particle trajectory depends on the commensurability of the field period and the period of the orientational motion of the particle. We also show how our results can be used to study the properties of naturally occurring active magnetic particles, so-called magnetotacti…
Deformation of flexible ferromagnetic filaments under a rotating magnetic field
Research on magnetic particles dispersed in a fluid medium, actuated by a rotating magnetic field, is becoming increasingly active for both lab-on-chip and bio-sensing applications. In this study, we experimentally investigate the behaviour of ferromagnetic filaments in a rotating field. Filaments are synthesized by linking micron-sized ferromagnetic particles with DNA strands. The experiments were conducted under different magnetic field strengths, frequencies and filament sizes, and deformation of the filaments was registered via microscope and camera. The results obtained showed that the body deformation is larger for longer filaments and higher frequencies and lower for larger magnetic …
Effects of the magnetodipolar interactions in the alternating magnetic fields
A macroscopic theory for the description of the structure formation in a system of magnetic dipoles under the action of a high-frequency rotating field is presented. Continuum equations for the effective magnetic field strength describing particle interactions are derived. It is shown that, contrary to the case of a constant magnetic field, where the demagnetizing field arising from a concentration fluctuation stabilizes the system with respect to the phase separation, the same concentration fluctuation will be amplified in the case of a rotating magnetic field, leading to the formation of a layered structure. The extensions of the model necessary for the description of the formation of the…
Viscous fingering in magnetic fluids: numerical simulation of radial Hele–Shaw flow
Abstract In this paper, the viscous fingering phenomena of the magnetic liquids in the case when the magnetic field is applied normally to the Hele–Shaw cell is investigated by the numerical simulation technique. It is shown that the magnetic field causes additional destabilization of the free interface arising at the air injection in the magnetic liquid. Here the peculiarities of the interface dynamics – inward motion of the tips of the fjords, the gyration radius dependence on the perimeter found by the numerical simulations are in good accordance with the experiments.
Dynamics of the labyrinthine patterns at the diffuse phase boundaries
The phase diagram of a magnetic colloid in a Hele-Shaw cell is calculated. As a function of the magnetic field strength, of the concentration and of the layer thickness the magnetic colloid can find itself in a stripe phase, the hexagonal phase or in an unmodulated state. Those results allow to interpret experiments observing the transformation of a labyrinthine pattern into a hexagonal structure. This possibility is confirmed directly by the numerical simulation presented here and showing the transformation of the labyrinthine pattern into the hexagonal structure.
Diffusion in active magnetic colloids
Abstract Properties of active colloids of circle swimmers are reviewed. As a particular example of active magnetic colloids the magnetotactic bacteria under the action of a rotating magnetic field is considered. The relation for a diffusion coefficient due to the random switching of the direction of rotation of their rotary motors is derived on the basis of the master equation. The obtained relation is confirmed by the direct numerical simulation of random trajectory of a magnetotactic bacterium under the action of the Poisson type internal noise due to the random switching of rotary motors. The results obtained are in qualitative and quantitative agreement with the available experimental r…
Collective hydrodynamic transport of magnetic microrollers
We investigate the collective transport properties of microscopic magnetic rollers that propel close to a surface due to a circularly polarized, rotating magnetic field. The applied field exerts a torque to the particles, which induces a net rolling motion close to a surface. The collective dynamics of the particles result from the balance between magnetic dipolar interactions and hydrodynamic ones. We show that, when hydrodynamics dominate, i.e. for high particle spinning, the collective mean velocity linearly increases with the particle density. In this regime we analyse the clustering kinetics, and find that hydrodynamic interactions between the anisotropic, elongated particles, induce p…
Normal-state bubbles and lamellae in type-I superconductors
International audience; We report an extensive study of the formation of normal-state domains in type-I superconductors. Domain patterns are first considered theoretically. The magnetic interaction between domains is described in the framework of the ``current-loop'' model: the intermediate state is modeled by a set of loops of screening current encircling the domains and interacting as in the free space. This system is shown to be formally equivalent to a set of uniformly magnetized domains. An extension of the current-loop model is proposed to take into account the constraint of the magnetic shielding by the superconducting regions. We determine the free energy of a hexagonal array of cyl…
Poiseuille flow of a Quincke suspension
The controversy of models of dielectric particle suspensions with antisymmetric stress, which predict a nonphysical cusp of the velocity profile in plane Poiseuille flow under the action of the electrical field, is resolved. In the mean-field approximation, the nonlinear kinetic equation is derived for coupled due to the flow translational and rotational motion of the particles. By its numerical solution, it is shown that the velocity profile is smeared due to the translational diffusion of the particles with opposite directions of rotation. The obtained results for the velocity profiles and flow rates as a function of the electric field strength are in qualitative agreement with the existi…
<title>Electric-field-induced suppression of thermal lensing in ferrofluids</title>
Thermal lens measurements on the thin films of ferrofluid located between the transparent indium-thin oxide (ITO) electrodes on glass substrate has been performed. In the presence of axial electric voltage we have observed suppression of characteristic far field patterns (rings) of thermal lens replaced by moving labyrinth structures. Critical value of the suppression field, for example in kerosene based ferrofluids - 13 kV/cm, and for ionic ferrofluids - 2,5 kV/cm, has been estimated.© (2003) COPYRIGHT SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
2D shape relaxation dynamics in amphiphile monolayers
The shape relaxation dynamics of the droplets in amphiphile monolayers is studied in Darcy approximation. It is shown by numerical experiments that relaxation from the highly extended dumbbell configurations can be described by simple physical model according to which the dissipation is concentrated on circular tips. By numerical simulation it is illustrated that longrange dipolar interactions lead to the stabilization of the shape relaxation process with respect to the formation of a narrow neck causing the rupture of the droplet when dipolar forces are absent. Effect of the dipolar forces on the shape-relaxation process can be accounted by the slope of the relaxation curve at small deviat…
Thermo-optical mirror on a free ferrofluid surface
Here we report on the first, to our knowledge, direct experimental observation of giant thermo-optical mirror effect on the free surface of ferrofluid under He-Ne laser excitation. In our experiment a slightly focused laser beam of power in mW range is incident nearly normally to the surface, and a characteristic diffraction ring pattern has been observed in reflection mode. Concave surface deformation has been clearly observed at laser irradiated spot and has been explained in terms of lubrication theory approach for laser driven thermocapillary motion in thin layer of light absorbing fluid.
Poor-Contrast Particle Image Processing in Microscale Mixing
Particle image velocimetry (PIV) often employs the cross-correlation function to identify average particle displacement in an interrogation window. The quality of correlation peak has a strong dependence on the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), or contrast of the particle images. In fact, variable-contrast particle images are not uncommon in the PIV community: Strong light sheet intensity variations, wall reflections, multiple scattering in densely-seeded regions and two-phase flow applications are likely sources of local contrast variations. In this paper, we choose an image pair obtained in a micro-scale mixing experiment with severe local contrast gradients. In regions where image contrast is…
Dynamics of paramagnetic nanostructured rods under rotating field
International audience; The dynamical rotational behavior of magnetic nanostructured rods based on the auto-association of maghemite nanoparticles and block-copolymers is probed by optical microscopy under rotating fields i n a s imple l iquid. The reorientation of the rods by a field rotated by 90° is first studied. The measured relaxation is characteristic of param-agnetic objects. Under a stationnary rotating field, a synchronous rotational regime is observed at low field frequency. Above a frequency threshold which scales as H^2 , the dynamics becomes asynchronous with back-and-forth rotations. These behaviors are well predicted by the presented model.
Magnetic wire-based sensors for the micro-rheology of complex fluids
We propose a simple micro-rheology technique to evaluate the viscoelastic properties of complex fluids. The method is based on the use of magnetic wires of a few microns in length submitted to a rotational magnetic field. In this work, the method is implemented on a surfactant wormlike micellar solution that behaves as an ideal Maxwell fluid. With increasing frequency, the wires undergo a transition between a steady and a hindered rotation regime. The study shows that the average rotational velocity and the amplitudes of the oscillations obey scaling laws with well-defined exponents. From a comparison between model predictions and experiments, the rheological parameters of the fluid are det…
Shape transitions of giant liposomes induced by an anisotropic spontaneous curvature
International audience; We explore how a magnetic field breaks the symmetry of an initially spherical giant liposome filled with a magnetic colloid. The condition of rotational symmetry along the field axis leads either to a prolate or to an oblate ellipsoid. We demonstrate that an electrostatic interaction between the nanoparticles and the membrane triggers the shape transition. PACS numbers: 75.
Shapes of a gas bubble rising in the vertical Hele–Shaw cell with magnetic liquid
Abstract Dynamics of the bubble rising in the vertical Hele–Shaw cell with magnetic liquid in the normal magnetic field is studied. Linear stability analysis of the circular shape is carried out. Development of the instability with respect to the lowest symmetric mode is simulated by the boundary integral equation technique.
Flexible Magnetic Filaments and their Applications
Rivalry of diffusion, external field and gravity in micro-convection of magnetic colloids
Magnetic fields and magnetic materials have promising microfluidic applications. For example, magnetic micro-convection can enhance mixing considerably. However, previous studies have not explained increased effective diffusion during this phenomenon. Here we show that enhanced interface smearing comes from a gravity induced convective motion within a thin microfluidic channel, caused by a small density difference between miscible magnetic and non-magnetic fluids. This motion resembles diffusive behavior and can be described with an effective diffusion coefficient. We explain this with a theoretical model, based on a dimensionless gravitational Rayleigh number, and verify it by numerical si…
Flexible magnetic filaments in a shear flow
By flexible magnetic filament model its behavior under the simultaneous action of the shear flow and the magnetic field is investigated. It is found that for magnetoelastic numbers larger as the critical value, which depends on the shear rate, the periodic regime is established. For the values of the magnetoelastic number close to the critical the periodical regime is characterized by a rather slow development of the buckling instability due to the action of magnetic torques with the subsequent stage of the fast straightening of the filament. For the magnetoelastic numbers below the critical slightly bent shape of the filament orientated along the flow is established. The application of the…
Dynamic Tuning of Viscoelastic Hydrogels with Carbonyl Iron Microparticles Reveals the Rapid Response of Cells to Three-Dimensional Substrate Mechanics.
Current methods to dynamically tune three-dimensional hydrogel mechanics require specific chemistries and substrates that make modest, slow, and often irreversible changes to their mechanical properties, exclude the use of protein-based scaffolds, or alter hydrogel microstructure and pore size. Here, we rapidly and reversibly alter the mechanical properties of hydrogels consisting of extracellular matrix proteins and proteoglycans by adding carbonyl iron microparticles (MP) and applying external magnetic fields. This approach drastically alters hydrogel mechanics: rheology reveals that application of a 4,000 Oe magnetic field to a 5 mg/mL collagen hydrogel containing 10 wt% MPs increases th…
Three-dimensional dynamics of a particle with a finite energy of magnetic anisotropy in a rotating magnetic field.
A model of a single ferromagnetic particle with a finite coupling energy of the magnetic moment with the body of the particle is formulated, and regimes of its motion in a rotating magnetic field are investigated. Regimes are possible that are synchronous and asynchronous with the field. In a synchronous regime the easy axis of the particle is in the plane of the rotating magnetic field at low frequencies (a planar regime) and on the cone at high frequencies (a precession regime). The stability of these regimes is investigated, and it is shown that the precession regime is stable for field strengths below the critical value. In a particular range of field strength value, irreversible jumps …
Bistability and “Negative” Viscosity for a Suspension of Insulating Particles in an Electric Field
It is shown that a suspension of insulating particles in a liquid with low conductivity possesses bistability and has a "negative" effective viscosity effect in the electric field due to internal rotations. By Brownian dynamics simulation it has been found that thermal fluctuations of the angular velocity of particles in this bistable system can have a large effect on the viscosity of the suspension.
Orientational dynamics of colloidal ribbons self-assembled from microscopic magnetic ellipsoids
We combine experiments and theory to investigate the orientational dynamics of dipolar ellipsoids, which self-assemble into elongated ribbon-like structures due to the presence of a permanent magnetic moment, perpendicular to the long axis in each particle. Monodisperse hematite ellipsoids are synthesized via the sol-gel technique and arrange into ribbons in the presence of static or time-dependent magnetic fields. We find that under an oscillating field, the ribbons reorient perpendicular to the field direction, in contrast with the behaviour observed under a static field. This observation is explained theoretically by treating a chain of interacting ellipsoids as a single particle with or…
Diffusion of magnetotactic bacterium in rotating magnetic field
Swimming trajectory of a magnetotactic bacterium in a rotating magnetic field is a circle. Random reversals of the direction of the bacterium motion induces a random walk of the curvature center of the trajectory. In assumption of the distribution of the switching events according to the Poisson process the diffusion coefficient is calculated in dependence on the frequency of the rotating field and the characteristic time between the switching events. It is confirmed by the numerical simulation of the random walk of the bacterium in the rotating magnetic field.
Magnetic forces in 2D foams
The asymptotic expression for the ponderomotive force in the magnetic liquid film is derived and a role of the disjoining pressure in 2D magnetic foam formation is considered. New equation for the force balance at the vertex of 2D magnetic foam is proposed and modified Plateau rule for the films is obtained. The theoretical relation for the angle between films fits the experimental data for small magnetic Bond numbers very well.
Dynamics of an elongated magnetic droplet in a rotating field
A model is proposed for the dynamics of an elongated droplet under the action of a low frequency rotating magnetic field. This model determines a set of critical frequencies at which the transitions to more complex bent shapes take place. These transitions occur through propagation of jumps of the droplet's axial tangent angle described by a nonlinear singularly perturbed partial differential equation with the intrinsic viscosity of the droplet playing the regularizing role.
Hydrodynamic synchronization of pairs of puller type magnetotactic bacteria in a high frequency rotating magnetic field.
Ensembles of magnetotactic bacteria are known to interact hydrodynamically and form swarms under the influence of external magnetic fields. We describe the synchronization of puller type magnetotactic bacteria in a rotating magnetic field by representing the bacteria as hydrodynamic force dipoles. Numerical simulations show that at moderate values of the hydrodynamic interaction parameter large ensembles of asynchronously rotating bacteria randomly eject propagating doublets of synchronized bacteria. We quantitatively analyze the dynamics of the doublets and show that an important role in the formation of these propagating structures is played by the parameters characterizing the possible t…
Mathematical modelling of an elongated magnetic droplet in a rotating magnetic field
Dynamics of an elongated droplet under the action of a rotating magnetic field is considered by mathematical modelling. The actual shape of a droplet is obtained by solving the initial-boundary value problem of a nonlinear singularly perturbed partial differential equation (PDE). For the discretization in space the finite difference scheme (FDS) is applied. Time evolution of numerical solutions is obtained with MATLAB by solving a large system of ordinary differential equations (ODE).
Magnetic-field-induced anisotropic curvature elasticity of a vesicle membrane containing magnetic polyions
Interaction between a charged membrane and the electrolyte solution containing magnetic polyions is considered. A self-magnetic field, which arises due to the nonhomogeneous magnetic particle distribution near a charged membrane increases the effective charge screening length for the parts of a membrane normal to a magnetic field. The anisotropy of elastic properties of a membrane depending on the screening length is calculated on the basis of the curvature expansion. It is shown that due to diminishing of the spontaneous curvature for the parts of a membrane normal to a magnetic field there are two competing mechanisms of the ferrovesicle shape transformation under the influence of a magne…
Estimating the magnetic moment of microscopic magnetic sources from their magnetic field distribution in a layer of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centres in diamond
We have used a synthetic diamond with a layer of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centres to image the magnetic field distributions of magnetic particles on the surface of the diamond. Magnetic field distributions of 4 µ m and 2 µ m ferromagnetic and 500 nm diameter superparamagnetic particles were obtained by measuring the position of the optically detected magnetic resonance peak in the fluorescence emitted by the NV centres for each pixel. We fitted the results to a model in order to determine the magnetic moment of the particles from the magnetic field image and compared the results to the measured magnetic moment of the particles. The best-fit magnetic moment differed from the value expected base…
Instabilities of concentration stripe patterns in ferrocolloids
Equations describing the kinetics of the phase separation in ferrocolloids in a Hele-Shaw cell under the action of a rotating magnetic field are proposed. Numerical simulation on the basis of a pseudospectral technique demonstrates that upon the action of a rotating field on a magnetic colloid which undergoes the phase separation a periodical system of stripes parallel to the plane of a rotating magnetic field stripes is created. The period of a structure found numerically satisfactorily corresponds to the one calculated on the basis of the energy minimum. Thus, the undulation instability leading to the formation of chevron structures takes place if the tangential component of a rotating ma…
Bidirectional random motion driven by globally coupled noisy active elements in an electric field
The assembly of the insulating Brownian particles globally coupled due to the macroscopic flow of the liquid with low conductivity has transitions between the states of random motion and random bidirectional and unidirectional motion. The threshold values of the parameters for the transition to random bidirectional motion is found by the effective field method and correspond to those found by Brownian dynamics. The behavior of the assembly is similar to the behavior of different active multistable systems.
Dipolar Rings of Microscopic Ellipsoids: Magnetic Manipulation and Cell Entrapment
We study the formation and dynamics of dipolar rings composed by microscopic ferromagnetic ellipsoids, which self-assemble in water by switching the direction of the applied field. We show how to manipulate these fragile structures and control their shape via application of external static and oscillating magnetic fields. We introduce a theoretical framework which describes the ring deformation under an applied field, allowing to understand the underlying physical mechanism. Our microscopic rings are finally used to capture, entrap and later release a biological cell via magnetic command, i.e. performing a simple operation which can be implemented in other microfluidic devices which make us…
The model of an artificial cilia as a flexible ferromagnetic filament in a rotating magnetic field is proposed. Numerical algorithm for the simulation of its behavior is developed and the characteristic shapes of the filament with one fixed end under the action of a rotating field are found. It is concluded that ferromagnetic filaments may be used as mixers in microfluidics.
Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Field Induced Phase Separation in Electro- and Magnetorheological Suspensions
We present here the study of field induced phase separation in E.R. and M.R. fluids. Two thermodynamic models — one for the formation of chais of particles and the other for phase separation are presented and compared with experimental results obtained with two kinds of suspensions. One was made of silica particles in silicone oil and the other was made of magnetic polystyrene particles in water. In the presence of a flow the phase separation occurs with the dense phase forming a regular pattern of stripes. The dependence of the period of these stripes on the intensity of the magnetic field is well reproduced by the same kind of thermodynamic model if we add the effect of normal stresses i…
Selective Actuation and Tomographic Imaging of Swarming Magnetite Nanoparticles
International audience; Micro- and nanomotors have seen substantial progress in recent years for biomedical applications. However, three grand challenges remain: (i) high velocities to overcome the blood flow, (ii) spatially selective control to enable complex navigation, and (iii) integration of a medical, tomographic real-time imaging method to acquire feedback information. Here, we report the combination of active magnetic matter and a medical imaging technique, namely magnetic particle imaging (MPI), which addresses these needs. We synthesize ∼200 nm magnetic nanoparticles and observe a macroscopic, collective effect in a homogeneous magnetic field with a rotating field vector. The nano…
Current-induced fingering instability in magnetic domain walls
The shape instability of magnetic domain walls under current is investigated in a ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)(As,P) film with perpendicular anisotropy. Domain wall motion is driven by the spin transfer torque mechanism. A current density gradient is found either to stabilize domains with walls perpendicular to current lines or to produce finger-like patterns, depending on the domain wall motion direction. The instability mechanism is shown to result from the non-adiabatic contribution of the spin transfer torque mechanism.
Dynamics of anisotropic superparamagnetic particles in a precessing magnetic field.
A bifurcation diagram for anisotropic magnetic particles in a precessing magnetic field is analyzed. It is found that a synchronous regime in the case of a prolate particle exists for all precession angles of the magnetic field if the frequency of field rotation is below some critical value. An oblate particle has a synchronous regime in a limited range of precession angle. To understand the flow of suspensions of these particles in precessing fields, it is essential to take into account the differing dynamics of prolate and oblate particles.
Labyrinthine instability of miscible magnetic fluids
Abstract We consider an inhomogeneous magnetic fluid (MF), modeling a miscible MF pair, in a Hele–Shaw cell under a normal field. A linear stability analysis for the sharp straight interface (analytically) and for the diffused one (numerically) is performed. For the former case, the neutral curves and the stability diagram are found along with the critical wavelength and parameter values. Oscillatory or monotonous instabilities are shown to occur. For the diffused interface, we recognize the importance of 2D flow viscous effects along with the conventional wall friction and observe that in strong fields the dominant wavelength scales as the cell gap.
Twisting and buckling: A new undulation mechanism for artificial swimmers
Among the various locomotion strategies of the animal kingdom, the undulation locomotion is of particular interest for biomimetic applications. In this paper, we present an artificial swimmer set into motion by a new and non-trivial undulation mechanism, based on the twisting and buckling of its body. The swimmer consists of a long cylinder of ferrogel which is polarized transversely and in opposite directions at each extremity. When it is placed on a water film and submitted to a transverse oscillating magnetic field, the worm-like swimmer undulates and swims. Whereas symmetry breaking is due to the field gradient, the undulations of the worm result from a torsional buckling instability as…
Orientational dynamics of fluctuating dipolar particles assembled in a mesoscopic colloidal ribbon
We combine experiments and theory to investigate the dynamics and orientational fluctuations of ferromagnetic microellipsoids that form a ribbonlike structure due to attractive dipolar forces. When assembled in the ribbon, the ellipsoids display orientational thermal fluctuations with an amplitude that can be controlled via application of an in-plane magnetic field. We use video microscopy to investigate the orientational dynamics in real time and space. Theoretical arguments are used to derive an analytical expression that describes how the distribution of the different angular configurations depends on the strength of the applied field. The experimental data are in good agreement with the…
Flow-induced structures in magnetorheological suspensions
We have measured the yield stress of a magnetic suspension as a function of the external field. To explain the existence of this yield stress, we report a comparison between two models, one based on isolated chains of particles and the other taking into account that the structure is formed by aggregates of particles.
Deformation of flexible ferromagnetic filaments under a rotating magnetic field
This repository contains experimental data and images related to the publication: A. Zaben, G. Kitenbergs, A. Cēbers (2020) Deformation of flexible ferromagnetic filaments under a rotating magnetic field. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 499, 166233 / Excel files are results named corresponding to figure number in the publication. Root file '1' is for experimental images used for Fig.3, 4 and 5; where either the length is constant having file names as the value of the field strength or named with length values with fixed field strength for different frequencies. The images are named as …