R. Kirchner

Neue technische Entwicklungen

Vom 1. 9. 1985 bis zum 31. 12. 1988 wurden 87 Anastomosen gefertigt; 59 wegen Sigmadivertikultitis, 21 bei Morbus Crohn/Colitis ulcerosa, 4 nach Radiatio und 3 nach ischamischer Kolitis. 47 manuelle Anastomosen, vorwiegend im rektosigmoidalen Ubergang stehen 40 Stapleranastomosen, besonders im oberen und mittleren Rektumdrittel gegenuber. Nach Klammernaht setzte die Stuhltatigkeit fruher ein, die Infusionsdauer war kurzer. Ein symptomatischer Nahtbruch entstand nach Anwendung des EEA-Premiumgerates. Kein Patient verstarb. Narbige Anastomosenstenosen entwickelten sich nicht. Besonders im oberen und mittleren Rektum stellen die Stapler eine wichtige Erganzung der chirurgischen Technik dar.

research product

The new neutron-rich isotope183Lu

The new neutron-rich isotope183Lu was produced in multinucleon transfer reactions by irradiatingnatW/Ta targets with 11.7 MeV/u136Xe ions, and identified by mass separation and decay spectroscopy. The measured half-life of183Lu is 58±4 s. The properties of the excited states of183Hf are discussed.

research product

Laser spectroscopy of radioactive lead and thallium isotopes

By collincar fast beam laser spectroscopy hyperfine structure and isotope shift have been measured of neutron deficient radioactive isotopes of lead (190Pb,191Pb,192Pb,193Pb,194Pb,195Pb,196Pb,197Pb) and thallium (188Tl190Tl,191Tl,192Tl,194Tl,196Tl). Therefrom nuclear magnetic dipole moments, electric quadrupole moments, changes of the mean square charge radii and deformation parameters are deduced and compared with predictions from theory.

research product

Beta decay of $^{56}$Cu

AbstractThe proton-rich isotope 56 Cu was produced at the GSI On-Line Mass Separator by means ofthe 28 Si( 32 S, p3n) fusion–evaporation reaction. Its β -decay properties were studied by detecting β -delayed γ rays and protons. A half-life of 93± 3 ms was determined for 56 Cu. Compared to theprevious work, six new γ rays and three new levels were assigned to the daughter nucleus 56 Ni. Themeasured Gamow–Teller strength values for five 56 Ni levels are compared toshell-model predictions.  2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PACS: 21.10.-k; 23.40.-s; 21.60.Cs; 27.40.+zKeywords: R ADIOACTIVITY 56 Cu ( β + ) [from 28 Si( 32 S, p3n)]; Measured E γ , I ; Deduced β -intensity and β -st…

research product

Nuclear moments and change in the charge-radii of neutron deficient lead isotopes

The nuclear moments of195Pb and the change in the charge radii of192,194,195,196Pb have been determined from the isotope shift and hyperfine structure of the 723 nm line of neutral lead by collinear laser spectroscopy.

research product

Collinear laser spectroscopy on108g, 108m In using an ion source with bunched beam release

The hyperfine structure and isotope shift of108gIn and108mIn have been investigated by means of collinear fast-beam laser spectroscopy in the resonance line atλ=451 nm. The indium isotopes were prepared at the GSI on-line mass separator following a fusion evaporation reaction. For the first time, a FEBIAD ion source with bunched release of indium was used. Magnetic dipole moments, electric quadrupole moments and isotope shifts were determined. The present results lead us to assign the spinI=2 to the108In (T 1/2=40 min) state. Spins and moments are discussed in the framework of thejj-coupling model.

research product

Trace Analysis of Plutonium and Technetium by Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry Using an Atomic Beam and a Laser Ion Source

A method for low level detection of plutonium and technetium is described with a detection limit of less than 107 atoms. Plutonium is a very toxic element due to its radioactive decay as well as its chemical behaviour. It was released to the environment in large amounts during the fifties and sixties of his century, principally by nuclear-weapon tests and some accidents. As a result about 0.4 − 4 mBq per gram 239Pu(T1/2 = 24390 y), corresponding to 4 × 108 − 4 × 109 atoms, can be found in the Northern Hemisphere in soil samples.

research product

Beta decay of $^{61}$Ga

The β decay of 61Ga to its mirror nucleus 61Zn has been measured for the first time by using on-line mass separation and β-delayed gamma-ray spectroscopy. The observed decay strength to the ground state implies superallowed character in accordance with the systematics of the mirror decays in the sd and fp shell. The β feedings observed to four excited states in 61Zn are consistent with earlier spin-parity assignments based on in-beam experiments. The ground-state spin and parity for 61Ga were determined to be 3/2−.

research product

A high-temperature laser ion source for trace analysis and other applications

We report here on the development of a high-temperature laser ion source useful for trace analysis and other applications. It consists of a high temperature ionization chamber, three tunable dye lasers pumped by copper vapor lasers for stepwise resonant ionization and a Mattauch-Herzog mass spectrometer for the analysis of photo-ions. The principle of the laser ion source and its theoretical efficiency are discussed, where the efficiency of a laser ion source is the ratio of photo-ions extracted out to the number of atoms introduced into the cavity. Experimentally, an efficiency of 2×10−3 has been achieved for technetium. The scheme of gated detection is described which is used for suppress…

research product

β decay of the nuclei 60Ga (Tz=−1), 62Ga, and 70Br (Tz=0)

research product

Systematics of Gamow-Teller beta decay “Southeast” of 100Sn

The energy centroids and integrated strengths of Gamow-Teller transitions in the $ \beta^{+}_{}$ and electron-capture decay are analyzed for nuclei whose proton number Z and neutron number N are restricted to 44 $ \leq$ Z $ \leq$ 50 and 50 $ \leq$ N $ \leq$ 58 . The analysis is based on data measured both with high-resolution $ \gamma$ -ray spectrometry and total $ \gamma$ -ray absorption techniques. The dependence of the considered quantities on the relative neutron excess are established after taking into account the effects due to the Coulomb interaction and mean-field level occupancies. An extrapolation of this dependence to the lightest known tin isotopes is used to estimate the decay …

research product

Nuclear spins, moments and charge radii of108?111Sn

The hyperfine structure splittings (hfs) and isotope shifts (IS) in the atomic transitions 5s2 5p21S0 → 5s2 5p6s1,3P1 have been measured for the radioactive isotopes108−111Sn and all stable ones. The tin isotopes were prepared as fast atomic beams for collinear laser spectroscopy at the GSI online mass separator following a fusion reaction. Nuclear spins, magnetic dipole, electric quadrupole moments and changes in mean square charge radii have been determined. In109Sn the spinI=5/2 was measured for the nuclear ground state (T1/2=18 min) in contradiction to the literature value. The mean square charge radii show a parabolic behaviour with a maximum at N=66. This is interpreted by collective …

research product

Total absorption spectroscopy of 58Cu decay

The β decay of 58Cu has been studied by means of total absorption γ-ray spectroscopy. The β feeding to the 58Ni states has been measured, and the strength of the 58Cu(1+) →58Ni(0+) Gamow-Teller transition has been determined with improved accuracy.

research product

Study of short-lived tin isotopes with a laser ion source

A chemically selective laser ion source based on resonance ionization of atoms in a hot cavity has been applied for the study of short-lived silver isotopes at CERN/ ISOLDE. Silver atoms were ionized by two resonant excitations and final laser ionization into the continuum. Decay properties of the neutron-rich isotopes121–127Ag were studied with a neutron long-counter and aβ-detector.

research product

Investigation of gaseous discharge ion sources for isotope separation on-line

Abstract Gaseous discharge ion sources with circular end extraction have been investigated with the aim of meeting the special requirements of on-line isotope separation. The studies represent an attempt to increase lifetime, temperature and ionization efficiency of the ion source under stable discharge conditions and to reduce the ion current density of usually 1–100 mA/cm2 of low intensity separator sources. The detailed investigation of a modified Nielsen Ion Source is described. The source yields in oscillating electron are operation reproducible ionization efficiencies of 32% for krypton and 45% for xenon. It was found that minor variations of geometry and potentials in a Nielsen-type …

research product

Release Studies of Atomic Technetium

Application of a laser ion source (LIS) is a promising new technique for trace analysis with high efficiency and selectivity. One of the problems which can limit its efficiency attained in practice is the adsorption of sample atoms on the hot walls of the LIS cavity. We have studied the release of atomic technetium from different wall materials at temperatures up to 2500 K. For these investigations resonance ionization of technetium atoms applying a copper vapour pumped dye laser system and γ-spectrometry of 6-h 99mTc have been used. Theoretical calculations of the heat of desorption for technetium on different wall materials are presented and compared with experimental data. Though the res…

research product

Fine structure of the Gamow-Teller resonance revealed in the decay of150Ho2−isomer

The $\ensuremath{\gamma}$ rays following the $72s$ ${}^{150}\mathrm{Ho}$ ${2}^{\ensuremath{-}}$ Gamow-Teller $\ensuremath{\beta}$ decay have been investigated with the CLUSTER CUBE setup, an array of six EUROBALL CLUSTER Ge detectors in close cubic geometry, providing a $\ensuremath{\gamma}$ ray detection sensitivity of $2\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{10}^{\ensuremath{-}5}$ per $\ensuremath{\beta}$-parent decay for $\ensuremath{\gamma}$-ray energies up to 5 MeV. The fine structure of the Gamow-Teller resonance at 4.4-MeV excitation in ${}^{150}\mathrm{Dy}$ has been studied. The resolved levels are compared with Shell Model predictions.

research product

Nuclear moments and the change in the mean square charge radius of neutron deficient thallium isotopes

The hyperfine structure, isotope and isomeric shifts in the atomic transition 6p 2 P 3/2−7s 2 S 1/2, λ=535 nm have been measured for theI=7 andI=2 states of190, 192, 194, 196Tl; theI=1/2 andI=9/2 states of191Tl and the I=7 isomer of188Tl. The thallium isotopes were prepared as fast atomic beams at the GSI on-line mass separator following fusion reactions and — in some cases — subsequentβ-decay. The nuclear dipole moments, electric quadrupole moments and the change in the nuclear mean square charge radius are evaluated. Theuu-isotopes show an isomeric shift which changes sign between192Tl and194Tl.

research product

The decay of 0.57 s114Cs

Fusion reactions between58Ni projectiles and58Ni target nuclei were used to produce114Cs activity, which was studied by on-line mass separation and decay spectroscopy. The obtained half-life of 0.57±0.02 s and the probability ratio of 44±3 between betadelayed proton and beta-delayed alpha emission represent data with improved precision. The absolute branching ratios for both particle decay modes were determined to be (7 ±2)×10−2 and (1.6±0.6)×10−3, respectively. These branching ratios and the shapes of particle spectra are discussed with reference to the statistical model calculations. Groundstate alpha decay of114Cs was observed with an alpha energy of 3,226±30 keV and a branching ratio of…

research product

β-decay study of150Er,152Yb, and156Yb: Candidates for a monoenergetic neutrino beam facility

The beta decays of ^{150}Er, ^{152}Yb, and ^{156}Yb nuclei are investigated using the total absorption spectroscopy technique. These nuclei can be considered possible candidates for forming the beam of a monoenergetic neutrino beam facility based on the electron capture (EC) decay of radioactive nuclei. Our measurements confirm that for the cases studied, the EC decay proceeds mainly to a single state in the daughter nucleus.

research product

Measurement of isotope shift and hyperfine splitting of190, 191, 193, 197Pb isotopes by collinear laser spectroscopy

We report here on the measurement of isotope shift and hyperfine splitting of190, 191, 193, 197Pb for the 723 nm atomic optical transition. Detailed analysis of the optical data has been done by combining them with the available muonic and electronicx-ray isotope shift data. The magnetic dipole moments and the electric quadrupole moments of the odd isotopes have been extracted from the hyperfine coupling constants of the atomic states involved in the optical transition used.

research product

Nuclear moments and charge radii of107?111in determined by laser spectroscopy

Collinear fast beam laser spectroscopy has been used to measure the hyperfine structure and isotope shift in the atomic 5s 2 5p 2 P 3/2-5s 2 6s 2 S 1/2 transition (λ=451 nm) of107–111In. Secondary beams of neutron deficient indium isotopes were prepared at the GSI on-line mass separator following fusion evaporation reactions. Magnetic dipole moments and electric quadrupole moments have been determined. The isotope shifts are discussed in terms of the change of the mean square nuclear charge radii and compared with the droplet model predictions and the deformation values calculated from the quadrupole moments.

research product

Progress in ISOL target–ion source systems

The heart of every ISOL (isotope separation on-line) facility is its target and ion source system. Its efficiency, selectivity and rapidity is decisive for the production of intense and pure ion beams of short-lived isotopes. Recent progress in ISOL target and ion source technology is discussed at the examples of radioactive ion beams of exotic zinc and tin isotopes that were purified by isothermal chromatography and molecular sideband separation respectively. An outlook is given to which other elements these purification methods are applicable.

research product

Beta decay of the new isotope101Sn

The very neutron-deficient isotope 101Sn was produced in a 50Cr(58Ni, 2p5n) reaction and its decay properties were determined for the first time. By using chemically selective ion sources of an on-line mass separator, the energy spectrum and the half-life (3 ± 1 s) of beta-delayed protons of 101Sn were measured. These results are compared to theoretical predictions.

research product

Laser spectroscopy of neutron deficient lead and thallium isotopes: Systematics of nuclear radii in the Z = 82 region

Publisher Summary The high sensitivity achievable in laser spectroscopic methods allows the extraction of nuclear quantities even of artificially produced short-lived nuclides far off from nuclear stability. By analyzing the hyperfine structure and the isotope shift magnetic dipole moments, the electric quadrupole moments and the change of the nuclear charge radius can be studied. This chapter describes an experiment that was carried out at the GSI on-line mass separator using collinear fast atomic-beam laser spectroscopy. Radioactive lead and thallium isotopes were produced by bombarding natural tungsten targets with oxygen beams. For the lighter thallium isotopes, a tantalum target was us…

research product

Optical spectroscopy using mass-separated beams: Nuclear properties of unstable indium and tin isotopes

Abstract Collinear fast-beam laser-spectroscopy has been used to measure the hyperfine structure and isotope shift of several indium and tin isotopes. The related experimental techniques are described, including the preparation of mass-separated beams of neutron-deficient indium and tin isotopes at the GSI on-line mass separator following fusion-evaporation reactions. The deviation of the observed dependence of the charge radii upon the neutron number from the expected behaviour is briefly discussed.

research product

Investigation of small-volume gaseous discharge ion sources for isotope separation on-line

Abstract Two small-volume oscillating electron ion sources are described with circular end extraction from a heated hollw cathode, anti-cathode respectively.

research product

Beta-decay of 56Cu

Beta-decay studies of proton-rich isotopes near the doubly closed-shell nucleus 56Ni are of interest as (i) nuclei with a few nucleons outside a doubly-magic core are expected to represent comparatively simple configurations and thus be useful for testing nuclear shell-model predictions, and (ii) the large decay-energy window guarantees that a sizeable fraction of the strength of the allowed β-decay can be reached by the experiment. Moreover, nuclear structure properties of proton-rich N ~ Z isotopes are of astrophysical interest, e.g., concerning the EC cooling of supernovae and the astrophysical rp-process.

research product

Production of very neutron-deficient isotopes near Sn via reactions involving light-particle and cluster emission

Abstract The production of very neutron-deficient isotopes near 100Sn has been investigated by using on-line mass separation of evaporation residues produced by heavy-ion induced complete-fusion reactions. We measured the cross sections for 99Cd, 100In, 101Sn and 102In via 58Ni+58Ni fusion reactions followed by cluster emission, and via 58Ni+50Cr fusion reactions accompanied by evaporation of protons, neutrons or α particles. Both types of reactions yield similar cross sections for the production of exotic nuclei near 100Sn. The data are discussed in comparison with results obtained from statistical-model calculations.

research product

Intense beams of mass-separated, neutron-deficient indium, tin, thallium and lead isotopes

A discharge ion source of the FEBIAD-type that delivers intense beams of neutron-deficient isotopes of indium, tin, thallium and lead produced in heavy-ion-induced fusion reactions is described. After mass separation the isotopically pure beams with intensities of up to 3 × 107 ions/s were available for gamma and laser spectroscopy. This corresponds to an overall separation efficiency of about 30%.

research product

Nuclear moments and charge radii of105, 106In

With high resolution collinear fast beam laser spectroscopy in the 451 nm-line of Indium nuclear moments and the change in the mean square radii of the nuclear charge distribution of105,106 In have been determined.

research product