Terttu Savela

Case Female Forum : Developing Women's Leadership Opportunities in Work Life

The development of female leadership and entrepreneurship has evolved into an important theme around the world. This paper has two objectives. Firstly, we introduce a comprehensive training program called femaleForum, which combines education, development and research following the principle of lifelong learning. The program includes various modules which are designed to support the leadership and entrepreneurship opportunities of many different women. Secondly, based on an empirical interview study with 20 women, we discuss what kind of impact one of the modules in the program, a female MBA, can have on women’s attitudes and careers. The results show that the participants’ attitudes became…

research product

Vauhtia vastuullisuuteen : naisten johtamiskoulutuksen vaikuttavuus

Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on lisätä tietoa vastuullisen johtamisen kehittämisestä ja sen vaikuttavuudesta. Selvityksen kohteena oli johtaja- ja yrittäjänaisille sekä asiantuntijoina toimiville naisille toteutettu vastuullisen johtamisen täydennyskoulutus, visionFactor-koulutusohjelma. Se toteutettiin Oulun ammattikorkeakoulussa 2015–2016. Tarkoituksen toteuttamiseksi haastateltiin koulutuksen suorittaneita. Tutkimusongelma tiivistyy seuraaviin kysymyksiin: Millä tavoin haastateltavat kuvaavat käsityksensä vastuullisesta johtamisesta muuttuneen koulutuksen aikana? Miten haastateltavat kertovat koulutuksessa opittua vastuullista johtamista sovelletun käytäntöön työpaikalla? Koulutuksen …

research product

The effects of leadership development on women's career success

This study extends our knowledge of leadership development, specifically Master's in Business Administration (MBA) programs, from a gender perspective. It presents a comprehensive case, women-only development program and conducts an empirical, longitudinal, qualitative study of the effect of one of the program modules, namely, the women-only MBA, on the women's career success. The empirical study focused on self-efficacy mechanisms for explaining the women's appraisals of their changes in abilities affecting their career success during the MBA program. The participants were interviewed twice: once at the beginning of the MBA and then after completing it. A trusting atmosphere, social suppor…

research product

Vastuullinen johtajuus esimies-alaissuhteessa

Responsible leadership in the leader-follower relationship The article advances our knowledge and understanding of responsible leadership in the organizational context. Responsible leadership is investigated from an ethical viewpoint as a dyadic relationship between a leader and a follower. The study defines the principles of responsible leadership as well as situations in which the application of the principles is appropriate. Additionally, the study explores the ob- ligation to act according to the principles and the way in which it is formed in the relationship. An empirical qualitative study including 22 individuals was conducted. The participants viewed the topic from both the leader’s…

research product

The effect of an MBA on the development of women's management competencies: A gender viewpoint

Purpose – This article aims to report the findings of a study of the effect of a women's Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme in Finland called the femaleMBA on the development of women's management competencies. The gendered nature of the competency development was also analyzed. Design/methodology/approach – A qualitative interview study was conducted with 20 women who completed the programme. Content analysis was used to analyze the data. Findings – In addition to improving the women's business competencies and their mastery of management language, the programme contributed to the creation of a clearer managerial identity, greater assertiveness, and increased credibility in…

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