Motor Competence and Health-related Fitness of School-Age Children: A Two-Year Latent Transition Analysis
PURPOSE The aims of this study were twofold: 1) to identify latent physical performance profiles of motor competence (MC) and cardiorespiratory (CF) and muscular fitness (MF) among school-age children and 2) explore transition probabilities in physical performance profiles over a 2-yr period. METHODS The present sample comprised 1148 (583 girls, 565 boys) elementary school students (baseline Mage = 11.27 ± 0.32), and data were collected annually (equal intervals) over a period of 2 yr which resulted in a total of three measurements. The measures used were the throwing-catching combination test, 5-leaps and two-legged jumps from side-to-side test (MC), 20-meter shuttle run test (CF), and cur…
Vaikuttavia valmiuksia liikunnalta : vuosina 2001-2005 valmistuneiden liikunnanopettajien työnkuva, koulutuksesta saadut valmiudet sekä koulutustyytyväisyys
Huhtiniemi, M. 2011. Vaikuttavia valmiuksia liikunnalta. Vuosina 2001-2005 valmistuneiden liikunnanopettajien työnkuva, koulutuksesta saadut valmiudet sekä koulutustyytyväisyys. Liikuntapedagogiikan pro gradu –tutkielma. Liikuntatieteiden laitos. Jyväskylän yliopisto. 80 sivua + 9 liitesivua. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää liikunnanopettajan toimenkuvaa, koulutuksen antamia valmiuksia sekä koulutustyytyväisyyttä. Toimenkuvaa selvitettiin tutkimalla liikunnanopettajien yleisimpiä työtehtäviä. Koulutuksen antamia valmiuksia tutkittiin kahdesta näkökulmasta: saatuja valmiuksia suhteessa koulutuksen eri osa-alueisiin sekä koulutuskokonaisuuden antamia valmiuksia liikunnanopettajan eri ty…
Accelerometer-based physical activity in need satisfaction profiles of schoolchildren: A 3-year follow-up
This study examined moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) trends in physical education (PE) classes and beyond school hours in children's need satisfaction profiles over 3 years. Participants were 445 (girls 256, boys 189) Finnish schoolchildren ( Mage = 11.26 ± 0.32 years). Need satisfaction self-reports and accelerometer-based MVPA data were collected in 17 comprehensive schools over four assessment phases. Four latent profiles based on the need satisfaction trends over time were found: Profiles with Large Decrease, Small Decrease, Small Increase, and Large Increase. The children with the most prominent need satisfaction decreases showed a significant decline in out-of-school MVP…
sj-doc-1-epe-10.1177_1356336X211046302 - Supplemental material for One-year stability of physical education-centered physical literacy indicators on objectively measured physical activity
Supplemental material, sj-doc-1-epe-10.1177_1356336X211046302 for One-year stability of physical education-centered physical literacy indicators on objectively measured physical activity by Sami Yli-Piipari, Arto Gråstén, Mikko Huhtiniemi, Kasper Salin and Timo Jaakkola in European Physical Education Review
Physical activity and sedentary time during physical education lessons between different physical activity groups of a sample of finnish 11-year-old students
Problem statement: Insufficient PA is rising concern in modern society. Physical education as a compulsory subject allows all students to engage physical activity. However, the activity levels may vary during the physical education lesson depending on the motivation of students. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the amount of time spent in light physical activity, moderate to vigorous physical activity and sedentary activity by a sample of Finnish fifth grade students during physical education lessons. Approach: A cohort of 407 Finnish students' (177 boys, 232 girls) participated to study. To determine activity, participants wore GTX3 Actigraphs for seven consecutive days.…
Finnish students’ enjoyment and anxiety levels during fitness testing classes
Background: Fitness testing is a commonly applied learning and teaching practice implemented in both secondary and elementary school physical education (PE). Many teachers believe that by using a variety of different tests, they are able to provide students with feedback regarding their fitness status, and furthermore, increase students’ willingness to be physically active later in their lives. However, empirical evidence concerning students’ affective responses during fitness testing classes is limited. Purpose: The primary aim of the study was to investigate whether students’ perceptions of enjoyment and anxiety differed between two different types of fitness testing classes and PE in gen…
Kouluterveydenhoitajien näkemykset oppilaiden toimintakyvyn edistämisestä laajoissa terveystarkastuksissa ja kouluyhteisössä
Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin kouluterveydenhoitajien näkemyksiä peruskoulun oppilaiden fyysisen toimintakyvyn edistämisestä. Tutkimukseen osallistui 192 kouluterveydenhoitajaa, jotka vastasivat anonyymisti sähköiseen verkkokyselyyn. Määrällinen aineisto analysoitiin tilastollisin menetelmin (t-testi, yksisuuntainen varianssianalyysi, kuvailevat tiedot) ja laadullinen aineisto analysoitiin tyypittelyllä ja kvantifioinnilla. Tulokset osoittivat, että kouluterveydenhoitajat kokivat oppilaiden toimintakyvyn edistämisen tärkeäksi, hyödylliseksi ja mielenkiintoiseksi. Tutkimus osoitti myös, että kouluterveydenhoitajien oma liikunta-aktiivisuus oli yhteydessä siihen, miten paljon laajoissa terveysta…
Predicting accelerometer-based physical activity in physical education and total physical activity: The Self-determination Theory approach
The present study tested the motivational model of physical education (PE) including needs for competence, autonomy, social relatedness, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, in-class moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA), and total MVPA. Participants were 490 (264 girls, 226 boys) Finnish elementary school students. The data were collected using accelerometers and questionnaires for a seven-day period during the fall semester 2017. The key findings were that 1) social relatedness associated with total MVPA via in-class MVPA in girls, whereas competence was linked to in-class MVPA through extrinsic motivation in boys, 2) competence was positively linked to extrinsic motivation in a si…
Contrasts in fitness, motor competence and physical activity among children involved in single or multiple sports
Abstract Study aim: While there is wide debate around specialization in one sport, there is a lack of information about fitness levels and motor competence of children participating in single or multiple sports. Material and methods: The study involved 358 fifth-grade children who participated in a set of health-related fitness and motor competence tests over two consecutive years. A subsample of children (n = 109) wore an accelerometer for seven consecutive days. The independent samples t-test and ANCOVA were used to compare differences between single and multi-sport participants in study variables and changes between baseline and follow-up. Results: Multi-sport participants performed bett…
Developmental associations of actual motor competence and perceived physical competence with health-related fitness in schoolchildren over a four-year follow-up
The developmental associations between actual motor competence (MC), perceived physical competence (PC), and health-related fitness (HRF) in schoolchildren were investigated over a four-year period. Participants were 1147 (girls 582, boys 565) schoolchildren aged between 11 to 13 years (M = 11.27 ± 0.33 years) in the beginning of the study. Data were collected at five time points in 2017–2021. MC was measured with three product-oriented (i.e., outcome of the movement) motor competence skill tests: side-to-side jump, five-leaps, and throw-catch. PC was assessed with the Physical Self-Perception Profile. HRF was assessed with the 20m shuttle run, curl-up, and push-up tests. The random interce…
Motor competence, perceived physical competence, physical fitness, and physical activity within Finnish children
The purpose of this study was to investigate reciprocal relationships among students’ motor competence (MC) (leaping, throwing, catching, jumping skills), perceived physical competence, health‐related fitness (HRF) (20 m shuttle run, push‐up, abdominal muscles endurance tests) and objectively measured moderate‐to‐vigorous physical activity (MVPA). Participants included 422 Grade 5 Finnish children (246 girls). Two separate structural equation models investigated paths (a) from MC through both perceived physical competence and HRF to MVPA, and (b) from MVPA through both perceived physical competence and HRF to MC. Model 1 demonstrated an indirect path from MC through HRF to MVPA and a direct…
One-year stability of physical education-centered physical literacy indicators on objectively measured physical activity
One of the central goals of school physical education (PE) is to improve physical literacy in youth to nurture their ability, confidence, and desire to be physically active for life. The aim of this study was to examine the stability of the selected PE-centered physical literacy indicators on school students’ objectively measured moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity (MVPA). This study was a follow-up study tracking a sample of 450 Finnish children ( M = 11.26[0.32]; nfemales = 194; nmales = 256) across upper elementary school from fifth (T1) to sixth (T2) grade. A set of independent variables (motor competence, health-related fitness, in-class PE MVPA, and PE motivation …
Development of Children’s Actual and Perceived Motor Competence, Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Physical Activity, and BMI
Purpose To examine synergistic associations between developmental trajectories of motor competence, perceived motor competence, cardiorespiratory fitness, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA), and body mass index (BMI) from late childhood to adolescence. Methods In this 3-yr follow-up study, motor competence, perceived motor competence, cardiorespiratory fitness, MVPA, and BMI were assessed in 1167 Finnish school-age children (girls = 583, boys = 565; Mage = 11.27 ± 0.33). Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity was measured using hip-mounted accelerometers. Developmental trajectories were analyzed using latent growth curve modeling. Results The development of motor competence, card…
Liikunnan arviointi perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelmassa
Vaikka monissa kouluissa jo tällä hetkelläkin arvioidaan kannustavasti, valtakunnallisesti päättöarvioinnin yhtenäisyydessä on parantamisen varaa. Yhdenmukainen arviointi on oppilaiden oikeusturvan mukaista. Tässä artikkelissa esitellään liikunnan arvioinnin uusia kriteereitä ja annetaan muutamia käytännön esimerkkejä arvioinnista. nonPeerReviewed
Associations among Basic Psychological Needs, Motivation and Enjoyment within Finnish Physical Education Students
The purpose of this study was to analyse the associations between basic psychological needs, motivational regulations and enjoyment within Finnish physical education (PE) students. The participants of the study were 260 Grade 5 students (Mage=11.86, SD=0.28) and 242 Grade 8 students (Mage=14.93, SD=0.37) who completed a questionnaire prior to their regular PE classes. This cross-sectional study incorporated a multigroup structural equation modelling (SEM, path model) separately for Grade 5 and 8 students, using gender as a grouping value. Results indicated that among Grade 5 students autonomy was directly associated with enjoyment. In addition, there was an indirect path from autonomy to en…
Development of accelerometer-based light to vigorous physical activity in fitness profiles of school-aged children.
This study examined the developmental trajectories of light (LPA) and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) in fitness profiles derived from motor competence, perceived motor competence, health-related fitness, and MVPA behaviour. Locomotor, stability, and object-control skills, muscular and cardiovascular fitness, and physical activity were assessed in 510 (girls 285, boys 225) Finnish school-aged children (Mage = 11.26 ± .33 years) over three years. Physical activity was measured using hip-mounted accelerometers. Fitness profiles were identified using latent profile analysis and the development of physical activity levels across four assessments was analysed with latent growth cur…
Stability and transitions in school-aged children's physical education need satisfaction profiles : A latent transition analysis
This study examined stability and transitions of school-aged children's self-determination theory-based need satisfaction profiles in physical education (PE) over three years. Participants were 1121 (girls 573, boys 548) Finnish school children. The self-report data were assessed using identical procedures from 2017 to 2020. Three latent need satisfaction profiles were identified: Low, Mid, and High need satisfactions. Transitions mainly occurred between grade 5 and 6 in elementary school, after which the profile memberships remained relatively stable. The profile memberships were not school- or PE group dependent over time. These results indicate that school-based actions to achieve a posi…
A one-year follow-up of basic psychological need satisfactions in physical education and associated in-class and total physical activity
This study examined basic psychological need satisfactions for competence, autonomy, and social relatedness in physical education (PE) and their contributions to accelerometer-based in-class and total moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) across a one-year follow-up (T1). Participants were 523 students (girls 280, boys 243; mean age = 11.26 ± 0.31) and the data were collected using self-reports and waist-worn accelerometers. The key findings were: (a) competence and social relatedness need satisfaction at baseline (T0) predicted total MVPA at T1 via total MVPA at T0; (b) in-class MVPA at T0 predicted total MVPA at T1 via total MVPA at T0; (c) in-class MVPA was directly associated w…
Syksyn 2020 Move!-mittaukset : istuva elämäntapa näkyy tuloksissa
Move!-mittausten kertoma suomalaisten koululaisten fyysisestä toimintakyvystä on karua. Lihaskunto junnaa paikallaan ja kestävyyskunto heikkenee. Koronakin on voinut osaltaan vaikuttaa vuonna 2020 heikentyneeseen kestävyyskuntoon. nonPeerReviewed
The relationships among motivational climate, perceived competence, physical performance, and affects during physical education fitness testing lessons
Despite the prominence of fitness testing in school physical education (PE), there is a sparsity of research examining the antecedents of students’ affective experiences during fitness testing lessons. This study aimed to investigate the associations among task- and ego-involving motivational climates, perceived physical competence, physical performance, enjoyment, and anxiety during two different types of PE fitness testing lessons. Altogether, 645 Finnish students from Grade 5 (50% boys, Mage = 11.2, SD = 0.36) and Grade 8 (47% boys, Mage = 14.2, SD = 0.35) participated in two fitness testing lessons with different content (lesson 1: 20-meter shuttle run test and a test of flexibility; l…
Predictive Strength of Physical Education-Centered Physical Literacy Indicators on Physical Activity
This study examined the predictive strength of selected physical education (PE)-centered physical literacy indicators on elementary school students’ accelerometer-measured moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity (PA). The study was a cross-sectional study with a sample of 450 Finnish children (M = 11.26 [0.32]; nfemales = 194; nmales = 256). Data on a set of predictor variables (motor competence, in-class PE moderate- to vigorous-intensity PA [MVPA], health-related fitness, and PE motivation and enjoyment) and total MVPA as a single outcome variable were collected. The entire model explained almost 30% of MVPA (R2adj = .298). Cardiorespiratory endurance (β = 0.42, 95% confidence in…
Actual and Perceived Motor Competence, Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Physical Activity, and Weight Status in Schoolchildren : Latent Profile and Transition Analyses
Engagement in physical activity plays a central role in the prevention and treatment of childhood overweight/obesity. However, some children may lack the skills and confidence to be physically active. This 3-year follow-up study aimed to form profiles based on cardiorespiratory fitness, actual motor competence, perceived motor competence, physical activity, and weight status, and to examine if these profiles remain stable from late childhood to early adolescence. All these variables were annually assessed in 1,162 Finnish schoolchildren (girls = 583 and boys = 564, Mage = 11.27 ± 0.32 years). Latent profile analysis was used to identify profiles and latent transition analysis to examine the…
A scalable school‐based intervention to increase early adolescents' motor competence and health‐related fitness
Schools are key settings for the promotion of students' physical activity, fitness, and motor competence. The purpose of our study was to investigate the efficacy of a 5-month-long intervention program that aimed to increase students' motor competence and health-related fitness during school days. We conducted a quasi-experimental study with 325 Finnish Grade 5 (Mage = 11.26, SD = 0.33) students from five schools. Two schools were allocated to the intervention group and three schools to the control group. The intervention consisted of three components: (a) weekly 20 min session during regular PE lessons, (b) weekly 20 min session during recess, and (c) daily 5-minute-long classroom activity…
A school-based quasi-experimental intervention to improve students' motor competence and physical fitness
Background Previous research has shown that school can be an influential context to promote students' physical activity engagement, physical fitness, and motor competence. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of a 5-month-long intervention program that aimed to increase students' motor competence and physical fitness during school days. Methods A quasi-experimental intervention design with pre- and post-tests was implemented. Altogether 325 Finnish Grade 5 (Mage = 11.26, SD = .33) students from five schools participated in the study. At the beginning of the study, students were divided into experimental and control groups on purpose. The intervention consisted of t…
School-Age Children's Actual Motor Competence and Perceived Physical Competence: A 3-Yr Follow-up.
Purpose This study examined school-aged children’s actual motor competence (MC) and perceived physical competence (PC) over three years along with the covariate effects of gender and body mass index (BMI). Methods Participants were 1 121 (girls 573, boys 548) children (Mage 11.26 ± .32) from 35 randomly selected public schools across Finland. MC was assessed using three movement tests targeting locomotor, stability, and object control skills, and PC was assessed using the sport competence subscale of the Physical Self-Perception Profile via four-phase monitoring. Results MC and PC remained stable over time. Of the three variables, locomotor skills showed the strongest association with PC. L…
Longitudinal associations among cardiorespiratory fitness and objectively measured moderate-to-vigorous physical activity of Finnish schoolchildren
Children and adolescents' engagement in physical activity has decreased in most Western countries across the previous three decades. Therefore, increasing number of researchers are investigating antecedents of physical activity engagement in childhood and adolescence. This longitudinal study investigated if cardiorespiratory fitness measured at Grade 5 explained objectively measured moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) at grade 7. nonPeerReviewed
Longitudinal associations among cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness, motor competence and objectively measured physical activity.
Abstract Objectives This study aimed to investigate cross-lagged associations in motor competence, cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular fitness and accelerometer-based moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) engagement. Design One-year prospective follow-up study. Methods A sample was 491 (275 girls; M at baseline = 11.27, SD = .32) Finnish physical education students. Students’ motor competence was assessed by (1) two-legged jumping from side to side test, (2) throwing-catching combination test and (3) 5-leaps test. Their cardiorespiratory fitness was analyzed by a 20-m shuttle run test and muscular fitness by curl-up and push-up tests. Additionally, students’ MVPA was measured object…
Syksyn 2021 Move!-mittaukset : fyysinen toimintakyky heikko kahdella viidesosalla koululaisista
Noin 40 prosentilla viides- ja kahdeksasluokkalaisista fyysinen toimintakyky on heikko. Kahdeksasluokkalaisilla kestävyyskunto on edelleen heikentynyt, mutta viidesluokkalaisilla lasku näytti tasaantuneen. Positiivisia merkkejä näkyy erityisesti poikien liikkuuvuudessa. nonPeerReviewed
Identifying childhood movement profiles and comparing differences in mathematical skills between clusters : A latent profile analysis
The aims of this study were; 1) to identify different movement profiles in sixth graders, and 2) to investigate if there are differences in their mathematical basic (BasicMath) and problem solving (ProbSol) skills between existing movement profiles. The sample included 461 (223 girls, 238 boys) students with a mean age of 11.27 +/- .32 years from southern and middle Finland. A latent profile analysis (LPA) revealed four movement profiles: "poor movers", "average movers", "skilled movers" and "expert movers". These profiles differed substantially in their motor competence (MC) and health-related fitness (HRF). A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) also revealed that "poor movers" and …
Liikuntaa opettavien opettajien ja kouluterveydenhoitajien yhteistyö oppilaiden toimintakyvyn edistämisessä ja Move!-järjestelmän hyödyntämisessä
Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tutkia liikuntaa opettavien opettajien ja kouluterveydenhoitajien käsityksiä moniammatillisesta yhteistyöstä toimintakyvyn edistämiseen ja Move!-mittauksiin liittyen. Kummatkin toimijat ovat keskeisiä oppilaiden toimintakyvyn edistämisessä sekä perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelmaan sisältyvän Move!-järjestelmän hyödyntämisessä. Tutkimus toteutettiin kyselytutkimuksena erikseen kouluterveydenhoitajille (N=192) ja liikuntaa opettaville opettajille (N=359). Määrällisten kysymysten analysoinnissa hyödynnettiin t-testiä sekä yksisuuntaista varianssianalyysiä ja laadullisen aineiston analyysissä teoriaohjaavaa sisällönanalyysiä. Tulosten mukaan korkeintaan noin puo…
Developmental associations of accelerometer measured moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and sedentary time with cardiorespiratory fitness in schoolchildren
Objectives This study examined the developmental associations of accelerometer-based moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and sedentary time (ST) with cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) in schoolchildren. Design A three-year follow-up study. Methods Participants were 446 (girls 57 %) Finnish children (M = 11.26 ± 0.32 years) from 17 randomly selected public schools in Finland. Accelerometer-based MVPA and ST were assessed using waist-worn activity monitors and CRF using the 20 m shuttle run test at four measurement points from 2017 to 2020. The developmental associations were tested using the Random Intercept Cross-Lagged Panel Model (RI-CLPM) reflecting MVPA, CRF, and ST overall leve…
Identifying childhood movement profiles and tracking physical activity and sedentary time across 1 year
Differences in the Physical Activity, Sedentary Time, and BMI of Finnish Grade 5 Students
Background: This study examined the distribution of objectively measured physical activity (PA) and sedentary time of fifth-grade students during school, leisure time, and physical education (PE) classes. Demographic, anthropometric, and PA data were collected from 17 representative Finnish schools. Methods: To estimate the PA and sedentary time, participants (N = 592) wore wGT3X-BT ActiGraphs for 7 consecutive days. Comparisons were made between genders and different BMI groups. Results: From the study sample, 43.7% met the moderate to vigorous PA (MVPA) guidelines. Participants spent 62.2% of the day sedentary and 8.2% in moderate and vigorous activities. Boys performed more MVPA than gir…
Identifying childhood movement profiles and tracking physical activity and sedentary time across 1 year
This study identified movement profiles in childhood and tracked longitudinal changes in moderate‐to‐vigorous physical activity and sedentary time across identified profiles. A sample consisted of 491 Finnish 5th Grade children (girls 275, boys 216; Mage = 11.27 ± .32). A latent profile analysis strategy was used to identify homogenous movement profiles that included measures of motor competence, perceived competence, and cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness. To examine a one‐year changes in moderate‐to‐vigorous physical activity and sedentary time among movement profiles, a mixed between‐within subjects analysis of variance with Tukey's post hoc ‐tests was conducted. Results revealed thr…