Giuseppe Davi
Initial strain effects in multilayer composite laminates
A boundary integral formulation for the analysis of stress fields induced in composite laminates by initial strains, such as may be due to temperature changes and moisture absorption is presented. The study is formulated on the basis of the theory of generalized orthotropic thermo-elasticity and the governing integral equations are directly deduced through the generalized reciprocity theorem. A suitable expression of the problem fundamental solutions is given for use in computations. The resulting linear system of algebraic equations is obtained by the boundary element method and stress interlaminar distributions in the boundary-layer are calculated by using a boundary only discretization. …
A BEM formulation for 2D elastodynamics in the time domain has been presented. The formulation gives a resolving system that involves boundary displacements only. The stiffness and mass matrices of the boundary discretized body are frequency independent, symmetric and positive definite
Stress fields in general composite laminates
A direct approach is employed to obtain a general boundary integral formulation for the analysis of composite laminates subjected to uniform axial strain. The integral equations governing the problem are directly deduced from the reciprocity theorem, employing the generalized orthotropic elasticity fundamental solutions expressly inferred. The solution is achieved by the boundary element method, which gives, once the traction-free boundary conditions and the interfacial continuity conditions are enforced, a linear system of algebraic equations. The formulation does not present restrictions with regard to the laminate stacking sequence and it does not require any aprioristic assumption. The …
Magneto-Electro-Elastic Bimorph Analysis by the Boundary Element Method
The influence of the magnetic configuration on the behavior of magneto-electro-elastic bimorph beams is analyzed by using a boundary element approach. The problem is formulated by using the generalized displacements and generalized tractions. The boundary integral equation formulation is obtained by extending the reciprocity theorem to magneto-electro-elastic problems; it is numerically implemented by using the boundary element method multidomain technique to address problems involving nonhomogeneous configurations. Results under different magnetic configurations are compared highlighting the characteristic features of magnetopiezoelectric behavior particularly focusing on the link between …
Boundary Integral Formulation for Composite Laminates in Torsion
The three-dimensional elastic stress state in a general composite laminate under twisting load is given. The analysis is carried out through an integral equation formulation that is numerically solved by the boundary element method. The integral representation of the elastic behavior is deduced by means of the reciprocity theorem applied to the actual response of each ply and the problem's analytical singular fundamental solutions. The interface continuity conditions due to perfect bonding are considered to complete the laminate mathematical model. The method permits the analysis for generally stacked laminates having general shape of the cross section. By virtue of the formulation characte…
Bending stress fields in composite laminate beams by a boundary integral formulation
Abstract The elasticity of a composite laminate under bending loads is approached through a boundary integral formulation and solved by the boundary element method. The integral equations governing the behaviour of each layer within the laminate, are deduced using the reciprocity theorem. Exact analytical singular solutions of the generalized orthotropic elasticity, i.e. the fundamental solutions of the problem, are employed as the kernels of the integral equation. The formulation does not make any assumption as to the nature of the elastic response and it allows consideration of general section geometries and stacking sequences. The solution is obtained through the enforcement of the inter…
Boundary element modeling and analysis of adhesive bonded structural joints
In this paper, a boundary element technique for modeling and analysis of adhesive bonded structural joints is presented. The formulation is developed in the framework of the anisotropic elasticity and attention is focused on the application to composite structural joints built with the splicing concept technique. To model and analyze composite bonded joints a multidomain implementation of the boundary element method has been used. It has been proven well suited and very effective for the characterization of the mechanical behavior of spliced joints, allowing the analysis of the high gradient stress and strain fields near the splice lines as well as the prediction of the overall distribution…
Electroelastic Analysis of Piezoelectric Composite Laminates by Boundary Integral Equations
A boundary integral representation for the electroelastic state in piezoelectric composite laminates subjected to axial extension, bending, torsion, shear/bending, and electric loadings is proposed. The governing equations are presented in terms of electromechanical generalized variables by the use of a suitable matrix notation. Thus, the three-dimensional electroelasticity solution for piezoelectric composite laminates is generated from a set of two partially coupled differential equations defined on the cross section of each individual ply within the laminate. These ply equations are linked through the interface conditions, which allow restoration of the model of the laminate as a whole. …
Orthotropic plate dynamics by a novel meshfree method
Publisher Summary This chapter deals with a novel meshfree method for the dynamic analysis of orthotropic plates under the Kirchhoff small deflection theory. The approach starts from a modified function whose stationarity conditions lead to the meshfree plate dynamic model through a discretization process—based on the use of orthotropic plate static fundamental solutions. The resolving system obtained is characterized by—frequency independent stiffness and mass matrices, which preserve the symmetry and definiteness properties of the continuum. Moreover, these operators are computed by boundary integrals of regular kernels. The method allows the application of standard numerical routines ava…
General theory for cross-ply laminated beams
We present a general formulation of the elasticity theory of the cross-ply composite laminated beam subjected to various loadings such as axial load, bending moment, shear/bending, and torsion. The formulation is based on the integral equation theory, and a direct approach is employed to obtain the boundary integral equations for the analysis of the laminated beam. The integral equations governing the elasticity problem are directly deduced from the reciprocity theorem, by using the singular solutions of the orthotropic elasticity explicitly derived. The numerical solution is achieved by the boundary element method, which gives, once the traction free boundary conditions and the interfacial…
Boundary Element Method for Composite Laminates
The boundary element method (BEM) is a numerical technique to solve engineering/physical problems formulated in terms of boundary integral equations. Composite laminates are assemblages of stacked different materials layers, generally consisting of variously oriented fibrous composite materials
A regular variational boundary model for free vibrations of magneto-electro-elastic structures
In this paper a regular variational boundary element formulation for dynamic analysis of two-dimensional magneto-electro-elastic domains is presented. The method is based on a hybrid variational principle expressed in terms of generalized magneto-electro-elastic variables. The domain variables are approximated by using a superposition of weighted regular fundamental solutions of the static magneto-electro-elastic problem, whereas the boundary variables are expressed in terms of nodal values. The variational principle coupled with the proposed discretization scheme leads to the calculation of frequency-independent and symmetric generalized stiffness and mass matrices. The generalized stiffne…
A meshfree method for transverse vibrations of anisotropic plates
A meshfree approach, called displacement boundary method, for anisotropic Kirchhoff plate dynamic analysis is presented. This method is deduced from a variational principle, which uses a modified hybrid functional involving the generalized displacements and generalized tractions on the boundary and the lateral deflection in the domain as independent variables. The discretization process is based on the employment of the fundamental solutions of the static problem operator for the expression of the variables involved in the functional. The stiffness and mass matrices obtained for the dynamic model are frequency-independent, symmetric and positive definite and their computation involves bound…
Analytical solution for composite layered beam subjected to uniformly distributed load
ABSTRACTThe article presents an analytical theory for multilayered composite beams subjected to transverse uniformly distributed loads. The formulation is based on a layerwise model characterized by third-order approximation of the axial displacements and fourth-order approximation of the transverse displacements. The layerwise kinematical model is rewritten in terms of generalized variables. The beam equilibrium equations, expressed in terms of stress resultant, allow writing the boundary value governing problem. The layerwise fields are obtained by postprocessing steps. The main advantage is to ensure the accuracy level associated to the layerwise formulations preserving the computational…
Boundary element solution for free edge stresses in composite laminates
The edge-stress problem in multilayered composite laminates under uniform axial extension is analyzed through an alternative method based on a boundary integral formulation. The basic equations of the formulation are discussed and solved by the multiregion boundary element method. Generalized orthotropic elasticity analytic fundamental solutions are employed to establish the integral equations governing the problem. The formulation is absolutely general with regard to the laminate stacking sequence and the section geometry and it does not require any aprioristic assumption on the elastic response nature. This makes the formulation suitable for an investigation of the singular behavior of th…
Abstract A new symmetric and positive definite boundary element method in the time domain is presented for the dynamic analysis of thin elastic plates. The governing equations of the problem are obtained from a variational principle in which a hybrid modified functional is employed. The functional is expressed in terms of the domain and boundary basic variables in plate bending, assumed to be independent of each other. In the discretized model the boundary variables are expressed by nodal values, whereas the internal displacement field is modelled by a superposition of static fundamental solutions. The equations of motion are deduced from the functional stationarity conditions and they cons…
Multidomain boundary integral formulation for piezoelectric materials fracture mechanics
Abstract A boundary element method and its numerical implementation for the analysis of piezoelectric materials are presented with the aim to exploit their features in linear electroelastic fracture mechanics. The problem is formulated employing generalized displacements, that is displacements and electric potential, and generalized tractions, that is tractions and electric displacement. The generalized displacements boundary integral equation is obtained by using the closed form of the piezoelasticity fundamental solutions. These are derived through a displacement based modified Lekhnitskii’s functions approach. The multidomain boundary element technique is implemented to achieve the numer…
BEM Formulation of the Trailing Edge Condition
This paper deals with a BEM formulation of the trailing edge condition to determine the potential flow field around an airfoil. It is seen the trailing edge condition is not sufficient to give an unique solution. It is necessary to assign a further condition to eliminate the nonuniqueness of the solution. The approach allows to adopt a discretization into superior order elements. Some preliminary applications show the validity of the formulation.
An analytical solution for multilayered beams subjected to ends loads
An alternative model for multilayered beams undergoing axial, shear and bending loads applied at the beam's ends is developed. It is based on a layer-wise kinematics, which inherently fulfills the equilibrium equations at layer level and the interface continuity conditions. This kinematics is suitably expressed by introducing a set of generalized variables representative of the beam midline displacement field, which become the primary variables of the problem governing equations. As a consequence, the proposed beam model exhibits the computational characteristics of an equivalent single layer model and possesses the accuracy of layer-wise beam theories, as well. Closed form solutions for di…
A fast 3D dual boundary element method based on hierarchical matrices
AbstractIn this paper a fast solver for three-dimensional BEM and DBEM is developed. The technique is based on the use of hierarchical matrices for the representation of the collocation matrix and uses a preconditioned GMRES for the solution of the algebraic system of equations. The preconditioner is built exploiting the hierarchical arithmetic and taking full advantage of the hierarchical format. Special algorithms are developed to deal with crack problems within the context of DBEM. The structure of DBEM matrices has been efficiently exploited and it has been demonstrated that, since the cracks form only small parts of the whole structure, the use of hierarchical matrices can be particula…
Abstract A method for the prediction of the acoustics of a propeller in the flow-field of a wing is presented. The method is used to study the noise generated by the unsteady loading induced on the propeller as it passes through the wing flow-field. Both the aerodynamic and acoustic methods are previously proven techniques, the aerodynamic method being based on a combination of free wake analysis and a three-dimensional boundary element method, while the acoustic calculation is a full-surface, moving medium form of the Ffowcs Williams–Hawkings equation. Calculations are presented for a reference case of a four-bladed low-speed propeller in forward flight. The acoustic predictions are supple…
Wing pitching and loading with propeller interference
Explicit Kutta Condition for Unsteady Two-Dimensional High-Order Potential Boundary Element Method
An explicit unsteady pressure Kutta condition is discribed that was directly and efficiently implemented in a time domain high-order potential panel method so as to ensure the pressure equality on the upper and lower surfaces at the trailing edge of the airfoil at each time step.
Boundary-layer effects in wedges of piezoelectric laminates
An approach to investigate boundary-layer effects in wedges of piezoelectric laminated structures is presented with the aim of ascertaining the electromechanical response characteristics. The wedge layer behavior is described in terms of generalized stress functions, which lead to a model consisting of a set of three coupled partial differential equations. The strength of the solution singularity is determined by solving the eigenvalue problem associated with the resolving system. The solution of the model is obtained by an eigenfunction expansion method coupled with a boundary collocation technique. Correspondingly, the singularity amplitude is assessed by introducing and calculating the g…