

Stress fields in general composite laminates

Giuseppe Davi


Stress fieldMathematical analysisAerospace EngineeringMethod of fundamental solutionsBoundary (topology)GeometryBoundary value problemComposite laminatesIntegral equationBoundary element methodFinite element methodMathematics


A direct approach is employed to obtain a general boundary integral formulation for the analysis of composite laminates subjected to uniform axial strain. The integral equations governing the problem are directly deduced from the reciprocity theorem, employing the generalized orthotropic elasticity fundamental solutions expressly inferred. The solution is achieved by the boundary element method, which gives, once the traction-free boundary conditions and the interfacial continuity conditions are enforced, a linear system of algebraic equations. The formulation does not present restrictions with regard to the laminate stacking sequence and it does not require any aprioristic assumption. The interlaminar stress field near the free edge of generally stacked composite laminates subjected to uniaxial extension is investigated through this boundary integral equation formulation. The numerical applications show good agreement with those already available in literature, and they demonstrate the accuracy and the efficiency of the proposed method. approach where a complete three-dimensional analysis is performed was presented by Pipes and Pagano,1 who employed the finite dif- ference technique to obtain the solution of the governing elastic- ity equations. Many solutions obtained by using the finite element method are available.2"1() These differ from each other in the formu- lation, in the kind of employed elements, and in the discretization schemes. In the literature analytical solutions of approximate the- ories are also present. The techniques employed to achieve these solutions include the perturbation method,11 series solution,12'13 Lekhintskii's complex stress potentials coupled with an eigenfunc- tion expansion14'15 or a polynomial expansion,16'll the extension of Reissner's variational principle,18'19 and the force balance method coupled with the minimum complementary energy principle.20'21 The stress distributions obtained with these approaches show good agreement between them for points away from the free edge. Con- siderable disagreement exists instead for points near the free edge location among the various numerical and analytical solutions. This is to be expected as a result of a priori assumptions or because the boundary conditions of the continuum problem have been trans- formed into conditions on the generalized data. Actually the numer- ical solution techniques are not able to predict the singular trend in the stress field at the free edge, and hence, to achieve satisfactory solutions a lengthy extrapolation procedure is required. On the other hand, the analytical approximate solutions often rest on assumptions about the problem unknowns that enforce the free edge stress field structure. In the present paper, the stress field in multilayered composite laminates under uniform axial extension is analyzed on the basis of the integral equation theory.22'23 The laminate is considered as composed by prismatic elements having different elastic proper- ties. The generic element or ply is treated as homogeneous, and in terms of constitutive equations it is described by a generalized orthotropic law. The integral equations governing the exact elastic- ity solution of the problem are directly obtained by applying the reciprocity theorem with the fundamental solutions of the general- ized orthotropic elasticity.24"27 The
