Relations among Gauge and Pettis integrals for cwk(X)-valued multifunctions
The aim of this paper is to study relationships among "gauge integrals" (Henstock, Mc Shane, Birkhoff) and Pettis integral of multifunctions whose values are weakly compact and convex subsets of a general Banach space, not necessarily separable. For this purpose we prove the existence of variationally Henstock integrable selections for variationally Henstock integrable multifunctions. Using this and other known results concerning the existence of selections integrable in the same sense as the corresponding multifunctions, we obtain three decomposition theorems. As applications of such decompositions, we deduce characterizations of Henstock and ${\mathcal H}$ integrable multifunctions, toget…
Multifunctions determined by integrable functions
Integral properties of multifunctions determined by vector valued functions are presented. Such multifunctions quite often serve as examples and counterexamples. In particular it can be observed that the properties of being integrable in the sense of Bochner, McShane or Birkhoff can be transferred to the generated multifunction while Henstock integrability does not guarantee it.
Set-valued Brownian motion
Brownian motions, martingales, and Wiener processes are introduced and studied for set valued functions taking values in the subfamily of compact convex subsets of arbitrary Banach space $X$. The present paper is an application of one the paper of the second author in which an embedding result is obtained which considers also the ordered structure of $ck(X)$ and f-algebras.
Integration of multifunctions with closed convex values in arbitrary Banach spaces
Integral properties of multifunctions with closed convex values are studied. In this more general framework not all the tools and the technique used for weakly compact convex valued multifunctions work. We pay particular attention to the "positive multifunctions". Among them an investigation of multifunctions determined by vector-valued functions is presented. Finally, decomposition results are obtained for scalarly and gauge-defined integrals of multifunctions and a full description of McShane integrability in terms of Henstock and Pettis integrability is given.
Gauge integrals and selections of weakly compact valued multifunctions
In the paper Henstock, McShane, Birkhoff and variationally multivalued integrals are studied for multifunctions taking values in the hyperspace of convex and weakly compact subsets of a general Banach space X. In particular the existence of selections integrable in the same sense of the corresponding multifunctions has been considered.
Convergence for varying measures in the topological case
In this paper convergence theorems for sequences of scalar, vector and multivalued Pettis integrable functions on a topological measure space are proved for varying measures vaguely convergent.
Multi-integrals of finite variation
The aim of this paper is to investigate different types of multi-integrals of finite variation and to obtain decomposition results.
Convergence for varying measures
Some limit theorems of the type $\int_{\Omega}f_n dm_n -- --> \int_{\Omega}f dm$ are presented for scalar, (vector), (multi)-valued sequences of m_n-integrable functions f_n. The convergences obtained, in the vector and multivalued settings, are in the weak or in the strong sense.
Some new results on integration for multifunction
It has been proven in previous papers that each Henstock-Kurzweil-Pettis integrable multifunction with weakly compact values can be represented as a sum of one of its selections and a Pettis integrable multifunction. We prove here that if the initial multifunction is also Bochner measurable and has absolutely continuous variational measure of its integral, then it is a sum of a strongly measurable selection and of a variationally Henstock integrable multifunction that is also Birkhoff integrable.