E. Almås

Exploring the relationship between demographic and disease-related variables and perceived effect of health status on sexual activity in patients with axial spondyloarthritis: associations found only with non-disease variables.

To explore the relationship between demographic and disease-related variables and the perceived effect of health status on sexual activity in patients with axial spondyloarthritis (ax-SpA).The study assessed 379 ax-SpA patients consecutively recruited from two rheumatology outpatient clinics. Data collection included information on demographics, markers and measures of ax-SpA disease, treatment, comorbidity, and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) using the Short Form-36. The perceived effect of health status on sexual activity was assessed using question 15 in the HRQoL instrument 15D.The mean age of the patients was 45.6 years, 66.5% were men, 87.3% were human leucocyte antigen-B27 pos…

research product

Psychological treatment of sexual problems. A review of literature published between 2001 and 2010. Presentation of method and preliminary results

ABSTRACTWhile the quality of treatment traditionally has been a reflection of educational diplomas and professional licences, clinicians are now challenged to document treatment methods based on updated research. The American Psychological Association published a report on evidence-based practice in psychology in 2006, where best available research evidence is based on multiple types of research evidence. The report focuses on clinical expertise and patient characteristics, culture and preferences as factors in evidence-based practice in psychology. There has been a call for more randomized and controlled research as basis for evidence for the effect of treatment. The complexity of psycholo…

research product

The debate on medicalization of sexology 2001–2010: a literature study on psychological treatment of sexual problems

The objective of this study is to describe the position of psychological treatment in an era where optimism surrounding pharmacological treatment has raised questions as to whether psychology shoul...

research product

THU0476-HPR Perceived influence of health status on sexual activity in ankylosing spondylitis patients:

Background Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a chronic, systemic inflammatory rheumatic disease which affects the axial skeleton, but may also affect peripheral joints, tendons and internal organs. The disease which begins in the second or third decade may give rise to significant loss of function and impaired quality of life. Sexuality is an important part of quality of life. Only a few studies have explored this issue in AS patients. In a rheumatoid arthritis (RA) cohort, (74% females, mean (SD) age 56.5 (14.2) years), 1/3 of the patients reported their health statues to have a considerable influence on their sexual activity (1). Objectives To examined the impact of perceived influence of he…

research product

La sexologie en Norvège entre 2001 et 2011 : une étude comparative

Resume Les praticiens en sexologie norvegiens ont fait l’objet d’une etude transversale et comparative sur la base de deux enquetes menees en 2001 et en 2011 portant sur leur experience professionnelle, leur formation en sexologie, les approches therapeutiques et les problemes de sexologie clinique rencontres. Les professionnels exercant la sexologie en Norvege sont un petit groupe. L’Association norvegienne de sexologie clinique (NACS) comptait environ 150 membres en 2011. En 2001, un programme de formation continue en sexologie (de deux ans et demi sur un mi-temps) a debute a l’universite d’Agder. Cent soixante-quatre conseillers en sexologie ont ete formes dans le cadre de ce programme d…

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Addressing Sexual Problems After Sexual Violence and Abuse Through a Combination of Trauma Theory and Sex Therapy

research product

THU0469-HPR Sexual perception and sexual problems in patients with ankylosing spondylitis

Background Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a chronic, systemic inflammatory rheumatic disease affecting the axial skeleton, but may also affect peripheral joints, tendons and internal organs. This disease which begins in the second or third decade may give rise to significant loss of function and impaired quality of life. Despite the known importance of sexuality as part of quality of life (1), only a few studies have explored this important issue in AS patients. Objectives To explore sexuality in patients with AS in regard to how satisfied they are with their sexual life and whether the patients think their sexuality is influenced by the disease. Methods This is a prospective, longitudinal,…

research product

Psychological treatment of sexual problems. Thematic analysis of guidelines and recommendations, based on a systematic literature review 2001–2010

ABSTRACTIn order to explore the basis for evaluation of quality in psychological treatment of sexual problems, a literature search, confined to publications between 2001 and 2010, was conducted in 2012. Two hundred sixty one articles were found and ordered according to the subject and type of publication. Thematic analysis of 37 articles on guidelines and recommendations for treatment of sexual problems is presented. Guidelines and recommendations published in the period from 2001 up to and including 2010 provides an overview of the discussion among professionals in the first decade of the 21st century. Six themes are analysed: (1) definitions of male and female dysfunctions, (2) prevalence…

research product

Non-pharmacological treatment of sexual problems – A review of research literature 1970–2008

Summary Based on a review covering 80 research papers selected from a larger material on effect of non-pharmacological treatment of sexual problems, treatment methods and techniques for common sexual problems are presented and the treatment effects are discussed in relation to the specific problem. Treatment methods are organised according to different groups: Psychodynamic, hypnosis, behavioural, cognitive, cognitive-behavioural, educational, marital, group therapy, sex therapy and bibliotherapy. Treatment methods and techniques within each group are described and studies within each group are presented. The results show positive effect for most approaches, but to varying degree. Therapy t…

research product

Traitements non pharmacologiques des problèmes sexuels – Revue de la littérature de recherche (1970–2008)

Resume D’apres une synthese fondee sur 80 articles de recherche selectionnes a partir du plus grand nombre de documents consacres a l’effet des traitements non pharmacologiques des problemes sexuels, les methodes et techniques de traitement pour les problemes sexuels les plus courants sont decrits ainsi que les effet des traitements abordes en rapport avec le probleme specifique. Les methodes de traitement sont organisees selon differents groupes : therapie psychodynamique, comportementale, cognitive, cognitivo-comportementale, educative, de couple, de groupe, hypnose, sexotherapie et bibliotherapie. Les methodes et techniques de traitement au sein de chaque groupe sont decrites et les etud…

research product

THU0573 Association Between Sosiodemogapic Data and Perceived Health Status on Sexual Activity in Patients with Axial Spondyloarthritis

Background Axial spondyloarthritis (ax-SpA) is a chronic inflammatory disorder causing signs and symptoms from the axial skeleton, but may also affect peripheral joints, tendons and internal organs. Ax-SpA may give rise to significant loss of function and impaired quality of life. Despite the known importance of sexuality as part of quality of life (Healey 2009), only a few studies have explored sexuality in ax-SpA patients. Objectives To investigate the association between sosiodemograpic data and perceived health status on sexual activity in patients with ax-SpA. Methods Patients with ax-SpA (fulfilling the axial SpA criteria) were consecutively recruited from one clinic in southern and o…

research product

Sexology in Norway in 2001 and 2011: A comparative and cross-sectional study

Summary In a comparative cross-sectional study Norwegian sexology practitioners have been studied in 2001 and in 2011 concerning professional background, sexology training, therapeutic approaches and clinical sexology problems. The Norwegian sexology professional group is small and the Norwegian Association of Clinical Sexology counted around 150 members in 2011. In 2001, a two-year half time further education program in sexology counselling started at the university of Agder. Since 2001, 164 sexology counsellors have been educated from this program. The objective of the study was to understand how these changes might have influenced the field of sexology in Norway. The participants in the …

research product

Treatment of Traumatised Sexuality

Based on therapeutic meetings with individuals who have experienced sexual violence and abuse, the challenge is how do we help these couples to establish sexual relationships on their own terms, without interference of defence or coping strategies they have used to protect themselves against the overwhelming experiences of violence or abuse in the past? This article will focus on therapeutic work with such couples and how to interact with them and support their efforts to establish satisfying sexual relationships, based on sexological experience as well as experience from work with traumatisation. The basis for our treatment is a modified version of William Masters and Virginia Johnson’s ap…

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